• 鼓励孩子思考故事问题

    This encourages your child to think about the story and to ask questions.


  • 幅画看到故事中的场景思考故事发生事情重要事件

    It gets you to visualize the setting of the story and gets you to think more about what's going on in the story, the important events of the story.


  • 针对故事清楚地表达这个故事提出理论,仔细思考故事第一

    Having articulated the thesis raised by the story you select, consider in detail the first paragraph of the tale.


  • 那个年纪开始更多思考故事本身他们如何构建起来那些构成战》宇宙的幻想世界,那些角色,以及诸如此类事情

    I got over that phase and moved on toward thinking more about the stories themselves, how they were constructed, the imaginary worlds that comprised Star Wars, the characters, that sort of thing.


  • 因此听到这个故事时,确实使思考,而我希望也会觉得生活中得到一些启迪

    So when I heard this story it really made me think! I hope that you will find some application in your own life as well...


  • 并且,开始思考另外一个问题——生命尽头这些故事就是我所拥有、剩下的一切。

    This started me thinking about something else, tooat the end of my life, the stories are really all that’s left.


  • 这些故事告诉我们我们行为思考紧密关联在一起,这个理论,我们可以应用在教上。

    These stories remind us that our actions and thinking are intimately linked, and we can harness these connections in teaching and learning.


  • 积极思考每个伟大成功故事前奏

    Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story.


  • 了解影响大家能力关键,通过“故事方式思考人际关系会为提供一些分析、掌控互动交流的方法。

    The ability to understand and influence people is a key skill, and thinking of relationships in terms of “storiesgives you some tools toanalyze and control your interactions.


  • 帮助孩子思考他们听到故事重要的。

    It's important to help kids think through stories they hear about.


  • 故事思考着,心灵显然存在着的,但是,我的躯体存在了。

    We've got a story in which I'm thinking all sorts of thoughts; my mind clearly exists, and yet, for all that, my body does not exist.


  • 我们回想这个故事时,会思考主要难题关于可重新利用资产消耗(RAC)的问题是:特定环境下鉴定有重要意义的内容

    We were reminded of this story in thinking about the main challenge regarding reusable asset consumption (RAC) : identifying significant content for a given context.


  • 本文讲述敏捷方法诞生故事集中于敏捷宣言发起者思考模式转变过程中的角色变化。

    This paper tells the story of the emergence of the agile approach, focusing on the role of the originators of the agile Manifesto in this paradigm shift.


  • 诺尔斯的故事令人惊诧,也陷入思考

    ButKnowles' amazing tale made me think.


  • 关于Psyche(赛琪)的神话故事可以思考如何何时授权提供一些指导

    The mythological story of Psyche can provide some guidance in thinking through how and when to delegate.


  • 探究故事引起问题之后,Norgaard提出了其它一些问题让读者思考或者是个人或者团体

    After exploring questions the story raises, Norgaard offers additional issues for readers to ponder, either individually or in groups.


  • 丹菲先生头脑反复萦绕着这样段关于Pharmacy故事鲜为人知小插曲足以激起他即将到来斯特作品拍卖思考

    A little-known episode in the Pharmacy story that stuck in Mr Dunphy's mind would inspire much of the thinking behind the upcoming Hirst sale.


  • MetteNorgaardH.C.安徒生六个经典童话给出了一个新的说明,引发读者进行思考每个故事有关我们工作生活方面能够教会我们什么

    Mette Norgaard presents a new translation of six classic fairy tales by H.C. Andersen and invites readers to reflect on what each story can teach us about our work and our lives.


  • 登陆Facebook看到朋友分享关于能自主思考机器恐龙有趣故事确实很棒刚刚自己Facebook页面上看到第一条推送信息)。

    There's something wonderful about going on Facebook and seeing that your friends share this funny story about a robotic dinosaur that has an attitude. (I just saw the first thing in my Facebook feed.)


  • 你们都是青年人肯定中国同龄人的生活与想法充满好奇,今天给你们讲个普通中国青年的故事,不知道你们从他们身上能不能看到一个不一样的中国,能不能让你们从另一个角度了解中国,思考中国。

    Today, I'm going to tell you stories about two young Chinese.


  • 今天一个简短故事关于我们如何开始设计思考设计思考在IDEO作用

    Today I just want to tell a simple story about how we got to design thinking, and the role it plays at IDEO.


  • 鼓励编写更多东西,并且真正思考这个故事什么思考人们怎么,比如朋友展示的时候,他们会怎么反应

    That also encouraged me to really write more and to really think about what is the story, how are people coming to this and like when I show my friends this, how are they going to react.


  • 托尼里边发生事情,稍微不同方式思考我们能够看到,它是一个全球性故事,以美国大熔炉里的混合性为特点。

    Now what happens then in Tony, to move to a slightly different way of thinking about it, is we can see that it's a global story masked as a story of hybridity in the American melting pot.


  • 有助于年轻人批判性思考传媒弥漫日渐普及线上文化封面故事观点分析之间的相互攻讦保有洞察力

    This would help young people think critically about media, and turn a discerning eye to the onslaught of coverage, opinions, and analysis that permeate our increasingly wired culture.


  • 缅因州传奇故事中的阿拉加什亨利·戴维思考荒芜之地意义。长期以来,这条河流保护狭长地带的桥梁额外的通道口一直陷于辩论的困境当中。

    Maine's legendary Allagash, the river that taught Henry David Thoreau the meaning of wilderness, has long been Mired in controversy over Bridges and additional access points in its protected corridor.


  • 缅因州传奇故事中的阿拉加什亨利·戴维思考荒芜之地意义。长期以来,这条河流保护狭长地带的桥梁额外的通道口一直陷于辩论的困境当中。

    Maine's legendary Allagash, the river that taught Henry David Thoreau the meaning of wilderness, has long been Mired in controversy over Bridges and additional access points in its protected corridor.


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