• 我们创造了快速处理订单的方法以便迅速货物送达顾客

    We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers.


  • 随着技术快速发展全球化进程进展迅速

    With the rapid development of technologies, the process of globalization is progressing quickly.


  • 此外由于某些原因如果需要迅速快速生产修复创建一个视图大多数时间浪费这个视图创建中,而不是修复本身。

    In addition, if you need for some reason to quickly create a new view for a fast production fix, the vast majority of time will be consumed in the creation of the view, not the fix itself.


  • 他们需要一个商业模型来使他们能够迅速他们业内快速变化做出响应

    They want an on Demand business model to enable them to quickly respond to rapid changes in their specific industry.


  • 获得高质量兽医服务非常重要。不仅控制住目前的禽流感的需要,也是确保迅速发现其它新生疾病采取快速干预措施的需要。

    Access to quality Veterinary Services is essential not only to bring the current avian flu crisis under control but also to ensure rapid detection of other emerging diseases and rapid intervention.


  • 如果一位高级用户并且希望问题确定应采取步骤获得快速提示,那么IGAA可以显示所需信息,以帮助迅速完成这些步骤。

    If you are an advanced user and want a quick reminder of the problem determination steps to take, IGAA helps you by only showing the information necessary to move you quickly through the steps.


  • 始终快速变化技术开始却迅速过时代码而告终的风险。

    You always face run risk of starting with a new technology that changes fast and end up with quickly outdated code.


  • 它们成功关键在于它们面对迅速变化威胁能够快速加以适应相应改变结构行为互动性

    The key to their success is their ability to quickly adapt to rapidly changing threats, and change their structures, behaviors and interactions accordingly.


  • 他们对于消息快速响应体现花费迅速大幅减少

    Their rapid reaction to bad news is reflected by fast and dramatic cuts in spending.


  • 虽然如此决策者认识环境变化迅速他们需要风险演化信息做出快速反应

    Nonetheless, policymakers recognized that circumstances could change quickly and noted that they might need to respond promptly to incoming information about the evolution of risks.


  • 亨特快速向前带球帕尔默过来企图截住,亨特过身,迅速传给斯马特,斯马特接住球。

    Hunt takes the ball forward quickly. Palmer comes across, tries to intercept him, but Hunt slips past and quickly pushes the ball to Smart.


  • 如果詹姆斯迅速骑士队续签,其它球队转向别的选择一些新合约快速签订

    If he re-signs quickly with the Cavaliers, other teams will probably move on to other choices, and other signings could follow fairly quickly.


  • 公司提供快速响应快速原型制造从而确保系统可以被按时开发出来并且迅速的被装备,满足高优先权战时设备需求

    The company will provide quick reaction and rapid prototyping to ensure systems are developed on time and fielded quickly to meet high-priority wartime requirements.


  • 快速思考意味着事情发生时候,迅速产生一连串想法解决方案反应

    Thinking fast means that when things happen, you can immediately generate a large list of ideas, solutions, and responses.


  • 正如汽车会被燃料过滤器堵塞一样:燃料能源)不能迅速顺利传到需要地方,汽车不能快速有效的行驶。

    Imagine a car that has a clogged fuel filter: thefuel (our energy) can’t get to where it needs to go quickly and smoothly, andthe car performs inefficiently and ineffectively.


  • 可以迅速整个数据分成快速得出结论。

    It can quickly take your entire set of data and turn it into groups, from which you can quickly make some conclusions.


  • 菲利克斯猴子迅速收集硬币房间这些硬币快速回到笼子里。

    One monkey, called Felix, quickly ran to the chamber where the "coins" were kept, threw all them into the communal cage and then scurried back.


  • 可能觉得自信每天跟打了鸡血似的快速前进,开门迅速搞定一摊子事儿

    You may imagine a confident person charging through their day, rapidly marching forward, kicking down doors, and whipping through a blur of activity.


  • 相反美元在1933年早期快速贬值时国内价值指数迅速攀升贸易顺差没有增长

    In contrast, when the dollar was sharply devalued in early 1933, domestic price indices rose rapidly and yet the trade surplus did not increase.


  • 复制清单时刻身边渴望来袭时可以迅速拿出名单快速一些上面的事。

    Make copies of the list and keep one with you at all times so when the craving hits, you can whip out the list and quickly do something from it.


  • QR快速反应的意思,意指代码中的数据能够迅速解码

    QR code stands for quick response, a reference to how speedily the data they contain can be decoded.


  • 目的:法特莱克瑞典语意思速度游戏)是针对加强心血管机能的训练,要求用慢速跑快速迅速交替的不同配速方式来进行。

    Sporting Event Fartlek - The goal: fartleks (Swedish for "speed play") are workouts that alternate very fast and slower-paced walking for a great cardiovascular workout.


  • 大多数阿尔法人都信息环境迅速做出评估,这样快速信息处理过程使得他们无暇倾听他人,尤其是那些无法用“阿尔法语言”跟他们沟通的人。

    Most Alphas assess information and situations very quickly, and this rapid processing can prevent them from listening to others—especially to those who don’t communicate in “Alpha-speak.”


  • 大多数阿尔法人都信息环境迅速做出评估,这样快速信息处理过程使得他们无暇倾听他人,尤其是那些无法阿尔法语言”跟他们沟通的人。

    Most Alphas assess information and situations very quickly, and this rapid processing can prevent them from listening to others-especially to those who don't communicate in "Alpha-speak."


  • 整个1990年代快速增长审慎的财政爱尔兰加拿大这些国家迅速削减债务水平

    During the 1990s, fast growth and fiscal prudence allowed countries from Ireland to Canada to cut their debt levels sharply.


  • 如果能够反应迅速,随机应变能够快速逗趣玩笑做出反应,那么她会认为聪明机灵

    If you can think on your feet, and are quick to reply to her playful teases, you’ll be seen as smart and alert.


  • 如果能够反应迅速,随机应变能够快速逗趣玩笑做出反应,那么她会认为聪明机灵

    If you can think on your feet, and are quick to reply to her playful teases, you’ll be seen as smart and alert.


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