• 这次袭击一系列大学野蛮性侵犯之一。

    The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area.


  • 重视小学预防儿童侵犯教育以及学校卫生人员有关预防儿童性侵犯教育基本知识和技能培训

    The CSA prevention education in elementary school should be improved and the school health personnel need to be trained in CSA awareness and CSA prevention education skills.


  • 正是为什么PhilGarrido14,5脑部受损之后会立即渴望着迷于去实施性侵犯行为。

    So that clearly happened to Phil Garrido and he became immediately fascinated and eager to commit rape when he was 14, 15 years old, after the head injury.


  • 班诺是一位作家表示自己9年前卡恩性侵犯,当时由于各种压力以及身为社会党官员母亲劝阻,她才起诉卡恩。

    Lawyer David Koubbi says Tristane Banon, a writer, did not file suit earlier due to "pressures" and was dissuaded by her own mother, a regional Socialist official.


  • 这份道歉澳大利亚悉尼的一场弥撒中发出的,是教皇四月造访美国时公开承认这次教堂侵犯受害者痛苦声明的延续

    "indeed, I am deeply sorry for the pain and suffering the victims have endured and I assure them as their pastor that I too share in their suffering, " he said Saturday at Sydney's St.


  • MrRitchie认为新的法律条款有效。但是更想完全废除限制居住规定,感化看护人员针对侵犯个人提出建议

    Mr Ritchie thinks the new rules are better, but he would rather get rid of the residency restrictions entirely and let probation officers make recommendations for each individual offender.


  • 红衣主教肖恩布雷迪大主教承认:1975年,受布伦•史密斯神父性侵犯过的两个少年说服签署缄默誓约的事,是主持的。

    In Ireland Cardinal Sean Brady, the primate, has admitted that he was present in 1975 when two teenage boys were persuaded to sign oaths of silence about their abuse by Father Brendan Smyth.


  • 布雷迪爱尔兰枢机主教承认1975年曾参与一场荒诞至极的质询会,会上两个据说1014岁遭遇神父性侵犯孩子被迫宣誓此事保持沉默。

    One is the primate of Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, who admits taking part in a grotesque inquiry in 1975 when two children, reportedly aged 10 and 14, were made to swear secrecy about their ordeal.


  • 布雷迪爱尔兰枢机主教承认1975年曾参与一场荒诞至极的质询会,会上两个据说1014岁遭遇神父性侵犯孩子被迫宣誓此事保持沉默。

    One is the primate of Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, who admits taking part in a grotesque inquiry in 1975 when two children, reportedly aged 10 and 14, were made to swear secrecy about their ordeal.


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