• 现在地质证据恒星演化模型之间这种明显矛盾称为“微弱年轻太阳悖论”。

    Now, this apparent contradiction between geologic evidence and the stellar evolution model became known as the faint young Sun paradox.


  • 弄清恒星能源恒星演化的研究更为关键问题

    An understanding of the stellar energy sources is still more vital for the problem of stellar evolution.


  • 贯穿对流恒星演化理论长期未获很好解决理论问题。

    Convection overshooting is a long standing theoretical problem in the theory of stellar evolution.


  • 超新星恒星演化最终阶段,是最激烈天体物理现象

    A supernova is the last stage of stellar evolution, and is a violent astrophysical phenomena.


  • 黑洞恒星演化终点,这些恒星的质量通常有10- 15个太阳大小。

    Black holes are the evolutionary endpoints of stars at least 10 to 15 times as massive as the Sun.


  • 一部分引言,说明现代恒星演化学说分歧主要恒星形成以后演化

    In the first introductory part it is pointed out that the main difference among current theories of stellar evolution is in the evolutionary stage after stars move onto the main sequence.


  • 基于开普勒望远镜巨大观测数量优良数据质量科学家希望借此提高恒星演化的认识。

    Because of the quality of the Kepler data and the large number of stars the spacecraft will observe, scientists hope to improve their understanding of stellar evolution.


  • 随着更多超新星前身星得到确切证认,大质量恒星演化理论改进完善将会获得有力推动

    Reliable identification of supernova progenitors is strongly impelling to improve and refine the evolution theory of massive stars.


  • 如果恒星演化过程应力来支撑引力超过中子星质量上限质量中子星则不致于坍缩黑洞

    If the magnetic stress bears up the gravitation in the stellar evolution, the big mass neutron star over the neutron - star mass can not collapse into a black hole.


  • 这种大质量恒星极高速度燃烧燃料,现正处于恒星演化的末期,终将超新星爆炸结束生命之旅。

    Burning fuel at a prodigious rate and near the end of its stellar life this star should ultimately go out with a bang in a spectacular supernova explosion.


  • 仅仅几千里,星云消散太空中,中心恒星将完全冷却下来最后变成白矮星几乎所有恒星演化最后阶段

    In only a few thousand years the nebula will dissipate into space. The central star will then gradually cool down, eventually becoming a White Dwarf, the final stage of evolution for nearly all stars.


  • 蜘蛛星云离我们很,在LMC观测角度很有利,也没用星际气体阻隔期间,因此成为了解质量恒星演化最好实验室之一

    Its proximity, the favourable inclination of the LMC, and the absence of intervening dust make this nebula one of the best laboratories to better understand the formation of massive stars.


  • 然而在爆炸宇宙模型恒星演化理论之间存在一个人们了解甚少的领域:就是由大量恒星组成作为宇宙基本单元的星系如何形成演化的?。

    Between the theories of big-bang cosmology and the theory of stellar structure and theory, there is a gap still rarely understood: how do the galaxies form?


  • 超新星残骸以重元素填充宇宙空间压缩星际气体促进恒星形成因而星体演化过程扮演重要角色

    Supernova remnants play an important role in stellar evolution by enriching space with heavy elements, and triggering new star formation by compressing interstellar gas.


  • 恒星形成星系演化重要,对行星产生也很重要——包括适宜人居住的或者不适宜人居住的行星。

    Star formation is vital to galaxy evolution and the production of planets, both inhabited and uninhabited.


  • WFC3光谱范围紫外线近红外线揭示恒星不同演化阶段这使天文学家得以剖析星系恒星形成历史

    WFC3's broad wavelength range, from ultraviolet to near-infrared, reveals starsat different stages of evolution, allowing astronomers to dissect the galaxy'sstar-formation history.


  • 我们通过中红外波长来测量的且演化中的恒星带有红色色彩蓝色恒星)中形成尘埃

    The dust being formed in old, evolved stars (blue stars with a red tinge) is measured using mid-infrared wavelengths.


  • 我们通过中红外波长来测量的且演化中的恒星带有红色色彩蓝色恒星)中形成的尘埃

    The dust beingformed in old, evolved stars (blue stars with a red tinge) is measuredusing mid-infrared wavelengths.


  • 一般来说,较小恒星——也就是那些体积我们太阳大小的恒星——它们漫长演化过程终点,就会变成白矮星

    When they reach the end of their long evolutions, smaller starsthose up to eight times as massive as our own suntypically become white dwarfs.


  • 物理学恩里克·费米曾提出一个著名的问题:既然宇宙中有着海量的恒星其中条件演化生命为数不少,然而为什么目前止还没有任何一个地外文明地球展示它们的存在

    The physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked why no extra-terrestrials have shown up on Earth when there are likely to be so many solar systems where life could have evolved.


  • 各种质量恒星演化,均流体力学时间尺度进行

    Evolution of stars of all masses takes place on a hydrodynamic time scale.


  • 威廉姆斯最后,随着我们研究这些过程效应渐趋详细,我们分辨星系中单个恒星数量越多,星系的演化图像就越精确

    The trick to studying the effects of this process in detail, Williams says, is being able to resolve many individual stars in galaxies to create an accurate picture of their evolution.


  • 分子外流标志着恒星形成早期演化一个重要阶段

    Molecular outflows mark an important phase in the early evolution of star formation.


  • 演化恒星色球活动恒星自转周期间存在好的相关性

    The relation between stellar chromospheric activity and rotation of evolution stars have a good relativity.


  • 这些研究者就顽固地争辩说,恒星沿主星向下演化应该伴随着连续显著质量损失

    These investigators tenaciously argued the evolution of stars downward along the sequence ought to be accompanied by a continuous and very substantial loss of mass.


  • 如何处理恒星中的对流运动恒星结构演化理论一个极为重要问题

    How to deal with the turbulent convection motion in stars is a very important problem in the theory of stellar structure and evolution.


  • 因此可以说类太阳振动研究是传统日震学恒星结构演化相结合的产物。

    So, the study of solar-like oscillations came from helioseismology combine with the stellar structure and evolution.


  • 原子核理论研究恒星结构演化元素起源合成﹐以及宇宙线问题

    The theoretical study of nuclear structure and the origin and evolution of stars elements of nuclear and cosmic ray problem.


  • 耀矮星早期演化一个必经阶段这个阶段的持续时间取决于恒星质量

    The stage of flare stars, which duration depends on the mass of the stars, is a natural stage of the early evolution for red dwarf stars.


  • 耀矮星早期演化一个必经阶段这个阶段的持续时间取决于恒星质量

    The stage of flare stars, which duration depends on the mass of the stars, is a natural stage of the early evolution for red dwarf stars.


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