• 韦恩.杰佛瑞一家建筑公司经理人,莎拉该地区的其他一些建筑商因为需求不景气而正让他们的工人回家,丈夫的那家公司到明年中期还有一工程没有知道此后发生什么

    She says her husband's company has projects through the middle of next year. But no one knows what will happen after that.


  • 最后一点差别存在德哥尔摩比率研究机构公职竞争中,尼古拉·伯格·瑞恩同事简要阐明了这一点。

    That last distinction also applies to elections to public office, as was neatly demonstrated by Niclas Berggren, of the Ratio Institute in Stockholm, and his colleagues.


  • 沙漠中,布瑞吉特将马丁身份证交给了盖恩交易结束,狙击手射中了布瑞吉特,她倒在地上

    In the desert, Bridgit gives Gaines the id. Once the exchange is made, Bridgit drops to the ground having been shot by a sniper.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波维克,研究生·安德瑞恩•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 这种表情转换很快,却足以鲍尔怀疑撒谎,瑞恩蒙了。

    The micro expression lasted just long enough for Bauer to suspect Hensley was lying, and he and Ryan were being manipulated.


  • 长着头篷松头发弗兰西人伊万·多尔记得年前兄弟瑞恩驾驶一辆1981产的VW大巴车驶哥伦比亚的这座城市。

    Evan Dore, a shaggy-haired native of San Francisco, remembers driving through this part of Colombia four years ago with his brother, Ryan, in a 1981 VW bus.


  • 弗瑞特德曼·格雷厄姆的恋爱关系已经保持25年了谈到和金恩的深厚友情时忍不住情绪激动起来。

    Winfrey, who has been dating Stedman Graham for 25 years, gets emotional when she tries to explain her deep connection with King.


  • 盖恩沙漠小屋,因为盖恩索要更多金钱换取贝尔金的身份证曼迪与布瑞吉特争论起来。布瑞吉特恳求曼迪为了她们的爱情支持,她们亲吻了起来

    At Gaines' desert house Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin's I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her and the two kiss.


  • 盖恩沙漠小屋,因为盖恩索要更多金钱换取贝尔金的身份证曼迪布瑞吉特争论起来。布瑞吉特恳求曼迪为了她们的爱情支持,她们俩个亲吻了起来

    At Gaines' desert house, Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin's I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy's love for her, and the two kiss.


  • 弗瑞和特德曼·格雷厄姆的恋爱关系已经保持25年了谈到和金恩的深厚友情时忍不住情绪激动起来

    Winfrey, who has been dating Stedman Graham for 25 years, gets emotional when she tries to explain her deep connectionwith King.


  • 瑞恩·威尔逊完美地演绎影片中的大反派盖拉克只长着四只眼的外星爬虫

    Rainn Wilson is the perfect voice for Galaxhar, a four-eyed, reptilian villain from space.


  • 首先,特别感谢妻子伊娃还有我的孩子们鲁、、瑞恩、玛雅、诺埃。 我他们每一个人。

    I am deeply grateful for my wife, Eva, and my kids (Chloe, Justin, Rain, Maia, Seth and Noelle) … I love them all, overwhelmingly.


  • 首先,特别感谢妻子伊娃还有我的孩子们鲁、、瑞恩、玛雅、诺埃。 我他们每一个人。

    I am deeply grateful for my wife, Eva, and my kids (Chloe, Justin, Rain, Maia, Seth and Noelle) …I love them all, overwhelmingly.


  • 沙漠中,布瑞吉特马丁的身份证交给了盖恩

    In the desert, Bridgit gives Gaines the id.


  • 沙漠中,布瑞吉特马丁的身份证交给了盖恩

    In the desert Bridgit gives Gaines the id.


  • 马克·戴维与对手傅家俊比赛中,以决胜局的杆105分取胜;安德鲁·希金森则送走了瑞恩·戴伊尽管最高一杆仅有59分

    Mark Davis compiled a break of 105 in the deciding frame of his match against Marco Fu and Andrew Higginson saw off Ryan Day 53, despite a highest break of only 59.


  • “家里孩子学生时代家族企业工作比例差不多100%,”FamilyBusinessInstitute总裁韦恩•瑞表示,“有些事情的。”

    "The rate of children working for the family business while students is virtually 100%, " said Wayne Rivers, president of the Family Business Institute. "There's always something to do."


  • 盖恩曼迪发出指示,搞定布瑞吉特,后者要求添加100万美元作为送来马丁·贝尔金身份证的酬劳。

    Gaines orders Mandy to handle Bridgit's request for an additional million dollars as payment for the delivery of Martin Belkin's I.D. card.


  • 盖恩同意再给曼迪布瑞吉特100万美元他们三人进入沙漠中藏着身份证

    Gaines agrees to give Mandy and Bridgit the extra million dollars and the three of them go into the desert night to reclaim the hidden id card.


  • 盖恩同意再给曼迪布瑞吉特100万美元他们三人进入沙漠中,去取藏着身份证

    Gaines agrees to give Mandy and Bridgit the extra million dollars, and the three of them go into the desert night to reclaim the hidden id card.


  • 一对幸福的小夫妻(·范恩瑞茜·威瑟)在圣诞节里,他们必须去分别拜访由于离异而分居在四处家长

    A happily unmarried couple (Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon) spend Dec. 25 with each of their four postnuclear families.


  • 周二年届75岁的杰瑞·伯克41岁妻子唐恩,有了一名新生儿子莱恩

    Gerry Burks, who will be 75 on Tuesday, has a newborn son, Ryan, with his wife Dawn, 41.


  • 多佛空军基地周三加入到首席特种作战操作员威廉瑞恩欧文家属中间,我们丧生的英雄回家

    At Dover Air Force Base on Wednesday, I joined the family of Chief Special Warfare Operator William "Ryan" Owens as our fallen hero was returned home.


  • 不管怎样,泰瑞双胞胎弟弟泰欧都要经历他们祖先磨难,是阿纳瑞欧挥动盖恩之混乱力量战斗带给家族的。

    Whatever happens, Tyrion and his twin, Teclis, suffer under the curse of their forefather, brought down upon the family when Aenarion drew Khaine's blade to fight the forces of Chaos.


  • 伊恩。道瑞新加坡东南亚研究学院地区分析人士,他说本次演习“旨在中国发出一种信号越南拒绝任人摆布。”

    The exercise "is designed to send China a message that Vietnam refuses to be pushed around, " said Ian Storey, a regional security analyst with the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.


  • 残奥会冠军·皮托利叔叔指控侄子周四预谋射杀女友瑞瓦·史蒂恩卡姆帕毫无意义的。

    An uncle of the Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorious says there is no substance to allegations that his nephew shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in a premeditated killing on Thursday.


  • 由于加州公务员退休基金首席执行官瑞德·布恩洛因此事被起诉,利亚洛沃先生否认自己曾做过此事

    Mr Villalobos has denied any wrongdoing, as has Fred Buenrostro, a former CalPERS chief executive who was also named in the suit.


  • 由于加州公务员退休基金首席执行官瑞德·布恩洛因此事被起诉,利亚洛沃先生否认自己曾做过此事

    Mr Villalobos has denied any wrongdoing, as has Fred Buenrostro, a former CalPERS chief executive who was also named in the suit.


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