• 请问设施诊断患者治疗特定的呢?

    Does your facility treat patients only for this specific diagnosis?


  • 研究作者建议老年肾衰竭患者治疗首选移植疗法

    Elderly kidney failure patients should consider transplantation over other types of treatment, suggested the study authors.


  • 增加材料强度(腿骨折患者治疗一周可以站立)。

    First, they add to the material’s strength (a patient with a broken leg should be back on his feet as soon as a week after treatment).


  • 社会工作者帮助收集这些患者治疗决策需要信息

    A social worker helps gather the information people need to make decisions about their care.


  • 公私混合如何提高诊断治疗质量它如何下放权力便利患者治疗

    How does PPM enhance the quality of diagnosis, treatment, decentralize and make treatment conveniently accessible for patients?


  • 结果通过治疗笔记干预,糖尿病患者治疗依从性明显提高

    Results Intervention by notes of diabetes significantly increases treatment compliance of patients.


  • 良好护理可以减少并发症发生,有利于患者治疗康复

    Good nursing may reduce the complication and is favourable for patients during treatment and recovery.


  • 目的了解综合性心理干预2型糖尿病患者治疗过程中的作用

    Objective To assess the effect of comprehensive psychological intervention for patients with type 2 diabetes.


  • 目的观察特发性视神经炎(ION)患者治疗色觉损害情况。

    Objective To detect the color damage in patients with idiopathic neuritis (ION) after the treatment.


  • 我们调查患者治疗取得很好的效果,受到称赞

    We survey patients pre and post treatment, and have had excellent results and compliments from all patient groups.


  • 目的通过局部浸润注射兰麻来观察急性牙髓炎患者治疗麻醉疗效。

    Objective Observation anesthesia therapeutic effect of acute pulpitis patients by injecting Articaine with local infiltration.


  • 许多患者治疗时喜欢一些用药那么治疗尖锐湿疣用药主要有哪些

    Many patients like to use some external use, then the treatment of condyloma of the external use of drugs mainly what?


  • 治疗方法决定给药途径静脉输液成为了中晚期癌症患者治疗肿瘤主要手段之一

    Treatment decides the route of administration, so intravenous infusion has become one of the main means of treatment of cancer for the medium and advanced cancer patients.


  • 患者治疗纤维肌痛代价昂贵困难因为这种疾病只能减轻不可能完全治愈。

    Treatment of fibromyalgia patients can be costly and difficult for doctors, because the pain only lessens. It never goes away completely.


  • 方法采用拟中草药方治疗为基础,治疗风湿性对比分析患者治疗前后临床症状

    Methods: The self-made Chinese herbal was used to treat rheumatic pain, comparative analyzed clinical symptoms of patients improving before and after treatment.


  • 其次尽管对于预约转送患者治疗免费NHS每年用于支付患者治疗还是有限的。

    Secondly, although treatment is free to patients at the point of delivery, the NHS has a limited amount of money available each year for treating patients.


  • 主要观察指标患者治疗前后A行为量表精神超脱量表评分A型行为发生率比较

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Comparison of scoring of TABQ and mental detachment scale and incidence of type-A behavior before and after therapy in patients between two groups.


  • 系统设备之间操作不一致性增加阳性警报,从而导致患者治疗管理错误有些错误甚至可能致命

    Operating inconsistencies among systems and apparatus that increases the rate of false positive alarms leads to errors in patient care management, some of which are possibly fatal.


  • 干扰素还有尖锐湿疣患者治疗时候多数采用干扰素治疗,干扰素治疗不是唯一根治该病药物。

    Interferon: there are also the majority of patients with condyloma condyloma treatment is the use of interferon therapy, interferon therapy is not the only cure the disease of the drug.


  • 同样原因“挂病人床头的”老式病历更有用这样的病历里只有那些医生觉得患者治疗直接重要性的信息。

    These same reasons are why that chart "at the foot of the bed" was so useful: it included only what the doctors felt was directly important to patient care.


  • 关于霍勒里斯机器或者现代意义上的计算机有时医生更好地制定患者治疗方案的观点目前已得到广泛认同。

    The idea that Hollerith machines (or computers, to give their modern name) might sometimes be better than doctors at deciding how to treat a patient is now universally accepted.


  • 方法应用超声多普勒系统测量18自体LAK细胞治疗的慢乙肝患者治疗前后门静脉血流动力学参数

    Methods The changes of portal hemodynamics were measured by using ultrasonic Doppler system in 18 patients with CHB before and after treatment with self LAK cell infusion.


  • 不过,如果结果阳性会造成对其他发热疾病患者治疗不当,某种程度上会造成药品浪费,加重穷国负担

    False positives, however, may misdirect the treatment of people who are suffering from other fevers. They also waste drugs in a way that poor countries can ill afford.


  • 关于促红细胞生成素- A (EPO - A)应用创伤患者治疗急性现存临床证据14篇已发表文献

    The existing evidence on the early use of EPO-A in the acute phase of trauma patients management consists of only 14 publications.


  • 美国糖尿病前期患者治疗干预就是国家健康协会测试一种模式的延伸,这种模式在过去年里将糖尿病可能性降低了58%。

    United’s intervention for pre-diabetics is an expansion of a model tested by the National Institutes of Health, which reduced the likelihood of developing diabetes by 58% over three years.


  • 治疗之后患者他人隔离31个

    Patients will be isolated from other people for between three days and one month after treatment.


  • 贯穿这部连续剧另一主线医生们心理疾病患者治疗过程中的作用

    Another thread running through this series is the role of doctors in the treatment of the mentally ill.


  • 达喀尔精神病患者定期参加艺术治疗课程帮助治疗精神疾病

    In Dakar, psychiatric patients attend regular art therapy classes to help treat mental disorders.


  • 表明修复性治疗可能帮助晚期损伤患者获得更好生活质量

    This would indicate that reparative therapy has the potential to help patients with advanced brain trauma to gain an improved quality of life.


  • 表明修复性治疗可能帮助晚期损伤患者获得更好生活质量

    This would indicate that reparative therapy has the potential to help patients with advanced brain trauma to gain an improved quality of life.


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