• 这种硬盘数据恢复专家空气和静电控制在100的超修理和数据恢复

    The drive must be serviced or data recovered in an air-and static-controlled Class 100 clean room by data recovery professionals.


  • 有时数据恢复专家开始就判断了,导致不必要时间浪费甚至使硬盘成为不可恢复情况

    Sometimes Dr Specialists start examining the drive from the wrong point that leads to unnecessary wasting of time or even to the situation when the drive becomes unrecoverable.


  • 要诀灾难恢复专家但是可以应用软件项目预防花费美元值得多个恢复所花费的美元。

    The mantra of disaster recovery experts, however, can be applied to software projects too: dollars spent in prevention are worth more than dollars spent in recovery.


  • 另外灾难恢复一个复杂主题超出这里讨论范围应该专家来讨论。

    Additionally, disaster recovery is a complex topic beyond the scope of this discussion, and should be addressed by experts.


  • 熊类专家表示更多冲突持续恢复物种所带来的反面结果

    Bear experts say more conflicts are an ironic outcome of the steady recovery of the species.


  • 得益于新的公关专家帮助,爱德华·伯内斯布鲁斯·巴顿人也对自己公共形象恢复控制

    Availing themselves of the new public-relations experts, such as Edward Bernays and Bruce Barton, they regained some control of their public images.


  • 小道消息是,卫生专家提出的建议是,如果他们回到健康环境多数恢复健康。

    The anecdotal evidence that health experts offered to me suggested that most people bounce back if they return to healthier Settings.


  • 可以下载专家使用工具学习如何使用这些工具,自己成为完整性保障数据恢复方面的专家

    Another is to download the tools the experts use, learn them, and become your own expert in integrity assurance and data recovery.


  • 专家认为,现在需要一项系统方法通过创造所谓的“坏账银行承担坏账,健康银行恢复借贷

    What is needed, the experts say, is a more systematic approach through the creation of a "bad bank" to assume the bad assets, leaving "good Banks" to resume lending.


  • 专家预期不同,胡佛罗斯福干涉主义政策加剧大萧条道琼斯工业平均指数直到1954年恢复到了1929年的水平

    Instead, the interventionist policies of Hoover and Roosevelt caused the Depression to worsen, and the Dow Jones industrial average did not recover to 1929 levels until 1954.


  • 利比里亚人民衷心感谢中国利派遣维和人员援助专家帮助恢复和平战后重建

    The Liberian people sincerely thank China for dispatching peacekeeping personnel and aid specialists to Liberia to help its resumption of peace and post-war reconstruction.


  • 美军雇佣这位积极心理学专家改进恢复项目帮助士兵更好地应付作战压力

    The expert in positive psychology was hired by the US Army to develop a ‘resilience programto help soldiers cope better with the stress of combat.


  • 专家表示输气管道气压需要的时间能够恢复起来,达到俄罗斯气体送往欧洲所需要的高度。

    Experts say it will take about three days to re-pressurize the pipelines before Russian gas can finally reach Europe.


  • 结果成了恢复会谈前提条件难题,即使是热心专家难以解决。

    The result has been a Gordian knot of preconditions for resuming talks that even the most ardent expert would be hard-pressed to figure out.


  • 颅面技术神经学心脏病学放射学首席专家参与上月进行最后一次手术医生认为婴儿恢复情况良好

    After the surgery involving top specialists in craniofacial techniques, neurology, cardiology and radiology, doctors believe the babies have made a good recovery after the final operation last month.


  • 飞行专家质问为何飞行员面对飞机失速不是通过提起机头而是压制机身恢复正常状态

    Aviation experts are asking why the pilots responded to the stall by pulling the nose up instead of pushing it down to recover.


  • 但是皇家医学会的专家这个措施没有考虑到饮酒者每周应该不要喝酒从而使他们身体恢复

    But experts at the RCP said the policy does not take account of the fact that drinkers should have two to three days a week without any alcohol to let their bodies recover.


  • 看起来,来年整个春天都要用力清除剩下污泥专家希望环境最终灾难恢复过来

    It will probably take the whole of next spring to scrape the remaining mud away from flooded land, but experts hope that the environment will eventually recover from the disaster.


  • 西班牙问题在于,他经济衰退的时间其他欧洲国家的更长,许多预测专家估计至少要到2010年底西班牙的经济有所恢复

    The problem is that the recession looks set to drag on much longer in Spain than elsewhere; many forecasters see no recovery before the end of 2010.


  • 私人教练,产前后运动专家JoannaHelcke大夫剖腹产需要810才能恢复

    Dr Joanna Helcke, a personal trainer and specialist in pre and post natal exercise, said it takes between eight to ten weeks to recover from a caesarean section.


  • 一些专家国会议员破产重组通用汽车削减成本恢复生机的可靠途径

    Some experts and members of Congress say bankruptcy reorganization is the surest way for GM to cut costs and become viable.


  • 基于防御-检测-响应-恢复代理服务器安全模型防御、检测系统、响应系统、恢复系统专家系统组成。

    The security model of the proxy server based on PDRR consists of protection system, detection system, response system, recovery system and expert system.


  • 恢复系统根据专家系统指示进行系统恢复信息恢复

    Recovery system recovers system and information according to indication of expert system.


  • 恢复系统根据专家系统指示进行系统恢复信息恢复

    Recovery system recovers system and information according to indication of expert system.


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