• 结果作为心脏主要动力心室收缩有效供血能力受到干扰

    The effect is to freeze much of the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber, disrupting its ability to contract and effectively pump blood.


  • 重型设备耐用消费品汽车方面的需求下降欧元工业心脏包括德国在内,造成沉重打击

    A drop in demand for capital equipment, durable consumer goods and cars will strike at the euro zone's industrial heartland, including Germany.


  • 舒适迷人中产阶级酒店中央坐落于和平心脏地带马尔默。

    Comfortable and charming middle class hotel centrally located in a peaceful area in the heart of Malmo.


  • NH收集布鲁塞尔中心位于布鲁塞尔心脏附近许多历史古迹丰富购物

    NH Collection Brussels Centre is located within the heart of Brussels, nearby to many of its historic monuments and plentiful shopping district.


  • 散发身份伦敦丰富历史交织在一起城市别墅位于城市的迷人布伦特伍德心脏

    Exuding an identity that is entwined with London's rich history, Urban Villa is situated in the heart of the city's charming Brentwood district.


  • 位于底特律市中心心脏,底特律美高梅金殿一家豪华酒店赌场,为客人提供星级服务和丰富娱乐

    Located in the heart of Detroit's downtown district, MGM Grand Detroit is a luxury hotel and casino that offers guests five-star service and plenty of entertainment.


  • 著名西班牙艺术家哈维尔元帅,毕尔巴鄂附近的饭店毕尔巴鄂的艺术心脏一个时尚酒店

    Designed by famed Spanish artist, Javier Mariscal, Gran hotel Domine Bilbao is a stylish hotel in the heart of Bilbao's art district.


  • 厚颜无耻要约来自美国电子交易市场纳斯达克提出的对作为伦敦金融心脏的伦敦交易所收购。

    The cheekiest offer has come from NASDAQ, an electronic exchange in America, for the heart of the City, the London Stock exchange.


  • 然而,多年临床经验告诉我们,这种无回声的暗特别是局限性,常与邻近心脏其它脏器疾病混淆

    However, experience has taught us that other types of sonolucent space adjacent to the heart can sometime be mistaken for pericardial effusions and loculated effusions in particular.


  • 对称生心后部促使心肌体细胞形成心脏流入静脉

    The posterior region of the paired heartforming fields subsequently contributes myocardial precursor cells to the inflow region or venous pole of the heart.


  • 雷恩说欧盟行动阻止了希腊问题蔓延此次危机暴露出了欧元经济心脏地带软肋。

    Rehn said eu action had prevented Greece's problems from spreading, but the crisis also revealed a flaw at the heart of the euro zone's economy.


  • 因素身体过度劳累身体患病疼痛皮肤瘙痒咳嗽心脏喘息呕吐腹泻等

    The footer area body factors: physical over-exertion or physical illness, such as pain, itching, cough, heart disease, wheezing, vomiting and diarrhea.


  • 位于上海九江金融广场,雄踞黄浦商业中心心脏地带。交通方便商贸往来频繁,地点理想适中。

    The Financial Square, located in Jiujiang road in Shanghai, is strategically situated in the heart of the Huangpu commercial center, with convenient traffic and flourishing trade.


  • 目的观察针刺耳廓压力负荷冠心病患者心脏动力学影响

    Purpose To observe the influence of acupuncture of auricular heart area on cardiodynamics in patients with high pressure load coronary heart disease.


  • 所以如果外科医生计划孩子心脏进行修复,系统建立模型便能将血液如何流经修复心脏的过程向他显示出来。

    So if a surgeon were planning a certain correction to an area of a child's heart, a model created by the system would show the surgeon how well blood would flow through the newly configured heart.


  • 高血压最终导致心脏主要动力泵(心室)的增大,可以通过“左心室容积系数”(简写为LVMI)得的。

    High blood pressure eventually leads to enlargement of the main pumping chamber of the heart, which is measured by the "left ventricular mass index" or LVMI.


  • 结论左侧乳腺癌术后调强放疗改善剂量分布减少心脏受照剂量体积

    Conclusion IMRT can improve CTV dose distribution and reduce the cardiac dose and volume for the left breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery.


  • 因此如何恢复缺血心肌、如何重建严重弥漫性缺血心肌结构以及恢复心肌功能成为近年来缺血性心脏病研究重点之一。

    It has gained more and more attention on how to recover the blood supply to the ischemic regions and how to rebuild myocardial structure of severe diffused ischemic hearts.


  • 结果冠心病患者心脏缺血室壁运动幅度明显减低

    Results Magnitudes of ischemia area endocardial motion CAD patients were lower.


  • 结论心脉通胶囊可以明显改善冠脉血流增加心肌缺血灌注缺血性心脏一定疗效。

    Conclusion: Xinmaitong capsule can obviously enhance the coronary blood flow, and increase the perfusion in the ischemia area, and it has a therapeutic effect on myocardial ischemia.


  • 结果MI/R造成明显心脏功能障碍,缺血细胞凋亡。

    RESULTS: MI/R caused significant cardiac dysfunction and myocardial death.


  • 美国医学研究所一项报告显示,当前禁烟心脏突发降低了47%。

    Now the Institute of Medicine reports that heart attack rates have dropped by as much as 47 percent in areas that prohibit lighting up in public.


  • 由于位于曼谷商业心脏地带,地理位置优越曼哈顿酒店商务旅客和休闲游客理想选择。

    The Hotel Manhattan is ideal for business travelers as well as tourists due to its easily approachable location, which is in the heart of Bangkok business district.


  • 我们担心砍伐,已经深入亚马逊心脏过去只砍伐弧形亚马逊公路轴线

    What worries us is that deforestation is advancing into the heart of the amazon. In the past it was concentrated along the arc of deforestation and the axis of the Transamazon highway.


  • 我们担心砍伐,已经深入亚马逊心脏过去只砍伐弧形亚马逊公路轴线

    What worries us is that deforestation is advancing into the heart of the amazon. In the past it was concentrated along the arc of deforestation and the axis of the Transamazon highway.


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