• 富士康索尼惠普等世界知名品牌生产电子元件

    Foxconn produces electronics for some of the world's best-known brands, like Sony and Hewlett-Packard.


  • 由于年收入不足30亿美元,佩罗小得简直不能国际商业机器公司(IBM)以及惠普竞争对手相提并论。

    With annual revenue of less than $3 billion, it is tiny compared with rivals such as International Business Machines and H-P.


  • 包括灯箱片、展板易拉宝多种写真喷绘制作,采用武藤惠普进口高精度设备,力求打造高品质产品

    It includes outdoor billboard, exhibition shelves, display panels, and roll screen. We used high-precision imported equipments such as MUTOH and HP, in order to produce high-quality products.


  • 作为保时捷奔驰宝马法拉利苹果戴尔惠普全世界高端消费品外观御用品牌全球有12个代理点,于2010年首次入驻中国

    As Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Ferrari, Apple, Dell, HP and other special appearance of the world's high-end consumer brand, and its agents in the world 12 points, first entered China in 2010.


  • 20年前杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)辞去金融工作,移居西雅图成立公司车库房子——苹果惠普顶尖公司在车库诞生的。

    WHEN Jeff Bezos left his job in finance and moved to Seattle 20 years ago to start a new firm, he rented a house with a garage, as that was where the likes of Apple and HP had been born.


  • PC笔记本电脑产业已经有一时间捉衿肘了。WindowsOEM戴尔惠普眼看自己盈利之路已随Windows PC和笔记本电脑销量下滑黯淡下去。

    The PC and laptop business has been a race to the bottom for a long time now, and Windows OEMs such as Dell and HP are seeing their profits from Windows PCs and laptops decline.


  • 通过惠普公司增添如此的“广度深度”,还会改善其资金流转利润效率问题。

    It would improve cashflow, margins and efficiency by adding "breadth and depth" to HP.


  • 惠普已经表示WebOS运行于从打印机个人计算机多种设备上。

    HP has already said WebOS will run on multiple devices-from printers to PCs.


  • Drupa2004展览会上,惠普Indigo柯达Nexpress施乐iGen3数码印刷机的展出,在很大程度上打消了人们数码印刷品质的顾虑

    At Drupa 2004 printers concerns about quality were largely dissipated with the quality being shown from HP Indigo, Kodak Nexpress and Xerox iGen3.


  • 从2006年开始惠普12个月内重新设计全部个人电脑产品线,将高效电源更快进入节电休眠模式能力绿色环保功能包括进来。

    H-P redesigned its entire PC product line in 12 months, beginning in 2006, to include green features such as more efficient power supplies and the ability to go into power-saving sleep mode faster.


  • 包括苹果惠普摩托罗拉尼康公司都已经购买了专利许可权

    Several companies have purchased licenses, include Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola and Nikon, the company said.


  • 思科埃森哲惠普甲骨文公司试图从中国智能电网市场中分一杯

    Cisco, Accenture, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle are also vying for a piece of China's smart grid boom.


  • 相比之下,惠普公司2010年半导体支出中的82%到了计算机类产品上,台式机笔记本服务器

    In contrast, 82 percent of Hewlett-Packard's 2010 semiconductor spending was dedicated to computer products like desktops, notebooks and servers.


  • 翻修博物馆资金来自于科技界巨头比尔.盖茨惠普公司电脑芯片制造商因特尔公司捐助

    The revamped home here is financed by donations from technology heavyweights like Bill Gates, Hewlett-Packard and the computer chip maker Intel.


  • 惠普戴尔电脑占有率分别提高到了11.2%和9.7%,方正电子(Founder Electronics)其他本土品牌市场份额则相应出现了缩水。

    Hewlett Packard and Dell, with a market share of 11.2% and 9.7%, respectively, gained last year at the expense of Founder Electronics and other local rivals.


  • 如今,哥斯达黎加已拥有一家英特尔硅芯片生产工厂一系列的医疗设备制造厂许多诸如惠普宝洁跨国公司的后勤部门。

    It is now home to an Intel silicon-chip plant, a cluster of medical-equipment manufacturers and back-office operations of multinationals such as Hewlett-Packard and Procter &Gamble.


  • 不过条路也是充满挑战的,因为亚马逊微软谷歌IBM竞争对手已经主宰市场惠普要想这个领域突破重围并非易事

    Still, that path is a challenging one: Rivals like Amazon, Microsoft, Google and IBM are already dominating the cloud market, and it won't be easy for HP to break through.


  • 唯一可能得益于此类削减其他公司或许戴尔(Dell)惠普(Hewlett-Packard)其他服务器生产商,两家公司似乎都对此兴趣寡然。

    The only other companies who could take advantage of such cuts would be other server-makers like Dell and Hewlett-Packard, and neither looks inclined toward a deal.


  • 戴尔(Dell)惠普(Hewlett - Packard)竞争对手的同级别台式和笔记本电脑价格要得多

    You can pay much less for laptops and desktops from competitors like Dell and Hewlett-Packard.


  • 英伟达声称,故障是由于显卡包装材料导致的。故障影响的笔记电脑涉及惠普戴尔(DellInc.)、苹果(AppleInc.)多家厂商。

    Nvidia has said the defect-which affected laptop PCs from H-P, Dell Inc., Apple Inc., and other vendors-was caused by materials used to package the chips.


  • 微软惠普摩托罗拉爱立信公司爱特信网页上刊登广告。 爱特信公司网页已成为中国受欢迎的网页之一每日访问者达28万人次

    Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, and Ericsson, for instance, all advertise on ITC’s Web site, one of the most popular in China with 280, 000 hits per day.


  • 微软惠普IBM思科,甚至Google其它巨人一样英特尔自然整个高科技行业晴雨表

    Intel, of course, has long been a bellwether for the high-tech industry, along with other giants like Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Cisco and — dare I add to the list — Google.


  • 众多客户均跨国企业,花旗银行摩托罗拉索尼西门子惠普康柏默克化工英国航空公司

    His many clients include multinationals such as Citibank, Motorola, Sony, Siemens, Hewlett Packard, Compaq, Merck and British Airways.


  • 超过70个品牌其中包括联想集团戴尔公司惠普公司三星集团公司,正在争夺中国市场

    More than 70 brands, including big companies such as Lenovo Group, Dell inc, Hewlett-Packard Corp and Samsung Group, are competing for the Chinese market.


  • 产品范围包括适用惠普三星兄弟爱普生松下佳能利盟理光美能达施乐打印机彩色黑白硒鼓和粉盒

    The product range includes suitable for HP, Samsung, Brother, Epson, Panasonic, Canon, Lexmark, Ricoh, Minolta, Xerox and other printer's color, black and white toner cartridges.


  • 管理诸如lvmh惠普蒙牛乳业、招商银行诺基亚索尼客户

    Under her charge were major clients such as LVMH, HP, Mengniu Dairies, China Merchants Bank, Nokia and Sony.


  • 尽管惠普打算重心转移计算增长领域公司计算机销售出现了回升第三季度上升了11.6%。

    HP's computer sales have also rebounded, jumping 11.6% in the third quarter, even as the company looks to shift focus to growth areas such as "cloud" computing.


  • 尽管惠普打算重心转移计算增长领域公司计算机销售出现了回升第三季度上升了11.6%。

    HP's computer sales have also rebounded, jumping 11.6% in the third quarter, even as the company looks to shift focus to growth areas such as "cloud" computing.


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