• 具体设计中,我们针对电子书籍本身特点进行有效的设计,以充分展现电子书籍情景交融的艺术设计优势

    In design, we must aim at the characteristic of E-book itself to carry on the effective design, and fully exhibit the advantages of E-book.


  • 作品注重情景交响乐紧密结合音乐表现细腻传神通篇作品情景交融浑然一体

    The work pays attention to the close combination of scene and symphony, the music shows detailed and vivid performance, the whole work achieves a high degree of artistic integration scenario.


  • 好的情景交融写法这样一所恐怖房间里,匹普彻底瞧不起自己

    It was a very good scene of writing, in such a horrible room, look down upon himself.


  • 数码图形艺术已经超越传统主、 客相对式审美方式,在很大程度上实现了欣赏层面的主、 客互动情景交融

    The art of digital graphics has surpassed the traditional aesthetics of setting subject against object, and realized the interactivity and blending of subject and object.


  • 同时,人情化自然景色描绘使梵语诗歌的自然景色、自然美和人情美兼而有之,情景交融中自然流露出人们对自然和谐关系追求

    The personified description of natural scenery characterizes Sanskrit Poems of both natural scenery beauty and humanistic beauty, and tell poets' pursuit of harmonious relation between man and nature.


  • 意境创造实质并不仅仅在于情景交融在于创造“象之象”,境界能够读者带入一个广阔遐想空间。

    The essence of imagery lies not simply in a fusion of feelings with scenes, but more in creating "images beyond images" that is, realm, which can provide readers with a vast imaginary sphere.


  • 意境创造实质并不仅仅在于情景交融在于创造“象之象”,能够读者带入一个广阔遐想空间

    The essence of ideorealm creation lies not simply in a fusion of feelings with scenes, but more in creating "images beyond images", which can provide readers with a vast imaginary sphere.


  • 她最精彩描写都是土地劳动景色心中美好感情溶于一体,情景交融美不胜收

    A few descriptive paragraphs are devoted to integrating her affections with land, labor and landscape. The feelings are melting into the scenes, so fascinating.


  • 达到故事里,故事人中……情景交融,意义非常

    To reach people in the story, the story of the people...... scenes are very meaningful.


  • 《怀楼轴》充分体现出唐寅绘画情景交融诗画共汇艺术风格

    The art style of Tang Yin is represented by "Huailoutu", in which feelings mingle with scenes and poems mingle with drawings.


  • 根据书籍本身的内容受众做有针对性的适量设计使情景交融互相影响和作用;

    Do Suitable design according to the book itself and the audience, so that books and people mingled with each other in influence;


  • 纪游写景生动地描绘了自己行踪见闻不同角度观察刻画不同的景物通篇写景,或情景并写,都能做到情景交融

    The poems which describe his whereabouts and knowledge portray a different scene from different angles. Some of them describes the scenery entirely, and some describes the scenery and the emotion.


  • 今天这个架式就像神话中的天兵天将会腾云驾雾他们飞奔漫天飘洒雪花中,就是情景交融立体画。

    See today this posture, like the mythical mountain day, walking, say they play play snow ice, snow flew in the air, is a fusion of three-dimensional painting.


  • 水景意境指水景客体审美主体有机统一生成的情景交融境界

    Waterscape is a state in which the object waterscape and the aesthetic subject wanderers share the organic unification and perfect harmony.


  • 清代文论视野中的情景论,主要三个面上展开:一是对情景交融探讨

    The feeling and setting criticism of literary theoretical eyesight in the Qing Dynasty mainly expand in three aspects: the conferring to feeling and setting happily blended;


  • 清代文论视野中的情景论,主要三个面上展开:一是对情景交融探讨

    The feeling and setting criticism of literary theoretical eyesight in the Qing Dynasty mainly expand in three aspects: the conferring to feeling and setting happily blended;


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