• 指出传统测试最能评估分析语言技能无法衡量创造力实践知识,而这些也是解决问题和实现成功关键因素

    Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.


  • 信件摘录一时间激情爱恋出版伊丽莎白·泰勒,理查德·伯顿以及作家萨姆·卡斯南希·世纪婚礼。

    Excerpts from the letters will be published for the first time in Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century by authors Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger.


  • 但直到本周野猪洛斯的辛德福德为了自由,不顾一切逃脱,消失森林,又引起轰动,上了头条新闻

    Only this week a wild boar made the headlines when it broke for freedom at Cinderford, in Gloucestershire, and vanished into the undergrowth of the Forest of Dean.


  • 曾和爱娃·布劳及其姐妹·布劳一起坐在敞篷车意大利”。

    One time we went off to Italy together with Eva Braun and her sister Gretel in an open-topped car.


  • 12岁卢西·乔治伦敦北部格特小学学生钻研波兰中欧野生动植物注意到这些错误

    Lucian George, 12, a pupil at Highgate Junior School in North London, was delving into the volumes on Poland and wildlife in Central Europe when he noted the mistakes.


  • 弗瑞德曼·雷厄姆的恋爱关系已经保持25年了谈到和金深厚友情时忍不住情绪激动起来。

    Winfrey, who has been dating Stedman Graham for 25 years, gets emotional when she tries to explain her deep connection with King.


  • 弗瑞和斯德曼·雷厄姆的恋爱关系已经保持25年了谈到和金深厚友情时忍不住情绪激动起来

    Winfrey, who has been dating Stedman Graham for 25 years, gets emotional when she tries to explain her deep connectionwith King.


  • 克里斯·教授伦敦自然史博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 伦·镜像世界中就着重描写过风险

    Mr Gelernter highlighted this risk in "Mirror Worlds".


  • 歌曲的数字灌录披头士乐队的成员保罗·麦考尼、瑞恩格·斯塔尔以及约翰·列侬遗孀大野洋子乔治·哈里森监制

    The remastering is being supervised by Beatles Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono and George Harrison.


  • 想象自己从位于林市的家里出来,开车切斯市上班,以及一路上看到每一处景象…我可以这样消磨掉4个小时

    I pictured myself leaving my house in Lynn and driving to Gloucester and every sight I'd see on the way... I could lose four hours just like that.


  • 1998年HBO推出一部电视电影“RatPack ”(鼠帮)片中雷利·奥塔(图左)扮演弗兰克辛纳那(图右)乔伊·蒙·纳扮演马丁钱德尔扮演小萨米·戴维斯。钱德尔后来因在片中的表演获得金球奖

    S the Rat Pack was another HBO offering which starred Ray Liotta, Joe Mantegna and Don Cheadle as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. Cheadle won a Golden Globe for his performance.


  • 那天·雷斯打开·理查兹店门时,还是镇上孤单

    Pete Richards was the loneliest man in town on the day that little Jean Grace opened the door of his shop.


  • 连字符理由雷西·麦克雷迪、德维·韦德德隆·威廉姆斯、德里克·罗斯杰森·基德拥有大致相同绰号

    Hyphenates: There is no earthly reason that Tracy McGrady, Dwyane Wade, Deron Williams, Derrick Rose, and Jason Kidd should all have basically the same nickname.


  • 随着上赛季二月份凯文马丁加盟以及在前锋位置上已有雷沃。阿里扎、巴蒂2009年二新秀蔡斯巴丁,这个位置上阵容厚度变得更深

    The position became deeper during the season with the February addition of Kevin Martin to go with small forwards Trevor Ariza and Shane Battier, and 2009's other second-round pick, Chase Budinger.


  • 地处太平洋,偏居一隅,人群混杂自然而然形成了别具一的皮

    The isolation of Pitcairn in the South Pacific and the mixture of people there made it a natural breeding ground for a distinct language, Pitkern.


  • 费得任何准备,没去看望英里之遥一家

    There were no preparations at Thornfield, and no visits to the Ingram family, who lived only a few miles away.


  • 之后,卡斯于小巨角先生所述,1868年夸纳险些与卡斯决斗。

    That was one year before Custer's death at Little Bighorn; according to Mr Gwynne, Quanah had almost fought Custer in 1868.


  • 人形阿金根据画家·麦凯丽尔·惠拉奇的概念画草图设计的。

    The humanoid Argente was designed in concept sketches by artists Iain McCaig and Terryl Whitlatch.


  • 得知格特尔斯利用种瘟疫爆发控制默里迪星区后,达拉率反抗

    When she learned that Getelles had used an outbreak of the Death Seed plague to gain control of the Meridian sector, Daala threw in her lot with the forces that opposed him.


  • 另一个回归角色罗斯·饰演的CIA莫伊拉·马克塔格特

    Another returning character is Rose Byrne's CIA agent, Moira MacTaggert.


  • 研究人员希望继诺贝尔奖获得者詹姆士弗朗西斯。科里克,亚瑟。科之后DNA结构复制领域有所重大发现

    The researchers built on fundamental discoveries on the structure and replication of DNA made by Nobel laureates James Watson, Francis Crick and Arthur Kornberg.


  • 吉凯终端给予进入利森系统软件罗彻美国他们齿轮设计他们利用瑞士厄利空系统,这合适

    GKN have a terminal giving access to the Gleason system software in Rochester, USA, for designing their gears, though they also use the Swiss Oerlikon system where this more appropriate.


  • 张未注明拍摄日期、里昂布尔拍卖公司五月十六发布的照片中,展示了威廉戈纳所创作发表部分诗选。

    This undated photo was made available on May 16, 2008, by auction company Lyon &Turnbull. It shows part of a collection of works written and published by William McGonagall.


  • 诺尔曼?求于1890年出生加拿大安大略省雷文赫

    Norman Bethune was born in Graven Hurst, Ontario, Canada in1890.


  • SpaceX公司总裁·萧威尔否认任务失败下周进行一次发射

    The president of SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell, denied that the mission had failed and said another launch would be attempted next week.


  • 这一年,史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯凭借电影拯救大兵夺得奥斯卡最佳导演奖。此片的主演汤姆·汉克斯当时年仅28岁的马·达蒙

    Steven Spielberg won the Oscar for best director for the film Saving Private Ryan, starring Tom Hanks and a 28-year-old Matt Damon.


  • 这一年,史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯凭借电影拯救大兵夺得奥斯卡最佳导演奖。此片的主演汤姆·汉克斯当时年仅28岁的马·达蒙

    Steven Spielberg won the Oscar for best director for the film Saving Private Ryan, starring Tom Hanks and a 28-year-old Matt Damon.


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