• 实际上没有任何正确方法可以人变得更好——有的只是自己的方法,以及怎么样把这些不同的方法结合起来提高自己。

    There is no one right way to get betterthere’s only your way, and how your way splices together all the advice from these differing talents.


  • 对于这样高难路线怎么心理准备的?没有什么特别的“秘诀可以大家分享

    How do you prepare mentally for such a hard route? Do you have any special 'recipes' or tips that you might want to share with us?


  • 如果这些药物没有作用怎么吧,去找一个空调坐在那里一动不动,一直如此的话就可以成功摆脱它了。

    If those medications don't help, then try sitting in a perfectly air-conditioned room and never moving, ever, for the rest of your life.


  • 是否可以袜子穿上,我没有回答,而是自顾自地说起来:“感觉怎么样?

    She asked if I could help put on her socks. Instead, I launched into a monologue that went something like this: “How are you feeling?


  • 以为可以预测未来没有什么能够影响因为开始就知道怎么

    You are assuming that you can predict the future, that nothing will change to mess it up, and that you actually knew what you were doing in the first place.


  • 没有思量过要是可以自己乐趣工作上面更多时刻在事项上花更少的时刻,那会怎么样?

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could spend more time on your hobby and less time at work?


  • 某些游客来说,即使没有这些可以可以怎么规则筷子都已经是很有挑战性的事!

    For some visitors, using chopsticks ischallenging enough without the rules of what you can and can't do withthem!


  • 我们可以我们自己的但是怎么没有

    We could sing our own but what would it be without you?


  • 旁人接着再问:“没有不同,但以前丢失在别处,现在却在这里寻找怎么可以找到呢?”这时周围的人对此大笑不止。

    People went on, "Though all waters are identical, the place that you have lost it is there. How can you find it here?" Everybody jeered at him.


  • 某些游客来说,即使没有这些可以可以怎么规则筷子都已经很有挑战性的事啰!

    For some visitors, using chopsticks is challenging enough without the rules of what you can and can't do with them!


  • 没有喜欢别人发号施令所以需要让别人点事怎么呢?其实可以问题来代替命令得到同样效果

    No one enjoys being bossed around. So what do you do when you need something done? The truth is that you can get the same result from asking a question as you can by giving an order.


  • 今夜突然想起在一起日子但是想着都是一些开心事情没有开心回忆可以闪现脑海里面现在过得怎么样?

    Tonight and suddenly remind of the day with you together, but think that some are unhappy things, not very happy memories can blink in mind inside, you now?


  • 如果兴趣爱好可以帮助锁定机会那么没有理由强调他们吧,不要去规则怎么说的。

    If your interests or hobbies can help you secure that opportunity, then there's no good reason not to highlight them, regardless of the rules.


  • 搭建完美营地:去露营没有合适补给品怎么行~的市民可以自己购买帐篷,穿搭新的户外装备

    Set Up The Perfect Camp: No camping trip is complete without the proper supplies. Your Sims will be able to purchase a tent and outfit themselves in new hiking gear.


  • 怎么的,游戏可以退出没有代码中的不同吗?

    How do you make it so the game can exit but not have the code in the main class, have it in a different class?


  • 保险经济人很吃惊的:“没有邮箱可以成功建立一个帝国想象如果邮箱的话会怎么吗?”

    '" The broker answered curiously: "you don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had ane mail?


  • 知道怎么但是告诉没有可以代替

    I don't know what you think, but I want to tell you no one can instead of you.


  • 无论怎么努力完,没有可以捡到全部

    However hard you try, you can not have it all, no one could find all the pieces.


  • 什么?把钉子冰箱上?没有搞错吧怎么可能?其实这磁性,有可以把便签钉在任何的金属物体上。

    Knocking a nail into your fridge? Are you crazy? Don't worry. This is just trickery. The magnetic can help you "drive" in nails.


  • 可以找到需要使用命令灰色的,没有说明怎么激活它。

    You find the command you want to use, but it is grayed out with no indication on what you need to do to enable it.


  • 最后可以得出结论不管怎么做,重要没有放弃追逐

    In the end it could be concluded by saying that whatever you do it is important that you don't give up the chase.


  • 巴斯光年:空气没有毒嘛……怎么可以一个不知名星球上打开我的头盔

    Buzz Lightyear: The air isn't... toxic. How dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an uncharted planet!


  • 既然可以告诉既不什么最好的没有什么是最坏的,怎么他们自己之间放置正确

    Since you can tell neither what's best nor what's worst, how can you place yourself correctly between them?


  • 也许可以责怪自己怎么从来没有了解新加坡

    Maybe you can blame yourself about how you never look up about Singapore first?


  • 使用工具时,可能忘记没有它们怎么它们甚至可以掉落

    New tools that once you use them, you can't remember how you could live your life without them. They may even not come off!


  • 问题,譬如:“鞋子的,衣服没有经验认为怎么可以做好这份工作呢?”

    You are the shoe person, you have no experience in clothing, how can you cope with that?


  • 问题,譬如:“鞋子的,衣服没有经验认为怎么可以做好这份工作呢?”

    You are the shoe person, you have no experience in clothing, how can you cope with that?


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