• 但是阅读这些小说让人有些兴奋——巧妙情节巴洛克风格以及沉重绝望气息

    But there's a thrill in reading these stories-in the artful plots, the often baroque style, and the thick air of desperation.


  • 阅读那些送到电影公司的脚本,写关于它们情节基调方面报告帮助电影公司决定它们是否值得制作出来

    You'll read scripts that are sent to the studio, report on the plot and tone, and help determine if they're worth producing.


  • 本能良好线性阅读使读者完全沉浸故事情节中,而也正是所有好的作者具备技能

    Writing linear books simply requires a skill that all good authors already possess: the ability to keep readers immersed in the plot.


  • 2010年电子书阅读器飞速发展的情节还会三个方面大大增加。

    This fast-moving plot will thicken in 2010, in three ways.


  • 如果文学方面文章教授故事情节概述;如果你写关于某种理论文章,别给教授交一份你为了门课程专门阅读的某一篇理论性文章的要点

    If you are writing about literature, do not give your professor a plot summary; if you are writing about some kind of theory, do not give the main points of a theoretical essay you read for the class.


  • 情节读起来像是出自于计算机朋中篇小说可能激发技术控的阅读

    Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.


  • 总之,比起电影更青睐阅读小说因为原著可以获得更多趣味有意思情节还有就是比起电影小说更加有趣体验

    To sum up, I prefer to reading a novel to watching a movie because I can get more joy, more interested plots, and more fantasy experience from reading novels than watching movies.


  • 本文通篇都透。所以如果没有看过梦空间》这部电影,请不要阅读本文,原因:一、在本文中揭露影片的主要情节;二、如果你没有看过电影,本文读起来将完全不合情理

    This entire post is a spoiler. Stop reading if you have not seen Inception, because 1 I will reveal major plot points and 2 It will make no sense.


  • Aybar女士一家非盈利教育机构工作,她说:“比起通过iPad阅读觉得融入纸质情节当中。”

    I feel more connected to a book than I do through the iPad,” said Ms. Aybar, who works at an education nonprofit group.


  • 所以如果没有看过梦空间》这部电影,请不要阅读本文,原因:一、在本文中揭露影片的主要情节;二、如果你没有看过电影,本文读起来将完全不合情理。

    Stop reading if you have not seen Inception, because 1) I will reveal major plot points and 2) It will make no sense.


  • 既然许多评论者已经详细讨论本书情节线,我会谈谈自己总体印象认为这本书是十分的言,带给是一失望阅读

    Since many reviewers have discussed the story line in detail, I will stick with my overall impressions of what I consider an extremely over hyped disappointing read.


  • 但是尽管有时候想法故事情节不同我会继续阅读一个情节,我会发现书中的情节是如此合情合理。

    However, even though sometimes my thought is not the same with the story's, when I go on to read the next plot of the article, I will find the plot is perfectly and reasonable.


  • 这项快速练习有助于阅读理解能使你记住更多情节

    This quick exercise will help you both understand while you are reading, and remember more of the plot.


  • 完整地阅读莫言小说,有明显文本重复现象,人物性格故事情节艺术感觉情境氛围多是自我重复

    A thorough reading of Mo Yans novels testifies such textual recurrences, as in characters personalities, story plot, artistic feel, and circumstance ambience.


  • 一幕剧搬上舞台本书供人阅读故事情节展开方式当然有所不同

    The method for unfolding the course of a plot must in some ways be different in a play meant for acting and in a book meant for reading.


  • 阅读过后,孩子们尝试不同角色形态动作并且表演了剧中的一个主要情节

    After the reading, the students played at conjecturing the shapes and the movements of the different characters, and we staged a key moment in the play.


  • 第二部分结合文本阅读,分析福楼拜死亡意识小说中的具体表现,冷漠淡然的语言、独具匠心情节、命途多舛的人物三个方面阐述

    The second part will combine the reading of text and concrete manifestation about awareness of death in the novel, to illustrate the three aspects from the language, plot, characters.


  • 人们每天花上几个小时阅读,根据情节

    People would spend hours reading books and traveling to lands far away in their minds.


  • 戏剧表演经验广博阅读现在派上了用场,使她掌握了一些戏剧效果为她提供情节语言服装

    Her experience and miscellaneous reading were of service now, for they gave her some idea of dramatic effect, and supplied plot, language, and costumes.


  • 距离”重涵义分别体现人物关系情节处理时间关系阅读经验上。

    "Close focus" consists of four implications which are embodied by relationship between characters, management of plot, connection of time periods, and reading experience.


  • 故事出现美国父母孩子们阅读彼此聊天夜间和陌生人公共汽车上关于情节人物

    Across the us, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and character.


  • 人们阅读一部优秀戏剧情节一样,拳击新手们揣摩阿里—弗雷泽的交手那是拳击史上伟大的几次比赛。

    Students of boxing will pore over the trio of Ali-Frazier fights, which rank among the greatest in fistic history, as one might read three acts of a great drama.


  • 情节曲折,命运坎坷,情感波澜阅读抑扬等名词抽象,学生不易理解

    The complicated plot, the setback fate, the wavy emotion, the restrained and spreading reading are not easy to be understood for students.


  • 毕业堂课,老师发给每位学生乔治·奥威尔(英国小说家)的《动物庄园》,要求用分钟的时间阅读完毕,之后老师会检测其中情节每一个细节

    To graduate from that class, he was given a copy of George Orwell's Animal Farm and had three minutes to read it before being tested on every detail.


  • 根据亲子共同阅读本书续编依据情节制作一本独有自制书籍读书月结束时全园分享展览。

    According to a book which parent-child has read in common, and makes the continuation of the serial or the self made books uniquely.


  • 阅读困难之一在于确保我们记住情节细节尤其阅读别的语言时,我们留意单个句子而不是整个故事

    One difficulty when reading, especially in another language where we are paying more attention to each individual sentence than to the whole story, is making sure we remember the details of the plot.


  • 了解电影情节其实并不需要清楚的知道每个单 词,但附上英语对白的话帮助你更好的理解也是锻炼阅读一个很好的办法

    You don't need to be able to understand every word to understand what is happening in a movie. Turn on the English Subtitles to help with understanding - this is a great way to practice reading also.


  • 有些栏目非常有特色给人印象深刻,比如说推荐阅读栏目中,可以找到很多好书情节作者简介我们的阅读提供了很好的指导。

    Some feature programs impress me a lot. For instance, in Recommneded Read , you can find some recommended novels or books with brief introductions to its synopsis and author;


  • 有些栏目非常有特色给人印象深刻,比如说推荐阅读栏目中,可以找到很多好书情节作者简介我们的阅读提供了很好的指导。

    Some feature programs impress me a lot. For instance, in Recommneded Read , you can find some recommended novels or books with brief introductions to its synopsis and author;


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