• 他们风险,不是贪求甜美蜂蜜就是出自这种迷人昆虫好奇

    They may risk being stung for the sweet reward of honey, or out of curiosity for this fascinating insect.


  • 毕竟体育锻炼降低慢性疾病风险,能增强身体的平衡协调能力,还能减轻体重——甚至能提高自尊

    After all, physical activity can reduce your risk of chronic disease, improve your balance and coordination, help you lose weight - even boost your self-esteem.


  • 随着事件风险越来越大,没有接受教育培训艾琳得用才智天生的同情劝服小镇居民,让他们不要做局外人,应参与这起事件中。

    As the stakes get higher, the uneducated and untrained Erin must use her considerable wits and genuine empathy to the affected townsfolk to stay not only ahead, but in the game.


  • 仔细一下一个系统鼓励那些1718岁的青少年做出风险的终身决定,就会发现,这多么荒唐的。

    When you stop and think about it, a system that encourages 17-to-18-year-olds to make high-stakes life decisions is insane.


  • 我们需要跳出盒子问题,好奇愿意承担风险

    We need to think out of the box, and be curious, and be willing to take risks.


  • 根据脏杂志二月份期刊报道,需要进一步研究确定传统的非体抗炎药是否增加再次梗的风险

    Further studies are needed to determine if traditional NSAIDs also raise the risk of repeat mi, according to the report in the February issue of Heart.


  • 有时送出一瓣其他人没有回赠,因此就出现了这些豁口——献出爱也是需要风险

    Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his or her heart to me.


  • 自由职业者并不反对风险我们独立性与生俱来的,就是责任,以及自己生活的把握。

    True freelancers are not averse to risk. With our independence comes more responsibility, more accountability for our lives.


  • 目的评估内源性卵巢雌激素暴露栓子性缺血性卒中风险之间关系

    Objective: To assess the relationship between exposure to endogenous ovarian hormones and the risk of noncardioembolic ischemic stroke.


  • 许多药物激素治疗风险风险增加了血液凝块攻击中风乳腺癌胆囊疾病

    Like many medications, hormone therapy carries risks such as an increased risk of blood clots, heart attacked, strokes, breast cancer and gall bladder disease.


  • 风险也是一个触发器对于运动员来说一点显而易见

    Risk is also a flow trigger, which is obvious for athletes.


  • 那些食用食品骤停中风风险降低25%,患过早死亡风险降低了20%。

    People who don't eat much salty food have a 25% lower risk of cardiac arrest or stroke and a 20% lower risk of premature death.


  • “研究结果显示诊断2型糖尿病患者中10强化血糖控制至少降低20年的死亡风险。”总结到

    The trials showed that "if you have newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, at least 10 years of intensive glycemic therapy will reduce your 20-year risk of mortality and MI, " he summarized.


  • 数以万计的人们电视首次登月他们就提到了嗓子眼,因为他们十分清楚这次多么艰难多么危险以及要冒多大风险

    Millions of people watched the first moon landing on TV, their hearts in their mouths, aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure was, and what risks had to be taken.


  • 应该庆贺自己那么勇敢愿意承担那么大的风险爱上了对方,鼓励自己就算这次没有产生结果下一次一定的。

    You can congratulate yourself for being brave enough to take a risk and fall in love, and encourage your heart that even though love didn't work out this time, there will be a next time.


  • 事实上,该公司自己已经进行类似分析同样发现该药增加风险

    As it turns out, Glaxo itself had already compiled a similar analysis that also found that the drug raised the risk of heart attacks.


  • 为此本文提出风险导向审计应当继续更新审计理念,即引入舞弊推定证,以切实提高审计师揭露管理舞弊的能力

    So, we bring forward that risk-oriented audit model should be updated through importing the idea of presumption of fraud and assuredness to improve auditors ability to reveal management fraud.


  • 根据几年来调查数据日本年轻人变得越来越畏惧风险寻求安逸,他们外国缺乏好奇厌恶背着包展开艰苦的旅行

    Relying on years of survey data, young Japanese men and women are getting increasingly risk-averse, comfort-seeking, incurious about foreign lands and loath to strap on a backpack to travel rough.


  • 那些食用食品骤停中风风险降低25%,患过早死亡风险降低了20%。

    People who do not eat much salty food have a 25% lower risk of cardiac arrest or stroke and a 20% lower risk of premature death.


  • 对于企业家或者任何一个成功来说,他们需要展现热情、富有好奇并且有承担风险意愿

    The fundamental skills for an entrepreneur or any other person who wants to succeed are passion, curiosity, interest and willingness to take risks.


  • 风险快要跳出来了。

    It is dangerous. My heart is in my mouth.


  • 严格按照护士规章制度办事,认真病案资料,及时认真地按照医生医嘱办事,保持护士高度责任可以有效地规避护士工作中的法律风险

    Nurses must act according to rules and regulations and doctor orders maintaining a high degree of responsibility. Only so, nurses can avoid effectively the risk of law.


  • 严格按照护士规章制度办事,认真病案资料,及时认真地按照医生医嘱办事,保持护士高度责任可以有效地规避护士工作中的法律风险

    Nurses must act according to rules and regulations and doctor orders maintaining a high degree of responsibility. Only so, nurses can avoid effectively the risk of law.


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