• 这本开始情节展开得很慢渐渐地就把给完全吸引住了。

    The book starts slowly, but it gradually draws you in.


  • 随着电影继续故事情节展开

    The story unfolds as the film goes on.


  • 随着影片的放映,故事情节展开了。

    The film had a rather tired plot.


  • 确定情节展开时间地点以及使用多少种不同背景设置

    Determine when and where the action will unfold and how many different Settings will be utilized.


  • 良秀形象是小说故事情节展开中心有着非常重要地位和意义。

    When drawing a Jigokuhen Hell Screen under orders, The character of Liangxiu's daughter, as the center of the plot, plays a very important role in the whole story.


  • 该剧主要围绕原著童话中的情节展开王后嫉妒白雪公主美貌,因而猎人追杀白雪公主。

    The plot revolves around the traditional tale of the queen becoming jealous of Snow White's beauty and sending the huntsman to kill her.


  • 一幕剧搬上舞台本书供人阅读,故事情节展开方式当然有所不同

    The method for unfolding the course of a plot must in some ways be different in a play meant for acting and in a book meant for reading.


  • 苹果情节展开史诗般的叙事,非常有趣,特别是回首公司时候两点更为有趣。

    So, this unfolding of the plot and the epic story has been very, very interesting to watch, especially if you look back to that time when he came back to the company.


  • 尽管小说大多数时候他们相隔两地,但威尔的渴望应当推动情节展开叙述动力(narrative drive)。

    Although for most of the story the two are parted, Will's pining for his true love should provide the novel with its narrative drive.


  • 开始草稿之前,编制笔记文件夹流程图不仅策划故事情节而且关乎情节展开更为微妙层面比如人物情感或者记忆

    Before he begins a draft, he compiles folders of notes and flow charts that lay out not just the plot but also more subtle aspects of the narrative, such as a character's emotions or memories.


  • 故事情节逐渐展开小女孩入迷地听着

    The girls listened in fascination as the story unfolded.


  • 段灰暗而感伤情节慢慢展开最后是不可避免幼稚可笑的结局。

    A sordid, sentimental plot unwinds, with an inevitable mawkish ending.


  • 伙伴们》[1970]一部“概念音乐剧”。它没有具体情节,故事围绕一些人物主题展开

    Company (1970) was a "concept musical", a show centered around a set of characters and themes rather than a straightforward plot.


  • 据报道,埃尔罗伊先生故事情节大纲展开有几百,确实也是这样。

    Mr Ellroy's plot Outlines reportedly run into the hundreds of pages, and it shows.


  • 电影情节沿着一条漫长而拐弯抹角路线展开时,正如很多海员你讲的那样,“明星”航行中最必不可少的。

    When a plot takes a long, tortuous route, then-as any mariner will tell you-stars are essential for navigation.


  • 找出可以采取有意义行动不用去顾及具体情节展开

    Figure out actions you can take that make sense irrespective of which scenario plays out.


  • 但是死亡看起来像是错误的开始——说是一段特别的应该展开故事情节

    But her death nonetheless seemed like the wrong outcome-an instant that could have gone differently, a story that could have unfolded otherwise.


  • 想起电视节目上展开情节可怕事件了吗?

    Remember the terrible accident that opened each episode of the old television show?


  • 通常故事情节展开路线大致概念,“但往往却是的,”她说。

    She starts with a rough notion of how the story will develop, 'which usually turns out to be wrong, ' she says.


  • 随着小说情节展开读者发现发烧只是身体病状

    As the stories unfold, the reader discovers that fever is not just a symptom of physical illness.


  • 孩子喜欢妈妈讲故事她们使用有趣声音不同角色“配音”,或者使用自己发出的“特殊音效”来展开故事情节

    The best storytellers were mothers who used funny voices to illustrate different characters or made their own special sound effects to keep the story moving.


  • 电影中的角色经常沉默不语,情节也是无声中展开,听见只是哨声水滴声尤其是钟表嘀嗒声。

    In Mr Bergman's films, characters would often be silent, or scenes would unroll with no sound but the whimper of wind, the drip of water or, especially, the tick and chime of watches and clocks.


  • 埃利亚斯•利的《仿佛一直睡》随着一位年轻黎巴嫩妇女梅丽雅梦想苏尔结婚方式展开情节

    ELIAS KHOURY’S “As Though She Were Sleeping” follows Meelya, a young Lebanese woman, as she dreams her way into marriage with Mansour.


  • 埃利亚斯•仿佛一直睡》随着一位年轻黎巴嫩妇女梅丽雅梦想苏尔结婚方式展开情节

    ELIAS KHOURY's "as Though she Were Sleeping" follows Meelya, a young Lebanese woman, as she dreams her way into marriage with Mansour.


  • 研究人员,孩子喜欢听妈妈讲故事,她们使用有趣声音不同角色配音,或者使用自己发出的特殊音效展开故事情节

    The best storytellers were mothers who used funny voices to illustrate different characters or made their own special sound effects to keep the story moving, researchers said.


  • 斯奈德故事情节一路追随着斯金纳爵士乐时代后裔珀尔(Pearl)冒险经历展开。珀尔是好莱坞地下酒吧舞厅的常客,梦想有一天成为明星

    Snyder's storyline will follow the adventures of Skinner's Jazz Age descendent Pearl, a frequenter of Hollywood's speakeasies and dance halls who dreams of becoming a star.


  • 斯奈德故事情节一路追随着斯金纳爵士乐时代后裔珀尔(Pearl)冒险经历展开。珀尔是好莱坞地下酒吧舞厅的常客,梦想有一天成为明星

    Snyder's storyline will follow the adventures of Skinner's Jazz Age descendent Pearl, a frequenter of Hollywood's speakeasies and dance halls who dreams of becoming a star.


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