• 之前侏罗纪电影总是用恐龙制造出一种恐怖氛围,阐述着《金刚》、《哥斯拉之类怪物电影永恒的主题——人类应尊重自然

    In the previous Jurassic films, dinosaurs create a horrifying atmosphere and demand people respect nature, an essential theme in other monster film series like King Kong and Godzilla.


  • 两部电影都是关于卧室橱柜里一个怪物

    Both movies are about a monster in the bedroom cupboard.


  • 他们很多照片很多电影但是他们从来找到一个怪物

    They took many photos and made movies, but they were never able to find a monster.


  • 怪物史瑞克一部工场出品的电脑动画电影

    Shrek is a computer animated movie produced by Dream Works Animation SKG.


  • 怪物公司一部卡通电影电影怪物真实存在,这些奇怪个性怪物家里娃娃们带来快乐

    Monsters Inc. is an animation film, set in a land where monsters exist and the quirky characters are sure to bring a smile to the little ones in the family.


  • 可是不是某种恐怖电影怪物觅食,因为随之而来紧急救援正在发掘寻找

    It is not, however, an extra from a horror film in search of a meal, for soon afterwards it is followed by the emergency services digging down to find you.


  • 这个词的来源自然就是哥斯拉(Godzilla)”了,这是1954年一部日本电影,指的是一种长得像恐龙、阴森恐怖怪物

    The word was based, of course, on 'Godzilla', the name of a fearsome dinosaur-like monster originally created for a Japanese film in 1954.


  • 比满脸狐疑窗外:“这里就像电影演的那样,大家子人开着房车闯进一个小镇子,然后被一帮晚上出没的怪物统统吃掉了。”

    Phoebe looks out the window dubiously. “This reminds me of that movie where the family in an RV pulls into a little town and the mutants come out at night and eat them.”


  • 无论喜欢怪物大猩猩,还是魔法学校的巫师,或者魔法世界今年的圣诞节电影是一个绝好的时机

    So whether you are a fan of monster monkeys, schoolboy wizards or enchanted worlds, it looks like this Christmas will be a great time for going to the movies.


  • 问题高度紧张冷战期间,肆意猖狂次级电影怪物由于意外遭受核辐射产生的;而如今似乎瘟疫人类威胁大。

    During the cold war, when nuclear tensions were at their height, rampaging B-movie monsters were the result of accidental exposure to radiation; nowadays plague seems a greater threat to humanity.


  • 现象一下电影经常出现那种情形:巨大的机器怪物娃娃口吞下,发出恐怖的大笑,我想除了英格兰球迷没有人会觉得碰上这么怪物什么好结果。

    It was the scene in the movie where the robotic monster eats a young baby whole and then starts cackling. Except for England fans, this film would not have a happy ending.


  • 最钟爱的怪物仍然萨麦尔,它是最初来到电影地狱男爵中的怪物

    My favorite monster is still the Sammael creature from the first Hellboy movie.


  • 很多电影都出了续集,像《加勒比海盗》,《蜘蛛侠》,《蝙蝠侠》,《怪物莱克》等等影片在其第一部电影发行后连续又发行了第二部第三部续集电影

    Lots of films these days have sequels - Pirates of the Caribbean, Spiderman, Batman, Shrek. If a film is successful, a second or even third version of the film might be made.


  • 这种鱼长相如此怪异以至于拍摄潜水人员为它起了个和大热动画电影怪物史莱克》中那个怪物名字一样的绰号。

    The particular specimen is so odd-looking that scuba divers who videoed him instantly christened him after the famous animated ogre from the hit films.


  • 只大怪物不是电影唯一怪兽

    The big monster is not the only monster in the film.


  • 恐怖电影中老一套怪物

    He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films.


  • 达拉·安德森(Darla Anderson):曾经监制了皮克斯4电影:《虫虫特工队》,《怪物公司》,《汽车总动员》,现在又是《玩具总动员3》。

    Darla Anderson has produced four Pixar films: A Bug’s Life, Monsters, Inc., Cars, and now Toy Story 3. “I’m the pushy mom of producers.


  • 时候真的很喜欢怪物恐怖电影吗?

    As a kid, were you really into monster and horror movies?


  • 十三岁的电影中的主角母亲工厂事故猝死的惨剧让一直无法开怀。为了协助朋友完成电影拍摄,乔承担了怪物化妆模型火车爆破的任务。

    Our hero is Joe, a 13-year-old struggling with his mother's sudden death in a factory accident, while he assists his friends' film by designing monster makeup and exploding model trains.


  • 父母解释说蜘蛛现实生活中不会怪物电影真实的,但是还是害怕蜘蛛。

    My parents explained to me that the spider won't become a monster in the real life, the movie is not real at all, but I am still afraid of the spider.


  • 他们赞助许多好莱坞电影描绘我们就像是杀人魔一般怪物,吸取

    They have sponsored many Hollywood films depicting our kind as mass murdering monsters who thirst for human blood.


  • 初次见到怪物反应电影伟大的镜头之一

    Her reaction upon first seeing the Monster is one of the great moments in movie history.


  • 不是 果冻怪物(译者注:TheBlob是美国科幻恐怖电影个可变型的外星食人生物的故事) ,情况也许更为险恶:是甲烷,一种二氧化碳捕获大气热量能力强30温室气体

    No, not The Blob, but something perhaps far more sinister: methane, a potent greenhouse gas 30 times better than carbon dioxide at trapping atmospheric heat.


  • 这部电影描述来自火星的某个怪物

    The movie is about a creature from Mars.


  • 以前看了一部恐怖电影电影中,蜘蛛成为了一个怪物并且那时起,我就很蜘蛛。

    Two years ago, I saw a horrible movie, in the movie, the spider became a monster and ate people, from then now, I was afraid of spider very much.


  • 以前看了一部恐怖电影电影中,蜘蛛成为了一个怪物并且那时起,我就很蜘蛛。

    Two years ago, I saw a horrible movie, in the movie, the spider became a monster and ate people, from then now, I was afraid of spider very much.


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