• 人们总是抱怨疲倦太快;我们觉得世界似乎是全新的,其实仅仅是因为我们忘记了它——人们应该这一点感到惊奇

    One complains of growing tired too quickly, when one ought to be surprised that the world seems new only because we have forgotten it.


  • 我们所生活世界中,惊奇无处不在。

    The world that we live in is full of pleasant surprises.


  • 越来越发现自己世界感到惊奇

    More and more, I found myself amazed at how she saw the world.


  • 历史繁荣这座城市留下许多胜迹其中最令人惊奇算大教堂了,高达528英尺尖顶据说是世界最高的。

    The city still exhibits many remnants of its historic prosperity, but the most striking has to be its cathedral, whose 528ft high spire is said to be the world's tallest.


  • 所以,也许我们可以见证的最后一个潮流,就是没有潮流的世界——充满惊奇原创世界

    So maybe the last trend we will see is a trend toward a Trendless World - full of surprise and originality.


  • 量子世界个小小的令人惊奇称作叠加态状态这种状态下,一个粒子可以同时占据着两种状态

    One of the marvelous little wrinkles of the quantum world is a condition known as superposition, in which a particle can occupy two states at the same time.


  • 成就成为了一个当今世界依然惊奇不已不朽传奇

    Then his achievements became a lasting legacy that amazes the modern world to this day.


  • 今年夏季奥运会上,中国运动员们不仅奖牌数量而且奖牌的种类上都让世界为之惊奇

    In the latest Olympics, the Chinese athletes surprised the world not only with the number of MEDALS they won but also with the categories in which they won them.


  • 只有尊重自己惊奇地发现这个世界赋于你机遇

    When you respect yourself, you'll be amazed at the opportunities the world presents you.


  • 事实上如果今天有人谈论世界最伟大人物没有提到惊奇漫画公司的人物,我会恼火

    In fact, if people talk about some of the great characters in the world today and they don't mention Marvel's characters, I get very upset.


  • 非常令人惊奇我们文化告诉我们我们一直习惯于认为奢侈品必须的,然而我们需要大多数世界东西其实并不是我们要的。看看你的家里现在(或当你回家)。

    It's amazing what our culture has done to us: we have been conditioned to believe that luxuries are a necessity, that we need things that most of the world doesn't even dream of having.


  • 以下日常物品另一面创作出的令人惊奇的艺术作品带来视觉心灵享受,也证明艺术如何带领我们领略世界多彩

    Feast your eyes and soul on these ten amazing artworks, made from otherwise ordinary objects, proof of how art can make us see the world differently.


  • 可能惊奇那么多人把艾西瓦娅·雷看作世界最美女人之一了。

    You would be surprised to see how many people consider Aishwarya Rai as beingthe most beautiful woman in the world.


  • 爱德华把成果图片放到网上,这些作品收到来之世界各地粉丝们感到惊奇评论包括南非男学生一个日本的新闻摄影记者。

    Sharing his images online, Ed's work has drawn amazed comments from fans around the world including a schoolboy in South America and a photojournalist in Japan.


  • 要让电影中,生活不同世界、不同的时代角色同时出现在一部电影,并且让信服,为此,惊奇漫画不得不排除众议。

    Marvel has had to fend off doubts over whether the characters, who live in different worlds and time periods, could co-exist believably in one film together.


  • 灵怪博士近来惊奇漫画世界神秘角色之一,2009年将是生活发生翻天覆地变化的年。

    By far one of the most enigmatic characters as of late in theMarvel Universe, Dr. Strange is in for his own life-changingexperience in 2009.


  • 惊奇他们允许上网,我一直早上6来理清这个世界到底发生了什么

    More surprising, I was allowed access to the Internet, and I stayed up until 6 a.m. trying to figure out what was going on in the world.


  • <看看欧几里德:穿过奇妙数学世界惊奇之行>.

    Here’s Looking at Euclid: A Surprising Excursion Through the Astonishing World of Math.


  • 弟兄们如果世界恼恨你们,不必惊奇

    Wonder not, brethren, if the world hate you.


  • 他的影片在这领域达到了令人惊奇深度一块煎饼般扁平屏幕上魔术师似的变一个散发着恶臭虚拟世界然后邀请观众前来体验

    It boasts a startling depth of field, conjuring a fetid virtual terrain on a pancake-flat screen and inviting the viewer to step inside.


  • 为了帮助揭开蜘蛛世界背后秘密这里列出了10条令惊奇事实

    To help you unfold the mysteries of the arachnid world, here are ten surprising facts.


  • 中国工商银行,这家世界上市值最高银行2007年以55亿美元收购标准银行20%的股份,当时引起了世界各地银行家们的惊奇注意

    WHEN ICBC, the world's biggest bank by value, paid $5.5 billion for a 20% stake in Standard Bank in 2007, bankers around the world sat up and took notice.


  • 如今世界数以千计工程师为Google工作,人们产生这样的印象并不让人惊奇,因为庞大迟缓很难分割开来的。

    But with thousands of engineers across the world it really should not surprise anyone. Big and slow are very hard to cleave apart.


  • 或许是因为目光短浅,或许并不是个文物工作者体现文物所带来那种乐趣还有解开世界文化谜团惊奇

    Perhaps it is because of my short-sighted, perhaps I'm not a cultural worker, not artifacts caused by reflects the kind of fun, as well as unlock the mysteries of the amazing world culture.


  • 今天继续至少一部电影,仍然是世界第一动作明星永远不会停止惊奇观众

    Today, he continues to make at least one film a year and remains the world's number-one action star, never ceasing to amaze his audience!


  • 而另一个令人惊奇的数据是,有5800万自称祖上是英国人——IPPR因此测算,英国向移民现在居世界第三仅次于印度中国

    Surprisingly, 58m people outside the country claim British ancestry-and that, reckons the IPPR, makes the British diaspora the third biggest in the world, behind only India's and China's.


  • 而另一个令人惊奇的数据是,有5800万自称祖上是英国人——IPPR因此测算,英国向移民现在居世界第三仅次于印度中国

    Surprisingly, 58m people outside the country claim British ancestry-and that, reckons the IPPR, makes the British diaspora the third biggest in the world, behind only India's and China's.


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