• 一次情感事件(有时就连未成年人也无法幸免)引发大脑变化也许会导致成熟焦虑症

    Yet an emotional event, even minor sometimes, can induce brain changes that might lead to full-blown anxiety.


  • 始于人类历史开端音乐一直世界重大文化情感事件中占据如此重要地位。这项发现为此提供生物学上的解释

    The findings offer a biological explanation for why music has been such a major part of major emotional events in cultures around the world since the beginning of human history.


  • 女人男人哭得频繁更激烈尤其面对情感事件的时候。

    Women cry more frequently and intensely than men, especially when exposed to emotional events.


  • 统计分析表明通常如果工作中的事件涉及认知情感动机那么更易被员工关注感知。

    Our analysis revealed their inner work lives - the usually hidden perceptions, emotions and motivations that people experience as they react to and make sense of events in their workdays.


  • 我们记忆唤起情感的时候,我们的大脑没有立刻反映,它们分辨不出真实虚幻的事件

    Where our memory recall of emotions is concerned, our brains don't bother with linear time, nor do they distinguish between real and imaginary events.


  • 最近埃及事件来看,一种超现实距离感个人情感里面。

    Watching recent events in Egypt I have had a sense of both surreal distance and of personal connection.


  • 所有这些事件之后沉寂只是加剧了人们对此的情感

    The official silence over these events only inflamed feelings.


  • 他们逃避令人想起某个事件场景情感,他们总是感到激动

    They avoid situations or feelings that remind them of the event, and they feel keyed up all the time.


  • 今天发生事件不论是身体还是情感上的,都使受到不少打击

    The events of the day, both physical and emotional, are taking their toll on her.


  • 地点也是仔细选择,希望抚平那些因双塔后续事件带来情感创伤

    The site was selected in part precisely so that it might heal some of the wounds opened by the felling of the twin towers and all that followed.


  • 情感痛苦任何数目事件引起一位所爱的人去世分手别人无心残忍

    Emotional pain is caused by any number of events: death of a loved one, a breakup, thoughtlessness or cruelty on the part of others.


  • 这场判决有情感证言证据包括图形文本信息照片视频以及社会媒体事件16岁醉酒受害者的报道。

    The trial featured emotional testimony and evidence that included graphic text messages, photos, videos and social media posts of the incident and of the drunken 16-year-old victim.


  • 信念认为,为了要真正认识一切对象事件甚至一切情感直观、一件表象等背后真理我们必须进行反复思索

    And that is the conviction that to get at the truth of any object or event, even of feelings, perceptions, opinions, and mental ideas, we must think it over.


  • 发现社论中的人际意义主要体现作者对于社会事件态度评价通过情感判断、鉴别三手段共同作用实现

    The findings are: the interpersonal meanings are mainly embodied by the author's attitude evaluation on social events, which are realized by the methods of attitude, judgment and appreciation.


  • 同时压力也是引起情绪情感变化一个重要原因不同情景事件使人们感受到不同压力

    At the same time, the stress is an important reason to cause emotion change, the different scene or the event cause the people to feel the different pressure or stress.


  • 情感敏捷回避八卦回避戏剧事件一样果断

    Emotionally acute people sidestep gossip as determinedly as they skirt drama.


  • 类型发展性创伤通常损害儿童获取社会方面情感方面学习方面等重要事件能力

    This type of developmental trauma often impairs the child's ability to reach social, emotional and academic milestones.


  • 发生重大人格变化时,通常观察到激烈的情感内心感受到事件

    When major personality change occurs, intense, emotional, inwardly felt events are usually observed.


  • 接下来几天亲人安全情感责任问题过去事件遗忘金钱感情可能需要澄清

    Over the next few days loved ones security and emotional duty will be at issue: past events or long forgotten financial and emotional debts may require clarification.


  • 镜头语言情感表达之间是否有之四海而皆准规律可遵循?只是创作中作者灵感突发的一种偶然事件

    Dose a immovable rule of emotional expression of camera language exist? Or it is depend on the fortuitous inspiration of the author?


  • 想法常常是描述事件而不是情感他们开头或者他们会that这个单词,thatIfeel that”(我觉得……)中一样。

    Thoughts will often describe an event instead of a feeling, or they will start off with "I think" or they will use the word that as in "I feel that."..


  • 张亚男,腾讯公关危机确实做得糟糕,事件可能使QQ用户公司看法相信转变情感抵制

    Tencent 'really did a poor job in managing this public relations crisis' and the incident might 'change QQ users' view toward the company from trust to emotional resistance, ' Zhang said.


  • 我们越是检视自己态度并且更加努力工作自己,我们就容易激烈情感反应垮,反应当中我们只会那些不邀自来事件寻找容易解释

    The more we examine our attitudes and work on ourselves, the less we are apt to be swept away by stormy emotional reactions in which we seek easy explanations for unbidden events.


  • 观察视点社会转向自然,从重大历史事件转向平凡生活场景,从追求崇高理念展示情感沉淀内心世界

    Observer visions from the community to natural, ordinary and from major historical events to life scenes from the pursuit of lofty ideals to display the inner world feelings sedimentation.


  • 冲突的形成来自于事件安排强化情感浓缩时间

    Intensification is achieved by arranging incidents so as to intensify emotion and condense time.


  • 文字已经从最早用于事件记载的载体,逐渐演化成为人类用来感知世界传达情感工具

    The character has been used to record events by human, now it has gradually evoluted to a tool of human to percept the world and convey emotion.


  • 文字已经从最早用于事件记载的载体,逐渐演化成为人类用来感知世界传达情感工具

    The character has been used to record events by human, now it has gradually evoluted to a tool of human to percept the world and convey emotion.


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