• 过度捕捞环境恶化破坏渤海生态系统的结构,使生物群落生产力下降,生态系统的稳定性转差。

    Over exploitation and environmental degradation have broken down the Bohai Sea ecosystem, and reduced its resilience and stability.


  • 应对破坏世界粮食经济环境恶化的过程中,我们连续失败迫使得出这样一个结论:这种崩溃有可能发生的。

    Our continuing failure to deal with the environmental declines that are undermining the world food economy forces me to conclude that such a collapse is possible.


  • 但是事情依然恶化栖息地遭到破坏,持续增加人们正在不断掠夺野生动物的生存空间资源

    Yet things are still getting worsehabitats are still being destroyed, and a growing, richer population is taking space and resources away from wildlife.


  • 有没有过那种感觉,或许你做的的某个事破坏谈话(甚至使你们关系恶化! ?)

    Do you ever get the feeling that maybe something you did or said sabotaged your conversation or worse, your relationship!


  • 幸运尽管印度东北部中部恶化无疑是破坏性的,但可能不会为印度新一轮对女孩重视观念的侵蚀做开头。

    With luck, the deterioration in North-East and central india-damaging though it will certainly be-may not mark the start of a fresh erosion in the value of Indian girls.


  • 智利国内一些挪威公司也开始在这些破坏峡湾里养殖鲑鱼,更糟糕是,跟其它密集型动物农业一样,鲑鱼水产业产生大量的废弃物,使水质恶化、缺氧,造成一种致命鲑鱼病毒的广泛传播,这些鲑鱼养殖公司的做法不过是简单再向南,直到干净无污染水域再开始养殖,因为他们已经取得整个南部峡湾的所有水体的新租赁权

    The solution of the salmon-farming companies has simply been to move south into clean waters. Already the companies have taken out new leases on stretches of water throughout the southern fjords.


  • 现在开始担忧如果加沙冲突继续恶化那些不足道的成就将会破坏

    Now he fears that his modest successes there may be undermined if the violence in Gaza continues.


  • 对于任何可能导致事态恶化升级破坏地区和平稳定行为中方都坚决反对毫不含糊

    China firmly and unequivocally opposes any action that may lead to deterioration and escalation of the situation or undermine peace and stability in the region.


  • 苹果公司售出了许多音乐但是唱片公司却声称iTunes摧毁唱片专辑概念破坏它们已经恶化的财政状况。

    Apple sold lots of music, but the music labels claimed that iTunes had destroyed the concept of the album and damaged their already deteriorating bottom lines.


  • 因为我们环境遭到破坏,我们的生活条件随之日益恶化

    Our living conditions are getting worse and worse because of the destruction of our environment.


  • 他们破坏空气砍伐森林,使环境恶化越来越严重

    They damage the air, forests and worsen environment is more and more serious.


  • 作用加剧路基路面结构破坏加快路面使用性能恶化缩短道路的使用寿命

    The function of water will exacerbate the destruction of pavement structure, speed up the deterioration of pavement performance and shorten the life of the road.


  • 我国西北地区生态环境恶化严重,湖泊缩小或干涸,沙漠化日益严重,主要原因人满为患、人为破坏

    Overcrowded with people and human destruction has been leading to ecological deterioration in northwestern China, which appears as desert encroachment and lake drying up.


  • 垦荒导致地表植被、土体结构破坏,使区域内生态环境日趋恶化

    Waste land reclamation leads to destroy of vegetation and soil structure, deteriorate local ecological environment day by day.


  • 由于长期植被破坏严重水土流失黄土高原土壤环境恶化容置疑的事实

    It is a indubitable fact that the deterioration of soil environment in loess plateau is caused by the long — standing destruction of vegetation and the serious erosion of soil and water.


  • 希望铭记,分离破坏过程不再进一步恶化,对联合体未来而言至关重要

    But I would like you to bear in mind the importance for the future of the commonwealth that the process of disintegration and destruction does not grow worse.


  • 我们破坏环境行为也许子孙后代留下的是日益恶化生存空间

    Our environmentally harsh actions might leave our next generation a deteriorating living space.


  • 开发建设项目造成这种人为破坏更加剧环境恶化

    The artificial destruction by creating the items of basic construction intensified the environment worsening.


  • 全球环境严重破坏迫使各国立法者不得不采取各种法律保护措施限制环境的进一步恶化

    Serious damage to the global environment, forcing national legislators to take a variety of legal protection measures to limit further deterioration of the environment.


  • 河道边坡结构破坏,加剧了生态环境恶化

    The river slope environment was deteriorated by the ruin of the river slope.


  • 人和自然关系这个古老课题近年自然生态破坏人类生存环境恶化再次成为热点

    The relation of human and nature is an old subject. Because natural ecology is destroyed and life environment is worsened, it becomes hot spot in recent years.


  • 一历史时期峪河上游植被破坏,直接导致流域生态环境恶化

    During this period, the destruction of the vegetation in Wenyu drainage area leads to the ecology environment depravation of the area.


  • 随着全球气候变暖人为破坏加剧该区生态环境日趋恶化

    With global warming, and the human destruction intensified, local ecological environment is getting worse.


  • 糖尿病非常具有破坏因为这种逐步恶化疾病会造成许多器官损伤症状也会时间加重。

    He said that diabetes is so devastating because it's a progressive illness that does lots of organ damage, and the disease gets worse with time.


  • 资源环境人类赖以生存基本条件煤田火区灾害破坏了资源恶化了环境。

    Resources and environment are essential to survive of human being. However, coal fire results more lose of natural resources and environment degradation.


  • 基础设施开发受到巨大修复本钱制约由于我们缺乏维修能力,而且过往二十多年的内部冲突带来恶意破坏,使得情况大大恶化

    The development of infrastructure is constrained by the high capital cost of restoration, brought about by the lack of maintenance and exacerbated by wanton destruction over two decades of conflict.


  • 正常病病毒多节化具有了破坏能力的时候,这些疾病开始出现;接着导致不可避免的致命的迅速脑部恶化

    They occur when normal prion proteins become knotted and resistant to being broken down, and cause rapid brain degeneration that is inevitably fatal.


  • 严重水土流失不但可以导致生态环境恶化而且表土层破坏,会使土地生产能力下降,影响农业生产。

    The water and soil loss not only bring on entironment worsement, but also reduced the capacity of ground yield by destroy surface layer of soil.


  • 严重水土流失不但可以导致生态环境恶化而且表土层破坏,会使土地生产能力下降,影响农业生产。

    The water and soil loss not only bring on entironment worsement, but also reduced the capacity of ground yield by destroy surface layer of soil.


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