• 同样不可避免的是,决策者思维模式需要更多弹性不断进修快速转变

    Inevitably, more flexibility, ongoing further education and a rapid shift in decision makers' thinking patterns will be called for.


  • 应用系统迁移云端可以弹性基础服务中获益,云服务一种快速、廉价、高效策略方法

    Migrating applications to the cloud to benefit from its elastic infrastructure services is a quick, cost-effective, and tactical approach to reap the benefits of the cloud.


  • 公司必须保持灵活性弹性安全性,必须随时来自客户合作伙伴供应商机会作出快速反应。

    Companies must remain flexible, resilient, and secure, and must be ready to respond quickly to the opportunities that arise from customers, partners, and suppliers.


  • 保证一夜好的睡眠(晚上10睡觉),早晨孩子一点点深呼吸快速做个有弹性日常安排

    Get a good night's sleep (in bed by 10pm) and wake up just a bit earlier than the children to allow you to take a few deep breaths or do a quick stretching routine.


  • IBMWebSphereDataPowerXC10Appliance快速简便经济高效方法用于添加弹性数据缓存增强应用程序基础结构

    The WebSphere DataPower XC10 Appliance is a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to add an elastic data caching tier to enhance your application infrastructure.


  • 弹性处理——管理IT风险持续运行过程中能够快速捕捉机会,立即处置外来威胁

    Resilient processesmanage it risks and rapidly adapt and respond to opportunities and threats while continuing operations.


  • 业务探讨SOA背后的业务驱动力,包括企业敏捷、更具适应性、更快速响应弹性更加赢利

    Businessexamines the business drivers behind SOA – drive to more agile, adaptable, responsive, resilient, and profitable enterprises.


  • 我们采取弹性谨慎宏观经济政策适应外部变化保证快速稳定经济增长同时保持较低的通胀

    We need to adopt a flexible and prudent macroeconomic policy to adapt to external changes in order to ensure very fast and steady economic growth and at the same time keeping inflation down.


  • 一个标枪运动员达到较高成绩就必须具有强大快速力量坚韧弹性听从使唤肌肉

    A javelin athlete must achieve a higher result, must have formidable and the fast strength, is tenacious, has the muscle which the elasticity and obeys directs.


  • 结构局部非线性而其它大部分弹性时,方程可以采用“快速非线性分析”(FNA方法求解。

    When the structure keeps elastic except for the local nonlinearities, the fast nonlinear analysis (FNA) method is desirable for an elastic response history analysis.


  • 面霜试试伊薇的,富含多元胜肽快速修复失活受损胶原蛋白弹性蛋白快速抚平皱纹

    Try Yiwei cream, rich in diverse peptides, rapid inactivation repair damaged collagen and elastin, fast smooth wrinkles.


  • 结果运用方法进行医学图像弹性,实现标准图像变形图像快速准确配准。

    Results Using this method for medical image elastic registration, rapid and accurate registration between standard and deformed images was achieved.


  • 结构局部非线性而其它大部分弹性时,方程可以采用所谓“快速非线性分析”(FNA方法求解。

    When the structure keeps elastic except for the local nonlinearities, the so-called fast nonlinear analysis (FNA) method is desirable for an elastic response history analysis.


  • 研究一种单组分的弹性环氧密封胶,具有中温快速固化流挂性能,尤其适应工厂的生产流水线

    In this paper, one part elastic epoxy resin sealant was prepared, it has character of rapid middle temperature cure and sag resistance, especially can be applied on line production.


  • 专用于墙面凹洞,有别于一般传统砂浆,提供龟裂弹性卓越的防水能力、强力著于光滑表面快速干燥承受酸碱溶剂侵蚀,无需自行调配,随开即用。

    Specifically for repairing the wall cavity, can provide high flexibility, excellent water-proof, strong adhesion to smooth surfaces, quick drying, and to resist the erosion of acid-base solvent.


  • 文中采用的击力振动梁测量系统测试弹性模量快速简便有较高精度可信度。

    The method for determing the dynamic modulus adopted in the present experiment was found not only simple and convenient, but also highly precise.


  • 聚丙烯树脂熔融指数仪上熔融挤出、快速牵伸退火处理,制得了弹性聚丙烯纤维。

    Hard elastic polypropylene fibre samples were made by melt spinning isotactic polypropylene with melt indexer, followed by fast winding and annealing.


  • 而后,利用拟弹性叠加、双重迭代给出快速弹塑性接触问题有限元算法

    Then a finite element method for quickly solving elastoplastic contact problems is presented by using quasi-elastic summation and double-iteration.


  • 具备优异弹性高度快速干燥特性适用多种难以附著之物体达到防水保护效果

    With excellent elasticity, adhesion and rapid drying of highly characteristic, suitable for a variety of objects difficult to adhere in order to achieve water protection.


  • 通过建立GDP就业模型揭示经济增长与就业内在关系。增加就业降低失业率必须保持快速稳定的经济增长和提高GDP就业弹性

    It is necessary to maintain a rapid pace of economy growth and improve GDP-employment elasticity in order to increase employment and decrease unemployment by GDP-employment mathematic models.


  • 瑞丰五金电子开关服务满意弹性交货期快速的的服务,大大的增加客户竞争力

    Ruifeng electronic switch: service satisfaction flexible delivery, fast service, greatly increasing the competitiveness of customers.


  • ET技术2糖尿病患者下肢动脉弹性检测提供一种快速无创评价方法

    Et technology is a quick and non-invasive evaluating method for elasticity of lower limb arteries in T2DM patients.


  • 快速凝固铝铿合金一种密度强度、高弹性模量引人注目的新型航空航天结构材料

    Rapidly solidified aluminum-lithium alloys are conspicuous aeronautic and astro- nautic structural materials with low density, high strength and high modulus of elasticity.


  • 岩样快速回跳条件就是系统(剪切弹性岩石构成)失稳判据

    It is found that the criterion is in agreement with the criterion of instability for the system composed of shear band and elastic rocks outside the band.


  • 三维弹性力学边界基础上,推导二阶单元的基本快速多极展开格式

    The three-dimensional boundary element method for elastic materials was extended to develop a fast multipole expansion formulation of the fundamental solutions for quadratic elements.


  • 如何快速精确估计箱式超大型浮体波浪中的水弹性响应设计中需要解决一个重要问题。

    Efficient and accurate estimation of mat-like VLFS s hydroelastic responses in waves is very important for the design.


  • 如何快速精确估计箱式超大型浮体波浪中的水弹性响应设计中需要解决一个重要问题。

    Efficient and accurate estimation of mat-like VLFS s hydroelastic responses in waves is very important for the design.


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