• 年轻心灵继续勇气

    The young hearts continue to fill me with courage.


  • 也许真的做出决定花费些时间面对选择时,勇气/心灵/直觉或者其它什么立即一个答案

    You may take time to actually make your decision, but when presented with the choice, your gut/heart/intuition or whatever it is that speaks to you, will give you an immediate answer.


  • 心灵中央座无线电台只要接收到其他人上帝发出的美、希望快乐勇气力量信息永远年轻

    In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the God, so long as you are young.


  • 也许真的做出决定花费些时间面对选择时,勇气/心灵/直觉或者其它什么立即一个答案

    You may take time to actually make your decision, but when presented with the choice, your gut/heart/intuition or whatever it is that speaks to you, will give you an immediate answer. Write it down.


  • 依然保持着勇气,到处寻觅也许在别处错过了,我依然停留在某个地方等你心灵拥有深刻的真实

    I still maintain courage, looking around, maybe I missed elsewhere, but I still stuck somewhere waiting for you, have you among the most profound spiritual truth.


  • 勇气使振奋,她的精神触动了心灵

    Her courage was an inspiration to me and her spirit touched my heart.


  • 心灵自由的,鼓起勇气随心飞翔

    Mind is free, summon up courage to go flying!


  • 通过升华心灵,通过回忆过去曾经为之自豪勇气荣耀希望、自尊、同情、怜悯牺牲从而帮助人们坚持下去,殊荣

    It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which has been the glory of his past.


  • 勇气勇气意味着心灵或者道德上力量争取美德,坚持,抵制危险恐惧或者差异”。

    Courage: Courage means "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty."


  • 你的自由的,用尽勇气追随它吧

    Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.


  • 勇气管理你的心灵头脑以及想法恐惧无处遁形

    Let courage govern your hearts and minds and the idea fear will fade away.


  • 鼓起全部勇气,去一些心灵指引做的事情这样,你才不会日后的生活中因为做到而感到遗憾。

    Take up all your courage and do some thing your heart tells you to do, so that you may not regret not doing it later in life.


  • 心灵自由的,鼓起勇气随心飞翔。 ——《勇敢的心》。

    Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.


  • 鼓起全部勇气,去一些心灵指引做的事情,你才不会日后生活中因为做到而感到遗憾。

    Take all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret not doing it later in life.


  • 心灵功效增加勇气纾解挫败感低落的情绪,增强记忆力集中注意力

    Efficacy on spirit: increase courage, lighten frustration, raise spirits, boost up memory and focus attention.


  • 他们荣誉在于通过完善人类心灵提醒人类要拥有勇气,要有荣誉感,要拥有希望,要有自豪感,要有怜悯心,同情心牺牲精神——一切优秀品质人类过去历程的光荣

    It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past.


  • 对于失落一份小小的感动心灵救命稻草可以在困惑中拯救心灵充满自信找到勇气看到希望获取成功。

    For the lost time, a little touched by a soul, life-saving straw, which can save the soul in the confusion, let you confident, find the courage to see hope for success.


  • 重要你要有勇气听从直觉心灵的指引,某种程度上它们已经知道变成什么样子,而其他一切都次要的。

    And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.


  • 如果见到嬉皮观音”,就要一点心灵探索需要那么一点勇气才可以。

    But if you want to see the Hippie Avalokitesvara, then you will have to do bit of soul searching, you have to have a little bit of courage.


  • 鼓起全部勇气一些心灵指引自己做的事情。这样不会日后生活中因为没有而感到遗憾。

    So don't make a Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells us to do so that you may not regret not doing it later in life.


  • 慰藉自己心灵,来张扬征服自然伟大创造力以期建立自己理想世界肯定力量鼓舞人们继续奋斗勇气

    To comfort my heart, to make public man conquer nature of great creativity, aiming to establish their own ideal world, and sure man's strength, inspire people continue to struggle of courage.


  • 你的自由的,鼓起勇气随心飞翔!

    Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.


  • 勇气生活赋予人心灵平静时,索要代价

    Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace.


  • 心灵中央座无线电台只要正在接受其他·人和上帝发出的美丽、希望快乐勇气力量信息就会永远年轻

    In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it is receiving messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from God, you are young.


  • 有特权帮助人忍耐提升心灵提醒人要勇气荣誉希望自尊、同情、怜悯牺牲这些人类往日光荣。

    It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honour and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past.


  • 心灵中央座无线电台只要能接收到其他人上帝发出的美、希望快乐勇气力量信息永远年轻

    In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it is receiving messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from God, you are young.


  • 心灵中央座无线电台只要能接收到其他人上帝发出的美、希望快乐勇气力量信息永远年轻

    In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it is receiving messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from God, you are young.


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