• 另一名报料说,梅森仍然穿脏兮兮T恤连帽外套,趿拉着令恶心的人字拖,”好像没有“变成衣着光鲜、大腹便便那种CEO。”

    Another source says Mason "still wears grungy old band t-shirts and hoodies and disgusting flip-flops" and doesn't seem like he's "turning into this snazzy, d-baggy CEO kind of guy."


  • 水仙花往往感到恶心呕吐痉挛腹泻

    Daffodil bulb diners tend to experience nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea.


  • 称为“湿”,爆炸性的近乎呕吐的体验保证会任何一个在身边感到恶心

    This is called a "wet burp", an explosive near-vomit experience guaranteed to gross out anyone who is around you.


  • 但是大多数有良知,当看到动物权益积极分子最近孵化场录制的雏鸡活活碾碎的视频感到恶心震惊。

    But like most people of conscience, I was sickened and horrified to see the recent video taken by animal rights activists of baby chicks being ground alive at an egg hatchery.


  • 怀孕妇女小孩那些免疫系统比较差的群更加容易发生食物中毒这些食物中毒可以导致恶心呕吐腹泻发烧肢体疼痛等疾病。

    Pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to food poisoning, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and body aches.


  • 运动强度超过2T磁场中的能够感到眩晕恶心有时候口中金属味道有视闪烁感。

    A person moving within a field above 2 t can experience sensations of vertigo and nausea, and sometimes a metallic taste in the mouth and perceptions of light flashes.


  • 是个动物王国非常形象生动塑造每个形象。但那些酷爱恶心角色扮演的实在是令讨厌事实上只会让震惊不愉快。

    Nasty looking passion of presenting nasty impersonations of the animal kingdom in a very vivid representation, this one can actually get you unpleasantly surprised.


  • Goby声明中说“受沙门氏感染通常会发热腹泻(可能伴随便血)、恶心呕吐腹痛的感觉。”

    According to their statement "persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain."


  • 但是看见地图恶心虽说智能值得我们学习,我就是看不惯地图。

    But I see it breaking on the map nausea, although he's worthy of our artificial intelligence to learn, I Kan Buguan This is the map.


  • 年级心目中的朋友那个愿意体育馆里跳方块时与你交换舞伴摆脱讨厌尼克恶心的苏姗

    In fourth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who was willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck do-si-doing with Nasty Nicky or Smelly Susan.


  • 如果口香糖,一张糖果包装烟蒂,那么你就是恶心的丢垃圾的。你应该你自己感到耻辱。

    If you've ever thrown even one piece of gum, paper, candy wrapper, cigarette butt, etc on the ground, you're a disgusting litterbug, and you should be ashamed of yourself.


  • 生活于平地的一旦暴露海拔环境,因为缺氧立即会出现高原反应:恶心眩晕乏力

    A lowlander exposed to the low oxygen concentrations of high elevations can quickly fall victim to altitude sickness, whose symptoms include nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.


  • 瑞典研究报告说饮用饱腹感较为强烈,其他研究员认为之所以会有这种效果,是因为醋会令感到恶心

    Swedish researchers also reported higher feelings of satiety in those drinking vinegar, though other researchers have attributed this effect to feelings of nausea from drinking the liquid.


  • 皮肤色泽浅的往往更易得病且严重程度可轻微潮红触痛剧痛水肿直至起泡不等有时还伴有休克发热恶心

    More common and severe in light-skinned people, it ranges from mild redness and tenderness to intense pain, edema, and blistering, sometimes with shock, fever, and nausea.


  • 服用Acomplia的患者中9.4%出现包括头晕恶心焦虑、情绪失落头痛的严重不良反应,而对照组出现这些不良反应的比例2.1%。

    Adverse effects include dizziness, nausea, anxiety, depressed mood and headaches and were found to be at 9.4 percent for those on Acomplia and 2.1 percent for those on placebo.


  • 底下不约而同屏住呼吸,这时广场上安静得连针到地上的声音都可以听见感觉恶心想吐,拼命祈求千万不要,千万不要是我,千万不要是我。

    The crowd draws in a collective breath and then you can hear a pin drop, and I'm feeling nauseous[1] and so desperately hoping that it's not me, that it's not me, that it's not me.


  • 根据荷兰2002年一项研究大约3%休假时候会患上Q“休闲”,症状包括浑身乏力肌肉疼痛恶心呕吐以及一些类似感冒的症状。

    Some 3% of the population suffers from 'leisure sickness' when they go on vacation. Symptoms include fatigue, muscle pain, nausea and flu-like symptoms, according to a 2002 study in the Netherlands.


  • 根据荷兰2002年一项研究大约3%休假时候会患上Q“休闲”,症状包括浑身乏力肌肉疼痛恶心呕吐以及一些类似感冒的症状。

    Some 3% of the population suffers from 'leisure sickness' when they go on vacation. Symptoms include fatigue, muscle pain, nausea and flu-like symptoms, according to a 2002 study in the Netherlands.


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