• 计算机模仿人类思维通过不同方式达到相同目的

    The computer doesn't mimic human thought; it reaches the same ends by different means.


  • 不同年龄儿童成人思维方式上有着质的差异

    There are qualitative differences in the way children of different ages and adults think.


  • 我们需要训练自己不同方式思考改变我们思维方式认识多样性我们所有人打开机会之门,为我们组织社区中创造了机会每个人都会受益于此

    We need to train ourselves to think differently, shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opens doors for all of us, creating opportunities in organizations and communities that benefit everyone.


  • 让人困惑为什么总是少数例外比如左撇子他们大多数人思维方式不同

    A further puzzle is why are there always a few exceptions, like left-handed humans, who are wired differently from the majority of the population?


  • 比普通和常规的思维方式,他们常能给出完全不同的替代方案。

    They often offer a real alternative to the common and regular way of thinking.


  • 还用她的漫画展示了不同思维方式和社会习俗。

    Cao also uses her cartoons to show different ways of thinking and social customs.


  • 这些共同点他们不同方式思维

    What these people have in common is that they think differently.


  • 男人女人不同思维方式有时候他们同一件事情做出完全不同的反应。

    Men and women have different method of thought. They would react in entirely different way on the same thing sometimes.


  • 但是每个人不同自己做事方式,有不同考虑事情思维方法

    But everyone is different and everyone has their way of doing things, their way of thinking about things.


  • 就是批判思维”——一生都会需要重要思考方式,这意味着还需要包容支持不同于你的其他观点。

    This is called "critical thinking", and it is the most important thinking skill you need for your life. This also means you need to become tolerant and supportive of others.


  • 我们这件缠绕紧拥恋人雕塑也许恰恰代表了这种崭新生活方式一种看顾人类自身的不同思维

    Our little sculpture of the entwined lovers may be a response to this new way of living - a different way of thinking about ourselves.


  • 我们提供新的想法思维方式不同,我们我们自己的视角独特地看待生活各个方面

    This opens up new ideas that allow us to think in different ways and see areas in life that are uniquely different from our own perspective.


  • 新的积极思维模式产生不同能量创造出积极有效方式从而生活反过来聚集更多新的积极能量。

    Your new positive thought patterns will send out a different energy and create a more positive way of being which will in turn attract new positive energy within your life.


  • 印刷机发明后一种媒体不同方式铸就我们思维

    Every new medium introduced since the invention of the printing press has molded our minds in different ways.


  • 类似设计整个企业中的多个面向服务(SO)的解决方案时,需要采取设计单个SO解决方案不同思维方式

    In a similar way, you need to apply a different mindset to designing multiple service-oriented (so) solutions across the enterprise as opposed to designing a single so solution.


  • 巧妙设计实验显示爱情使我们不同方式思考在于引发全局思维模式继而促进创造性思维抑制分析性思维

    The clever experiments demonstrated that love makes us think differently in that it triggers global processing, which in turn promotes creative thinking and interferes with analytic thinking.


  • 持续性以与以往不同方式行为,你将产生彻底思维模式切换

    When you constantly behave in a different way to your usual one you will cause an entire mindset shift.


  • 洛克认为我们理性思维两种不同方式

    Locke thought that our reason works in two different ways.


  • 尼斯贝特毕生致力于文化认知突破性研究探索文化差异为何以及如何造就出了思维方式不同

    Nisbett's life work involves groundbreaking research on culture and cognition, examining how and why different cultures produce people who think in very different ways.


  • 一门完全不同语言会促使门语言的方式思维

    Learning a different language forces you to think in that language.


  • 大学新生经历许多第一次”:全新生活方式结识的朋友室友以及接触不同的文化思维

    Students experience many firsts, including new lifestyle, friends, roommates, exposure to new cultures and alternate ways of thinking.


  • 这些问题性质各不相同例如服务建模先决条件是要不同技能思维方式而不是互操作性测试

    The nature of these issues varies, for example service modeling prerequisites a different skill and mindset than interoperability testing.


  • 每个家庭都有不同之处不同个性不同习惯不同思维方式不同谈话方式以及相互不同沟通方式

    Every family is different, with different personalities, customs, and ways of thinking, talking, and connecting to one another.


  • 觉得大约十万年前可能我们头脑不同部位种崭新的方式连接了起来,使得人类开始可以结合不同思维方式进行思考。

    I think what probably happens - around 100, 000 years ago - is different bits of the brain get connected together in a new way, and they can combine different ways of thinking.


  • 觉得大约十万年前可能我们头脑不同部位一种崭新方式连接了起来,使得人类开始可以结合不同思维方式进行思考。

    I think what probably happens - around 100,000 years ago - is different bits of the brain get connected together in a new way, and they can combine different ways of thinking.


  • Lieberman通过读者介绍几种不同思维学习以及观察方式向他们展示如何这些运用建模艺术中来达到建模的目的。

    Lieberman approaches modeling by introducing the reader to different ways of thinking, learning, and observing and showing how these apply to the art of modeling.


  • Lieberman通过读者介绍几种不同思维学习以及观察方式向他们展示如何这些运用建模艺术中来达到建模的目的。

    Lieberman approaches modeling by introducing the reader to different ways of thinking, learning, and observing and showing how these apply to the art of modeling.


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