• ,“过去以为我还很年轻力壮直到发现只要我持续过度工作达到以上心跳就会变得正常。”

    "I used to think that I was young and strong until I found out that my heartbeat would become irregular if I was overworked for more than three days," said Wang.


  • 这些研究发现舒缓音乐能够减缓心跳呼吸频率以及降低血压

    It was found that slow music could slow the heartbeat and the breathing rate as well as bring down blood pressure.


  • 孔宾(音)妻子预产期下周周四次例行检查医生发现心跳异常,于是就建议尽快引产

    Kong Bin said his wife was due next week, but during a scheduled checkup on Thursday, the doctor discovered she had an abnormal heartbeat and suggested she induce labor as soon as possible.


  • 他们发现人们将目光更多转向自然风光时候他们心跳趋缓,而看高清屏幕的时候没有这种现象。

    They also found that when people spent more time looking at the natural scene their heart rates tended to decrease more. That was not the case with the plasma screen.


  • 比如,2006年,一个叫打越三敬(MitsutakaUchikoshi)的日本雪山睡着了,当他在23天后发现时,已经没有心跳体温只有71氏度。

    Mitsutaka Uchikoshi, a Japanese man, for example, fell asleep on a snowy mountain in 2006 and was found 23 days later with no heartbeat and a body temperature of 71 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • 这次,仅仅秒钟时间,医生大声宣布了发现,“在这儿你们小宝宝心跳!”

    But this time, within seconds, the doctor burst out with his findings, "There it is, the beating heart of your little baby!"


  • 2009年,马宏升妻子玛格利特怀上了一对双胞胎。当年10月份进行常规检查时候,妻子发现其中一个胎儿已经停止心跳

    In October 2009 during a routine visit to her doctor, Maloney's wife, Margaret, who was expecting twins, learned that one of the fetuses had lost a heartbeat.


  • 研究者发现音乐产生有助于安稳睡眠生理变化比如心跳呼吸放缓。

    Listening to music caused physical changes that aided restful sleep, including a lower heart and respiratory rate, the researchers found.


  • 科学家记录了他们心跳、摄氧量二氧化碳排出量,发现观看恐怖片时,受访者卡路里消耗平均增加三分之一

    Scientists recorded their heart rate, oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output - and discovered the number of calories used increased by on average a third during the films.


  • 科学家最近发现大脑两种方式感知我们自己的心跳

    Scientists have recently found that there are two brain pathways involved how we perceive our own thumping heart.


  • 近两年发现楼梯心跳得很快,并且不得不停下来喘气

    About the last two years, I have noticed when I climb stairs my heart beats faster and I have to stop and catch my breath.


  • 见到白灵可人样子杨戬发现心跳加速仿佛只小鹿心里乱撞

    See the white work properly this can the person's appearance, Yang Jian discovers his to addition center beats and imitates a Buddha to have a fawn to in mind bump indiscriminately.


  • 近两年发现楼梯心跳的很快,并且不得不停下来喘气

    About the last two years, I have noticed when I climb stairs my hears beats faster and I have to stop and catch my breath.


  • 一个以多面向互动介入研究发现减少有关放射治疗苦恼(经由心跳速率评估)。

    One newly-identified study of a multifaceted interactive intervention reported a reduction in distress (as measured by heart rate) related to radiation therapy.


  • 首先,33日,一个认识的人带来预计不到的刺激发现自己心跳不已。

    First, on March 3, when chemistry with someone new may be so exciting and so unexpected you may find yourself feeling breathless.


  • 临床研究发现肾虚人均有副交感神经亢进的现象,导致心跳减慢、血压下降,基础体温较低

    Clinical studies have found that the average kidney partial parasympathetic hyperfunction and that leads to heart rate, blood pressure, basal body temperature low.


  • 生命最大恐惧,不过来自心底那个不去发现黑暗但是灵魂告诉我们只要还有心跳,就一定勇气

    The most fearful thing in the life is the darkness deep in your heart. But soul told us that u shall have courage as long as the heart beats.


  • 这种感觉灵敏呢?加速心跳红的缓慢呼吸研究者发现测试分值高者这种感觉更灵敏。

    People who are better at reading these sensations ? a quickened heart beat, a flushed face, slow breathing ? score higher on psychological tests of empathy, researchers have found.


  • 重复第二次的廿四小时心电图检查才发现间歇性房室传导完全阻断,最久的心跳停止时间长达19.4

    At a subsequent syncopal attack, 24 hours ambulatory ECG was repeated and found intermittent complete atrioventricular block with prolonged ventricular asystole up to 19.4 SEC.


  • 然而回顾没有发现任何试验针对使用肾上腺素复苏极端心跳过缓新生儿刚刚停止心脏跳动的婴儿。

    However, the review found no trials of the use of epinephrine for reviving newborn babies with extreme bradycardia or whose hearts appear to have just stopped beating.


  • 然而回顾没有发现任何试验针对使用肾上腺素复苏极端心跳过缓新生儿刚刚停止心脏跳动的婴儿。

    However, the review found no trials of the use of epinephrine for reviving newborn babies with extreme bradycardia or whose hearts appear to have just stopped beating.


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