• 模仿一流品牌的做法毫无意义

    It makes no sense in copying Japanese and German premium brands.


  • 同年,学院增设法语专业结合二外教学工作,成立了法德系

    In the same year, the program of French was set up, which, together with German language (mainly taught as a second language) formed the French & German Department.


  • 大部分车主普遍认为雅阁动力不错操控性能良好有点德系味道

    Most of the owners generally thought that accord good power, control performance is good, a bit of the car's taste.


  • 很多印象中口碑销量相比并不见长。

    A lot of people get the impression that Korean car is not so good at reputation and sales comparing with German car, American car and Japanese car.


  • 认为正是异常历史环境强加德系犹太人独有的进化压力导致了这些看似奇怪的现象。

    His argument is that the unusual history of the Ashkenazim has subjected them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this paradoxical state of affairs.


  • 目前本人大学毕业了·近期可是不想贵的预计30WRMB左右德系的车。

    At present I graduated college soon again in the near future would like to buy a car, but do not want to buy too expensive, and is expected to buy them about 30W RMB Ashkenazi car.


  • 尽管有人不愿接受,假如确实如此的话有力地证明德系犹太人不经意间经历了优生实验,而他们带来了智商上优势

    If that turns out to be the case, it will strengthen the idea that, albeit unwillingly, Ashkenazi Jews have been part of an accidental experiment in eugenics. It has brought them some advantages.


  • Cochran博士认为德系犹太人也面临同样情况,他们的某些基因如果以单组出现就可以提高智力,一旦以组出现就会引起疾病

    Dr Cochran argues that something similar happened to the Ashkenazim. Genes that promote intelligence in an individual when present as a single copy create disease when present as a double copy.


  • 帕甘博士北非一些阿拉伯国家多达百分之40帕金森氏患者具有这种基因。 在德系犹太裔,也有百分之11至14的患者有这种基因。

    Dr. Pagan says that up to 40 percent of Parkinson's patients from northern Africa, and some Arab countries, have this gene, and between 11 to 14 percent of patients of Ashkenazi Jewish descent.


  • 研究人员他们发现差异的基因和其他相对寿命犹太人家庭成员基因对比,但是观察小组研究员却没有发现任何一个出现变异基因。

    The researchers compared the findings to other Ashkenazi Jews whose family members did not live as long. In the control group, they say, no one had the mutations.


  • 这个来自纽约爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein CollegeofMedicine)的研究小组美国德系犹太人社区行研究后声称:这一发现可以导致种抗衰老药物的诞生。

    The team from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who studied an American Ashkenazi Jewish community, said that the finding could lead to anti-aging drugs.


  • 时,我们决定知道怎样和解安全带

    When Ted was six we decided that he needed to know how to fasten and unfasten his seat belt.


  • 是的退休美国大学艺术教授经常会忘记熟人长得什么样

    Yeah, Hurd is a retired arts professor of US and he often forgets looks of acquaintances.


  • 2001年开始,布罗担任马里兰大学新闻教授杜克大学教过段时间

    Starting in 2001, Broder also served as a journalism professor at the University of Maryland. He also taught for a time at Duke University.


  • 洛克希·马丁公司持续威胁探测一个时间高举氦气填充气球设计,这种设计是为了提供广泛监视领域

    Lockheed Martin's Persistent Threat Detection System is a tethered aerostat filled with helium designed to stay aloft for long periods of time to provide surveillance of broad areas.


  • 斯曼先生的结论今年早些时候得到了支持,是一霍利·琼斯奥斯瓦尔·施密发表耶鲁大学森林与环境研究科学公共图书馆的研究。

    Mr Weisman's conclusion was backed up earlier this year by a study published in the Public Library of Science by Holly Jones and Oswald Schmitz, of Yale's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.


  • 那个女子穿着红色连帽不过贝尼尼神父,目前尚清楚周四事件是否同一指使

    That woman too had a red sweat shirt, but Benedettini said it was not immediately known if the same person was behind Thursday's incident.


  • 点击这里阅读大卫·威尔科克理查·霍格关于“气候变化影响太阳所有行星全面详细研究资料。

    Click here to read David Wilcock's and Richard Hoagland's comprehensive and detailed research into 'climate change' affecting every planet in our solar system.


  • 美国艳星乔丹击败凯特·摩丝·米尔斯·古蒂等有力对手,当选“年度明星妈咪”。

    Jordan has beaten off stiff competition from Kate Moss, Heather Mills and Jade Goody to be crowned Celebrity Mum of the Year.


  • 斯特·拉斯·克莱大学物理的OlafRolinski博士领导研究

    Dr Olaf Rolinski, of the University of Strathclyde's Department of Physics, led the research.


  • 协助设计实施下哥司法援助项目,该项目俄罗斯莫斯科司法援助中心负责管理示范性项目,旨在减少羁押时间

    He helped design and implement the Nizhegorod Project on Justice Assistance, a demonstration managed by the Center that reduced the length of time people were held in jail before trial.


  • 的确,格尼·整个太阳最大的卫星。

    Indeed, Ganymede is the largest moon in the whole solar system.


  • 但天文学家们不必证实他们太阳外层理解斯卡团队已经掌握其它柯伊伯星体的星。

    Astronomers won't have to wait that long to firm up their understanding of the outer solar system, though: Sicardy and his team already have occultations in hand from other Kuiper Belt objects.


  • 但天文学家们不必证实他们太阳外层理解斯卡团队已经掌握其它柯伊伯星体的星。

    Astronomers won't have to wait that long to firm up their understanding of the outer solar system, though: Sicardy and his team already have occultations in hand from other Kuiper Belt objects.


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