• 布鲁塞尔没有人怀疑未来个月活力十足

    Nobody in Brussels doubts that the next six months will be unusually dynamic.


  • 并不怀疑未来我们道路上危机四伏我们已经发现完全克服了它们

    I do not mistrust the future. Dangers have been in frequent ambush along our path, but we have uncovered and vanquished them all.


  • 任何人不会这位德国人的才华这个西班牙球队未来持任何怀疑现在将齐达内相提并论还为时过早。

    There is no doubt in anyone’s mind the talent the German and the future he has with the Spanish team but comparing him to Zinedine Zidane is simply ridiculous.


  • 任何人不会这位德国人才华这个西班牙球队未来持任何怀疑现在将齐达内相提并论还为时过早。

    There is no doubt in anyone's mind the talent the German and the future he has with the Spanish team but comparing him to Zinedine Zidane is simply ridiculous.


  • 对于学校大学问题保守党公告文凭未来产生了怀疑

    The problem for schools and colleges is that Conservative announcements have cast doubt on the future of the diplomas.


  • 我们获取过去2000数据方式或许同时代其他人完全不同怀疑这种问题未来仍然存在。

    The way in which we navigate the last 2000 years of data would be totally foreign to people contemporary with the data, and I suspect the same will prove true in our future.


  • 现在一些国家核能安全性表示怀疑重新考虑未来能源政策

    Some countries are now questioning the safety of nuclear power and rethinking their energy policies for the future.


  • 分析家们怀疑隐身能力是否声称的那么好、有没有能力穿透未来最好防空系统

    Analysts question whether it is as stealthy as claimed and its ability to penetrate the best future air-defence systems.


  • 不论约旦河西岸——巴勒斯坦未来中心,还是加沙地带,巴勒斯坦普通民众对此第一反应就是深深的怀疑

    First reactions among Palestinians at large, both in the West Bank, the biggest bit of a future Palestinian state, and in the Gaza Strip, were deeply sceptical.


  • 我们前面已经讨论了文化干扰怀疑声音诱惑人捷径。在未来的“命运面临第四陷阱灰心丧气和迟延不前。

    We've discussed cultural distractions, voices of doubt, and tempting shortcuts. The fourth pitfall you will face during your Decade of Destiny is discouraging delays.


  • 那段时间的报纸头条那时曼哈顿计划正在进行中同时人们怀疑原子能是否预示着光明清洁而又安全能源未来

    A headline from a time when the ongoing Manhattan Project and the wonder that was atomic power seemed to promise a bright, clean, safe energy future.


  • 对于人类能否未来鲸鱼透彻了解表示怀疑,因为现在的研究的规模过于庞大,超出人类理解范围。

    She is doubtful that man will ever fully understand whales which operate on a scale too large to be comprehended by human senses.


  • 像自省怀疑同情(跳出一个人惯例世界观)非语言交流未来成功很重要

    Skills such as introspection, reflection, empathy (stepping out of one's customary world-view), and non-verbal communication are also important to future success.


  • 许多国外分析人士西方航空公司是否准备好在未来购买中国飞机持有怀疑态度。

    Many foreign analysts doubt that Western airlines will ever be prepared to buy Chinese aircraft.


  • 若将psyco类型的技术集成Python本身某个未来版本多么令人激动尽管怀疑永远不会真正发生

    Although I suspect it will never actually happen, it would be exciting to have Psyco-type technology integrated into some future version of Python itself.


  • 怀疑网站可能发现自身未来更多问题,所以才卖给facebook

    I'd suspect that the site may find it has more problems in the future should it end up owned by Facebook.


  • 也许很多人怀疑因为他们相信计划未来美好但是如果我一样并且偶尔也件事孤注一掷,那么你的人生是不可预测的!

    Don't get me wrong — it's good to plan for the future, but if you're like me and you occasionally want to swing for the fences you can't count on a predictable life.


  • 清华已经宣称自己未来10年跻身世界大学20名的行列。许多人对此怀疑态度。

    Tsinghua has claimed it'll crack the world's top 20 in the next decade, for instance, but most critics remain skeptical.


  • 我们这种方式处理这个问题,这样经济不会处于悬而未决的状态,外界不会我们未来感到怀疑忧虑

    We are going to do this in a way so that the economy is not in suspense and doubt about our future, "said Durbin."


  • 动物园每年需要数百动物——现在他们供货方失势了,日后谁来提供动物让怀疑决定着游戏未来

    Zoos required hundreds of new animals a year -- now their suppliers were out of power, and the future of the game refuges from which the animals were taken was in doubt.


  • 怀疑认为重要是,虽然目前汽车耐用消费品销售量增加未来家户吸收这些补贴成本时候,销售量随之反转

    More importantly, the skeptics argued, any current increase in automobile and durable goods sales would be reversed in the future as households absorbed the cost of the subsidies.


  • 怀疑认为距电动汽车未来还有长一段要走

    Skeptics counter that the future may be a long way off.


  • 杜克大学人口研究学会主任詹姆斯普尔对于肥胖可能逆转未来寿命增长说法怀疑态度

    James Vaupel, director of Duke University's Population Research Institute, is sceptical of the argument that obesity may reverse future progress in life expectancy.


  • 如果这个大胆预测应验了,图书消费者来说是个非常好的消息使对未来电子书怀疑态度的人哑口无言

    If that bold prediction comes true, it will be great news for book consumers and will silence eBook skeptics about the future of eBooks.


  • 而且细胞分裂可能会产生致命基因复制错误据此怀疑主义者们说,走向衰老仍是人类不可避免的未来

    Add that to the dangerous genetic copying errors that occur as cells divide and, for these naysayers, growing old remains an unavoidable future for humanity.


  • 许多民众未来抱着怀疑焦虑的态度,对日本最好

    Many Japanese people regard that prospect with either scepticism or anxiety, but it is the best thing that could happen to the country.


  • 许多民众未来抱着怀疑焦虑的态度,对日本最好

    Many Japanese people regard that prospect with either scepticism or anxiety, but it is the best thing that could happen to the country.


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