• 介绍刚刚结束的中国巴基斯坦自贸谈判具体情况

    Q: Could you share with us more information about the Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiation between China and Pakistan which has just concluded?


  • 本文介绍复合材料防护涂层湿热海洋性气候条件下腐蚀性自然环境试验情况结果进行分析

    This text introduce the situation of natural environmental anticorrosive test of composite materials and it's coat on the Marine climate condition. And analysis the result of test.


  • 介绍了我一代短期气候预测综合业务系统设计思路、系统结构、系统功能研制情况

    The thinking, structure, function and so on about the integrated operational system of new generation on short - term climate prediction are introduced.


  • 介绍广州开发医院住院楼预应力混凝土管桩试验处理情况

    Introduced the static load test and processing circumstance of prestressed concrete pipe - pile which used in GuangZhou Development Zone Hospital.


  • 介绍了采用平流-混凝气浮-焦炭过滤工艺处理渣油含油废水工程情况该工艺处理后废水达到国家一级排放标准。

    The paper introduces the project of treatment of the oily waste water in the residue oil tank zone by advective separation of oil-blending and solidification gas-floating-coke filtration process.


  • 本文介绍连铸铸坯表面温度测量系统测量方法实际应用情况

    The application and measuring method of a slab surface temperature measuring system for secondary cooling zone of continuous casting are introduced.


  • 本文介绍黄埔林业有害生物发生危害情况

    The occurrence and damage of the forestry pests in Huangpu district were intro - duced.


  • 王明宝占儒介绍煤集团“两综合治理改造以及平旺改造工作情况

    Ming Bao introduced to Xue Zhanru with the Coal and other "two areas" comprehensive management transformation and the transformation of Pingwang the case of urban areas.


  • 本文简要地介绍了世界主要通过甘蔗抗病育种成功地控制重要病害流行情况

    It covers in this essay a brief introduction about how to have successfully controlled the epidemics of major sugarcane disease through breeding in the major sugarcane planting countries.


  • 第二部分对广州南沙供水管理体系基本情况进行了介绍分析

    Part II gave the introduction and analysis of the supplying water administration system in Nansha district.


  • 通过介绍住宅生态园之规划设计构思建设情况,对居住环境设计及园林风格营建进行探讨研究。

    This essay makes an exploration and study on the landscape design and construction of housing district by briefly introducing Huajing Ecological Garden.


  • 介绍苏州市中心污水管网完善工程实施基本情况

    The improvement of sewage pipe net and the basic condition before the implement of individual households project in urban central area of Suzhou were introduced in this paper.


  • 通过介绍GPS定位技术辽河海南3施测应用情况分析了GPS布设基线解算及网平差数据处理等过程,并对数据处理过程中容易产生的问题提出了相应的解决办法。

    This paper introduces application of GPS fixing technology in Liaohe well block Hainan 3, analyzes GPS layout, baseline resolving and processing of net adjusted data.


  • 介绍了胜利油田151火成岩油藏开发情况,并钻井工程设计方式进行了优化。

    This paper describes the development history of igneous rock reservoir in Luo 151 area of Shengli Oilfield. Drilling engineering design and well completion method are optimized in the area.


  • 本文介绍了KL 0305a室内性能评价结果克拉玛依油田南注入处理应用情况

    This paper presents the results of laboratory evaluation of KL0305A for corrosion and scale inhibitory properties and the field use in water treating plant of South District of Karamay.


  • 本文介绍C4梳棉机分梳工艺试验情况

    Proceeding an experimental analysis on carding technology of C4 card.


  • 介绍了历年来江苏制定向井轨迹控制情况

    This paper reviewed the hole trajectory control of three interval profiles directional Wells that drilled in past years in Jiangsu exploration area.


  • 介绍光谱辐照度动态测量系统,适用曳光管等瞬变光源红外光谱辐射情况进行动态分析。

    A new Spectrometer is introduced. It is specially designed for dynamically analyzing radiance of near-infrared instant light source.


  • 结合密闭装车自控系统广州石化乙烯应用情况介绍该系统在油品装车应用可行性以及取得的良好经济效益和社会效益。

    Taking this system with applied in ethylene unit as an example, the system's feasibility in gasoline load and the good beneficial result is introduced.


  • 介绍克拉玛依油田浅层稠油井井眼轨迹控制情况

    This paper introduces the control of cluster well trajectory for shallow viscous crude oil in District-9, Karamay Oilfield.


  • 本文首先介绍了高升油田热采试验蒸气吞吐的试验情况增产效果

    This paper gives a brief description of the steam soak technique used in the pilot area in this oilfield, indicating that successful stimulation results have been obtained.


  • 介绍湛江红树林保护鸟类资源特点变化情况提出了一些可行保护措施

    This paper provides a description of the characteristics and the dynamics of bird resources in the reserve and puts forward some feasible protection measures.


  • 文章介绍世界自然保护分布和近年的增长情况以及目前所采取的保护措施

    In this paper a review is made of the distribution, increment and new protection measures of nature reserves of the world.


  • 非常高兴能够借此机会各位朋友介绍青岛市以及青岛市正在重点开发建设中的国家高新技术产业开发情况

    I am very pleased to take this opportunity to introduce you the city Qingdao and the city? S national hi-tech industrial development zone, which is under significant construction.


  • 非常高兴能够借此机会各位朋友介绍青岛市以及青岛市正在重点开发建设中的国家高新技术产业开发情况

    I am very pleased to take this opportunity to introduce you the city Qingdao and the city? S national hi-tech industrial development zone, which is under significant construction.


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