• 出于好奇,拜访了塞恩兹·布雷,我把手伸进蟋蟀里,它们眼睛很小

    Out of curiosity, I paid a visit to Sainz Breeze as I put my hand into a packet of crickets with their tiny eyes and legs.


  • 商店为了减少能耗,定期检修一个空调系统。

    As part of the store's bid to cut its energy use, every one of those rooftop AC units was checked and repaired.


  • 只有海滩上发现破碎主桅是她遭遇可怕命运的明证。

    Only the shattered remains of its top-mast were found on a Guernsey beach as evidence of its terrible fate.


  • “埼彩珠利加恩兹虽然实力从来没有获胜过

    "The Beijing color bead advantage adds Enzi" the son island great road, although has the strength, actually has not won.


  • 上述是丽莎·的观点,内向者在表达观点之前会先思考一遍。

    Neil: Lisa Kaenzig there - who says that introverts think about what they're going to say before they say it.


  • 怀俄明州参议员支持在健保问题实行两党合作少数共和党人之一

    Senator Mike Enzi of Wyoming is one of a handful of Republicans who has been discussing a bipartisan approach on health care.


  • 美国人民面对着急速增长保费高额的免赔额,”恩兹在其办公室份声明中说道

    "Americans face skyrocketing premiums and soaring deductibles," Enzi said, according to a statement from his office.


  • 在这之前我们听听纽约州威廉•史密斯学院研究学者院长丽莎·告诉我们什么典型的内向者

    But before we get there, let's listen to Lisa Kaenzig, researcher and Associate Dean for William Smith College, New York State, telling us a bit more about what being an introvert typically means.


  • 有趣是,灵感来自马斯生活两个亲近的女人,现任妻子伊丽莎白与他们住在一起曾经学生奥丽芙·柏恩兹

    Interestingly, she was inspired by two of Marston's loves: his accomplished wife, Elizabeth; and a former student of his, Olive Byrne, who lived with the couple.


  • 许多国会议员一样,今年八月国会休会期间市民会议上听取了选民关于健保问题意见许多意见都是负面的。

    Like most members of congress, Enzi heard from constituents at town hall meetings during the August congressional recess about the health care issue, and he says many of the comments were negative.


  • ·雷佩奇认为自行车行业前景如何

    What is the prospect of the bike industry according to Ryan Rzepecki?


  • 其中最大的个挑战就是马林斯曼,他年轻参议院议员并且自封为“茶叶党9/12运动的创始者”(一个福克斯新闻集团格莱贝克发起反对税收的运动)。

    Chief among them was Marlin Stutzman, a young state senator and self-proclaimed “original 9/12er” (an anti-tax movement launched by Glenn Beck of Fox News).


  • 幸运偶遇了邻居,克里斯·,埃米利奥·埃斯特乌以及查理·兄弟他们大部分通过积极热情地学习演技来维持生活的稳定。

    He had the good luck to fall in with neighbors Sean and Chris Penn, Emilio Estevez and brother Charlie Sheen as they (mostly) steadied their lives by ardently learning the actors’ craft and trade.


  • 幸运偶遇了邻居,克里斯·,埃米利奥·埃斯特乌以及查理·兄弟他们大部分通过积极热情地学习演技来维持生活的稳定。

    He had the good luck to fall in with neighbors Sean and Chris Penn, Emilio Estevez and brother Charlie Sheen as they (mostly) steadied their lives by ardently learning the actors' craft and trade.


  • 斯嘉丽去年宣布丈夫瑞安·雷诺分居,打算结束婚姻据传这次斯嘉丽·潘爱的死去活来的,她想要全世界知道他们一起了。

    Scarlett - who announced her separation from husband Ryan Reynolds last year after two years of marriage - is allegedly completely smitten with Sean and wants everyone to know they are dating.


  • 哈利来到霍格沃认识赫敏

    Harry goes to Hogwarts. He meets Ron and Hermione.


  • 回到霍格·沃飞路教授的公寓。

    He returned to Hogwarts and used Floo Powder to enter Professor Burns' Chambers.


  • 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖·邓布利多伟大男巫之一,是霍格沃魔法学校校长,建立了凤凰社。

    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is one of the greatest living wizards, the headmaster of Hogwarts, and founder of the Order of the Phoenix.


  • 尽管在泰赛德南部河岸有一个光亮音乐表演场地——特音乐厅,以及波罗的海当代艺术中心,但已经没有多少取代他们了。

    Not much has been found to replace them, though the southern riverbank sports the Sage, a silver, pupa-shaped music venue, and the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art.


  • 克里斯·克里斯蒂今年竞选对手,新泽西检察长

    Chris Christie, who is running against Mr Corzine this year, is New Jersey's former chief prosecutor.


  • 首相温特沃.先生最近大选中击败。

    The former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections.


  • 安德烈•柯特回到法国发现年轻时拍摄布达佩斯巴黎珍贵照片以及底片,它们装在几个破旧的箱子里一直法国朋友经纪人雅克利•波仪亚克收藏。

    Back in France, he found some old boxes of vintage prints and negatives from his youth in Budapest and Paris that had been kept by his French friend and agent, Jacqueline Paouillac.


  • 就以上激烈言辞拉·克莱表示歉意

    I want to personally apologize to Ezra Klein for the exasperated tone of this post.


  • 一位名叫莉·顾客:“其实真的特别这种疗法的实际效果的确非常出色。”

    "I'm actually afraid of snakes, but the therapeutic effects are really good," customer Liz Cohen told Reuters Television as Barak let the snakes loose on her body.


  • 讽刺,当年排在1116位的是弗兰·瓦·奎斯,亚罗斯拉夫科罗廖夫拉沙德·麦坎茨,安东尼·莱特乔伊·格拉汉姆

    The irony, of course, is that Fran Vazquez, Yaroslav Korolev, Sean May, Rashad McCants, Antoine Wright and Joey Graham were taken with picks 11 through 16.


  • 事实上第一苹果标志罗兰德·创作是苹果公司的第三共同创始人(另外两位是乔布什斯蒂夫·尼亚克)。

    In fact, the first Apple logo is the work of Ronald Wayne, who some refer to as Apple's third co-founder (besides Mr Jobs and Steve Wozniak).


  • 事实上第一苹果标志罗兰德·创作是苹果公司的第三共同创始人(另外两位是乔布什斯蒂夫·尼亚克)。

    In fact, the first Apple logo is the work of Ronald Wayne, who some refer to as Apple's third co-founder (besides Mr Jobs and Steve Wozniak).


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