• 吉卜赛女性形象心灵慰藉精神的充盈。

    Gypsy female images give people with the mind's solace and the adequate spirit.


  • 爱心夜空中的一轮明月,使孤苦依的即刻获得心灵慰藉

    Love is a bright moon in the night sky, so that people who have no immediate access to comfort the soul.


  • 友谊一首飘荡夜空歌谣使孤苦无依的人获得心灵慰藉

    Friendship is a floating in the ballad of the night sky, make people alone for the comfort of the mind.


  • 但是只有网络才能找到心灵慰藉找到情感相依却是事实

    But, only network, then can find out the solace of mind, just find out the person whom the emotion mutually depends on, but this be the fact.


  • 厚重冬装迎着三月和煦春风披着温暖阳光,独自外出寻觅心灵慰藉

    Took off his heavy winter clothing, facing the March genial spring, dressed in warm sunshine, going out alone to find spiritual consolation.


  • 漫画并不只是人们带来一种心灵慰藉重要我们在思考之后,能够在现实生活中切实付出真爱真诚

    But Jimmy′s cartoons don′t give us a kind of comfort for spirit merely, more important is that they enable us to show love and since


  • 帮助了别人自己心灵得到慰藉境界也会得到升华:“与玫瑰留余香。”

    Having helped others, our heart and soul will get comfort and our realm also will get sublimation: "giving rose to others will remain fragrant aftertaste at our own hands.


  • 在付出的同时,我们心灵也会得到爱慰藉回报

    Thus his love and fidelity had their full reward.


  • 今年AmandaSanchez母亲周年时候建了一个纪念碑那儿,她这个花园同样也是她的心灵慰藉

    Amanda Sanchez, who had a memorial there on the anniversary of her mother's death this year, said that the garden has been a comfort for her as well.


  • 力图形而上的层面人们开拓精神寄托与慰藉地,平息不安之心灵

    He tried to open up spirit home for the people from the metaphysical angle to calm the restless soul.


  • 仿佛只有夜里心灵安静慰藉

    Imitate only I just have a mind at the mid-night of peaceful and comfort.


  • 唯有夜里心灵安静慰藉因为白昼有如激流夜晚便

    And I also just have a mind at the mid-night only of peaceful and comfort, because of daytime like torrent current, night then such as quiet water.


  • 随着岁月流逝,就是挽歌读者心灵强大慰藉的重要性。

    What matters to readers, over time, is the power of "Elegy" to console.


  • 每天忙忙碌碌地去讨别人欢心忘了去慰藉自己心灵

    He is not the one who bustles in catering for others instead of consoling his own soul.


  • 痛失爱妻而感到遗憾,我希望能够追忆妻子伟大精神爱情纽带找到心灵慰藉

    I am sorry for your loss and I hope you can find comfort in the memory of your wife's great spirit and of your loving bond.


  • 现在博客里贴我们心灵得到慰藉母亲节诗歌表达我们母亲感情

    I am putting up a soul soothing Mother's day poem to help you in conveying your heart felt emotions to your dear mom in my blog.


  • 王国维力图形而上层面人们开拓精神寄托慰藉平息躁动不安心灵

    In order to calm people's upset soul, Wang Guowei tried to open up a land of spiritual sustenance and consolation for them from the metaphysical perspective.


  • 一句问候,握手,一个拥抱,都可以艾滋病患者莫大鼓励心灵慰藉

    A greeting, a handshake, a hug, to people living with AIDS can be a great encouragement and spiritual solace.


  • 一方面是因为香烟尼古丁可以让上瘾,另一个好处就是吸烟可以给人心灵慰藉最重要也许戒烟困难啊

    In good part, because the nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive. In good part, because smoking provides psychological comfort to some people. Perhaps most of all, because quitting is so hard.


  • 炎炎夏日,相信老人们收到不仅仅是清凉的问候,更多是心灵上的慰藉感受到万豪大酒店》的浓浓关怀。

    In the scorching summer, these nursing home residents have not only received sincere greetings bringing them refreshment, but also a warm piece of mind from both Marriott and Grand Hotels.


  • 这样的珍贵时刻有杨守成陪伴,这迟来虽然短暂慰藉心灵片刻宁静得到了短暂幸福

    In such a precious moment, Yang Shoucheng walks beside the belated love, though short, but also comfort her mind a few moments of quiet, let her get temporary happiness.


  • 选择给予的同时,我们收获心灵上的慰藉温暖

    When choosing to give, we will reap the spiritual comfort and warmth as well.


  • 众多运动员教练官员记者看来,“中国之家一个慰藉心灵、缓解思乡之情港湾

    For numerous athletes, coaches, officials and journalists, the "China house" is a harbor for soul consolation and homesickness alleviation;


  • 现在烟台人才网地的瑜伽练习者,有多少不是在寻求通过练习瑜伽,得到身心放松心灵慰藉解脱呢!

    Now the mainland yoga practitioners, how many people not looking through yoga, relax the body and mind, spiritual comfort and relief!


  • 树上鸟儿唱歌歌声当年那些等待着进入毒气室命运受害者一份临时心灵慰藉

    There were birds singing in the trees, which once offered a temporary shelter for victims awaiting their fate inside the gas Chambers.


  • 心灵温暖慰藉

    Love is the soul of the most warm and comfort.


  • 真正的慰藉放飞心灵改善处境赋予希望

    A real comfort can lift you up and over, can change your situation and give you hope.


  • 每当我们感到需要平安心灵慰藉节制信心满足任何其它合乎旨意的事时,我们便求告神,知道祂必定在我们身旁

    Whenever we feel the need for peace, spiritual comfort, self-control, confidence, contentment, or anything else in line with God's will, we can call on God and know that he is always near.


  • 每当我们感到需要平安心灵慰藉节制信心满足任何其它合乎旨意的事时,我们便求告神,知道祂必定在我们身旁

    Whenever we feel the need for peace, spiritual comfort, self-control, confidence, contentment, or anything else in line with God's will, we can call on God and know that he is always near.


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