• 大城市老年人心理抑郁比率增加

    Depressed emotions on rise in old people.


  • 结果干预脑卒中患者日常生活能力肢体运动功能心理抑郁状态有显著改善

    Results The patients in the intervention group make notable progress in life ability , limbs movement functions and psychology depressive state.


  • 碳酸氢根水平、低补体C3水平、A型是非透析肾脏病患者心理抑郁危险因素年龄心理抑郁保护因素

    Low bicarbonate levels, low complement C3 levels and A-type blood are risk factors for non-dialysis patients with depression, but the age is protective factor for depression.


  • 对于比较轻微抑郁某些形式心理疗法确实有效。

    For milder depressions, certain forms of psychotherapy do work well.


  • 根据研究其他原因还包括个人满足感”,保持心理健康防止无聊避免抑郁

    Other reasons, according to the study, include personal fulfillment such as staying mentally fit, preventing boredom or avoiding depression.


  • 使用互联网时间不能用于面对面社会接触因此心理推测,大量使用互联网会导致抑郁

    Time spent using the Internet cannot be spent in face-to-face social contact, so psychologists have speculated that sharply increasing Internet use can cause depression.


  • 学校里,很快发现除了普通心理咨询学校没有那些一样正在进行身体康复患有抑郁学生提供任何服务

    On campus, he quickly found that beyond ordinary counselling, the university had no services for students who were undergoing physical rehabilitation and suffering from depression like him.


  • 精神上的痛苦一方面来说焦虑恐惧形式中,有增无减导致精神错乱抑郁其他心理疾病

    Mental anguish, on the other hand, in the form of anxiety and fears, could continue unabated and result in distraction, depression and other psychological ills.


  • 研究人员还采用不同调查问卷,分别记录父母心理健康状况抑郁症状

    The researchers used two separate questionnaires to record the overall mental health and depression symptoms of the parents.


  • 那些缺少的人可能生活抱有阴暗的看法更多受到抑郁心理问题的折磨。

    Those without it are likely to have a gloomier outlook on life, and suffer more from mental health problems such as depression.


  • 与此同时城市生活很有压力研究发现那些心理疾病,精神分裂抑郁焦虑紊乱城市居民普遍

    At the same time, city living can be stressful, and studies have found that mental health problems, such as schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders, are more common in urbanites.


  • 但是对于重度抑郁对于特定人群心理疗法还充分

    However, for severe depression or for certain people, psychotherapy may not be enough.


  • 许多饮酒问题其他心理疾病的困扰,例如是的严重焦虑抑郁

    Many individuals with alcohol problems suffer from other mental health conditions, such as severe anxiety and depression, at the same time.


  • 各种不同精神科药物用来治疗心理疾病常见的有抗抑郁大类非典型抗精神病药物

    There are a wide range of psychiatric medications that are prescribed to treat mental illness. Most often these include antidepressants and a class of medications called atypical antipsychotics.


  • 医生心理健康治疗可以一个测试帮助决定是否抑郁其他的健康或心理健康问题

    The doctor or mental health care provider can do an exam to help determine if you have depression or if you have another health or mental health problem.


  • 我们实验表明音乐疗法加入标准药物心理咨询疗法中时,会帮助热门改善抑郁焦虑的情况。

    Our trial has shown that music therapy, when added to standard care including medication, psychotherapy and counselling, helps people to improve their levels of depression and anxiety.


  • 对于焦虑抑郁以及更加严重的疾病,心理疗法疗效至少不比药物的差。

    For anxiety and depression, he says, and perhaps for more complex complaints, psychotherapy is at least as effective as medication.


  • 证据证明超重肥胖偏见导致别人的负面心理比如抑郁或者自卑

    There is evidence that negative psychological consequences associated with overweight and obesity, such as depression and low self-esteem, could be a consequence of this type of prejudice.


  • Dillon自认为,这本书涵盖妄想症心身症状,再到器质性病变的心理反应,同时还讲述了抑郁躯体变形障碍症。

    For Dillon, it seems to encompass everything from frank delusion to psychosomatic symptoms to psychological responses to organic illness, taking in depression and body dysmorphia along the way.


  • 指示全科医生采取新的指导方法如果关系问题正在导致抑郁心理咨询达到20夫妻将要提供给超过6个月的治疗疗程

    He will instruct GPs to follow new guidance which says that if relationship problems are causing depression, up to 20 sessions of couples counselling can be offered, over the course of six months.


  • 丢掉工作或者离婚都有可能失眠起因,这样的失眠大多可以随时间自愈;而对于潜在抑郁导致的失眠,心理疗法抑郁药的组合可以奏效;

    When theinsomnia is a symptom of underlying depression, a combination oftherapy and anti-depressants can work.


  • 知道代表着什么如果,如果不是心理抑郁,你总会,发现意义的事情,即使一个无尽悔恨

    Well, I don't know what that means but if you are not psychologically depressed, you'll always find something meaningful, even if it's an infinite regret.


  • 感觉放心朋友打电话或者一位职业心理医生交谈可以帮助克服自我抑郁痛苦的感觉。

    Call a close friend who you are comfortable with, or talk to a professional psychologist to help you get through the feelings of depression and pain.


  • 对于中度抑郁心理疗法最佳治疗选择

    For mild to moderate depression, psychotherapy may be the best option.


  • 这些研究成果神经科学心理健康研究产生重大影响,因为爱情顺利时,一个导致心理压力抑郁情绪重要原因。

    The findings have major implications for neuroscience and mental health research because when love doesn't work out, it can be a significant cause of emotional stress and depression.


  • 无论是堕胎还是生育妇女,她们经常面临的共同心理问题是抑制性焦虑、严重心理压力抑郁

    The most common problems among women in both the abortion and the delivery groups were debilitating anxiety, severe stress and depression.


  • 然而那些有潜在社交恐惧症的孩子似乎还有其他心理问题抑郁滥用药物等。

    Still, those identified as potentially socially phobic were more likely to have another mental health problem, such as depression or substance abuse.


  • 因此也是获得心理疗法可以帮助克服抑郁

    So too is access to psychological therapies that can help overcome depression for good.


  • 因此也是获得心理疗法可以帮助克服抑郁

    So too is access to psychological therapies that can help overcome depression for good.


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