• 所以工作的方向不是改动重新运行程序,而是真正地思考程序在干什么

    So you don't tend to make tiny changes and re-run things, you tend to actually think about what the code is doing.


  • 代码结构糟糕透了,程序显然没有深入思考程序正确性算法数据结构可维护性

    The structure is appalling, and the programmers clearly didn't think deeply about correctness, algorithms, data structures, or maintainability.


  • 不能相信其他人观点因为Blub困境:他们对自己碰巧用上的语言满意,因为这语言描绘了他们思考程序方式。

    You can't trust the opinions of the others, because of the Blub paradox: they're satisfied with whatever language they happen to use, because it dictates the way they think about programs.


  • 为了使计算机充分发挥作用,程序必须机器那样思考

    To make the computer work at full capacity, the programmer has to think like the machine.


  • 这些法则编入阿西莫夫机器人程序——它们需要思考判断评估

    These laws are programmed into Asimov's robotsthey don't have to think, judge, or value.


  • 本书我们展示如何成为能为我们大家带来美的艺术家如果我们愿意时间思考我们将要做什么而不是机械地编写程序的话。

    It also shows us how to become artists that bring that beauty out if we will just take the time to think about what we're doing instead of trying to mechanically write a program.


  • 思考如何构建这样一个程序我们最后入手从后往前逐一解决问题。

    To think of how to make such a program, let's start from the end and work backward.


  • 汇编繁琐,有时相当痛苦但是思考使用这种新的方式去实现基本程序功能,跟痛苦相比,完全值得

    Assembly was tedious and sometimes quite painful, but the way it made me think about basic programatic functions in such new ways was completely worth the pain.


  • 这里没有任务声明,没有目标程序罗列,没有操作规范,只有几代人下来常识思考方式

    There's no mission statement here, no listing of goals or procedures, no operations manual. Just the sort of knowledge and way of thinking that's been handed down through generations.


  • 这些年一直思考,在程序工作迷失的过着每一天

    I think of myself over the years, and even now, rushing through days in my job as a software designer in a sort of fog.


  • 思考这些程序类型时,我们可能会需要一个顶层breed类型记录一定数量breeds

    In thinking about the types in these programs, we might want a top-level breed type that keeps track of a number of breeds.


  • 使脱离以web为中心思考方式的另一种真正有帮助战术思考应用程序模拟行为

    Another really helpful tactic to get you out of a Web-centric line of thinking is to think about the behavior you're modeling in your application.


  • 无论何时,去怎样建立一个有趣的程序你们每次这种思考的时候,你们想得第一事,就是我应该什么呢,它们是什么类型呢?

    Whenever I think about how to build an interesting program, and I hope whenever you think about it, the first thing I think about is, what are the classes I might want to have, what are the types?


  • 这会减慢未来程序使用代码因为必须思考这段代码如何讲而不是顺着条件去看

    It slows down the next programmer in the code, as they have to think instead of just flowing through the conditional, if that makes sense.


  • 这样不仅节省开发时间而且促使程序思考数据模型这样有助于应用程序开发工作一些事情

    It not only saves you development time, but it also forces you, as a developer, to think of a data model as something that should serve you and your application.


  • 但是程序设计语言不同:它只是技术,它程序思考的工具。

    But programming languages are different: programming languages are not just technology, but what programmers think in.


  • 程序需要思考沟通学习

    Programmers need to think, communicate, and learn.


  • 但是它确实一种方便思考方式不仅仅限于编程序,在程序分解为小部分时也很有用。

    But it is a very handy way of thinking about, not just how to program, but how to break problems down into nice sized chunks.


  • 认真思考本文后,网站应用程序应当有所改进,当然,如果只是盲目照搬,那当然不行。

    Your sites and apps should be better because you thought about this article, not just because you blindly put it into practice.


  • 可能会同意其中某些观点同意另外一些观点。但是应该明确的是,一定要深入地思考如何自己应用程序使用XML

    You might agree with some of these points, and disagree with others, but you should definitely think more deeply about how you use XML in your own applications.


  • 这时计算内存78%。考虑到没有其他应用程序运行这个数字不正常,我们提示新的思考方向

    This time the computational memory was 78%, an alarming figure considering no other application was running, and it provided a new direction to our train of thought.


  • 优秀程序令外90%的时间花思考探索,去找寻最佳设计方案

    Good programmers spend much of the other 90% thinking, researching, and experimenting to find the best design.


  • 认为软件架构师重要事情小心思考应用程序业务角色,将它们紧紧地映射一个基于角色访问控制系统

    In my view the most important thing a software architect can do is to think carefully about the application's business roles and map them tightly into a role-based access control system.


  • 集群运行应用程序人员思考:“作业什么时候运行?”

    The person running applications on the cluster thinks: "When will my job run?"


  • 这些问题回答中,看出程序思考范围是否跳出了“编写代码”的框框应用部署同时也当成他们工作一部分

    The answers to these questions tell you whether your developers are thinking out of their "code creation" box and consider deployment of their app as part of their work.


  • 虽然日常设计决策,但是长此以往,应用程序类型使用的思考带来更为清晰的设计。

    While this may slow down daily design decisions, thinking through the types in the application can result in a more coherent design over time.


  • 不是骇人听闻许多应用程序来说正常操作相当的,对于错误响应人们需要花不少时间来思考

    That's not as extreme as it might sound, for "normal" operations with many applications are quite quick, while response to errors demands time-consuming human thought.


  • 重要的是希望能够促使新的方式思考应用程序

    More importantly, I hope it inspires you to think about your applications in new ways.


  • 重要的是希望能够促使新的方式思考应用程序

    More importantly, I hope it inspires you to think about your applications in new ways.


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