• 德拉戈按了一个按钮关上了

    Drago pressed a button and the door closed.


  • 德拉一把将推向墙壁搜了身。

    Drago pushed him up against the wall and frisked him.


  • 也是我们最后欣赏到比利·德拉主流影片中的演出

    It's also the last time we'll ever see Billy Drago in a mainstream movie.


  • 2008年8月10日,罗马尼亚选手德拉戈北京奥运会女子平衡木资格赛比赛

    Gabriela Dragoi of Romania competes in the women's qualification balance beam during the artistic gymnastics competition at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games August 10, 2008.


  • 那场堪称电影史上赏心悦目拳赛情节上,伊凡·德拉戈洛奇·巴伯个回合针锋相对

    In what is probably one of the most enjoyable boxing scenes in cinema history, Ivan Drago and Rocky Balboa go toe-to-toe for several rounds.


  • 有抱负骑士加雷斯寻找一个堕落传闻彗星含有震惊的,而不是寻龙德拉戈

    When aspiring knight Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet rumored to contain gold, he is shocked to instead find the dragon Drago.


  • 经过德拉戈节省加雷斯生活两人成为错综复杂保税必须共同努力,打败邪恶巫师停止恐怖统治

    After Drago saves Gareth's life the two become intricately bonded, and must work together to defeat an evil sorcerer and stop his reign of terror.


  • 沃尔特·本德哈尔·宾德·霍拉纳等人也达到一级别

    Among others who have attained this rank are Walter Bender and Har Gobind Khorana.


  • 来自加州大学圣迭分校的卡迪克•穆拉里达兰世界银行万可太实•桑德拉拉曼,印度德拉的300所国立学校试验了这个想法

    Two researchers, Karthik Muralidharan of the University of California at San Diego and Venkatesh Sundararaman of the World Bank, tested that idea in 300 state-run schools in Andhra Pradesh in India.


  • 特德斯科、西研究团队拉贡火山口中开展研究时,毒气云雾频繁震动他们所要面临两大挑战

    Clouds of toxic gas and frequent tremors were two of the challenges faced by Tedesco, Sims, and the research team as they studied Nyiragongo's crater.


  • 拉贡火山探险,带上山一点负重事先要经过仔细掂量,但特德斯科毫不在乎,他甚至特级初榨橄榄油

    On the Nyiragongo expedition, where every ounce hauled up the mountain was carefully considered, Tedesco brought a large glass bottle of extra virgin olive oil.


  • 特德斯科一直拼命催促火山研究领域的顶级科学家对这里进行定期的实地研究,唯有如此,科学界才能掌握尼拉贡火山每一次活动精确记录

    Until top scientists make regular visits-something Tedesco has been desperately urging-the best that can be done is to maintain a precise record of Nyiragongo's every move.


  • 代加讷尔位于泰米尔纳德邦帕拉尼700英尺山腰上,这个山村悠久的殖民历史

    Nestling 700ft up in the Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu, this little hill-station town has plenty of expat history.


  • 这些捐助人的代表之一就是很多人经常念叨威斯康星议员斯.法因尔德

    The name on some lips was that of Russ Feingold a former senator from Wisconsin.


  • 这些捐助人代表之一就是被很多人经常念叨的威斯康星议员拉斯·法因尔德

    The name on some lips was that of Russ Feingold, a former senator from Wisconsin.


  • 勒布朗对阵达拉或许占不到多少便宜,韦德对阵乔蒂·米克斯呢?

    LeBron James against Iguodala is a great matchup, but Jodie Meeks on Dwayne Wade?


  • 如果观察只想要完成某事蚂蚁,你会发现多么无能”,斯坦福大学位名叫玻拉m•尔顿(Deborah M .Gordon)的生物学家讲道。

    "If you watch an ant try to accomplish something, you'll be impressed by how inept it is," says Deborah M. Gordon, a biologist at Stanford University.


  • 每日邮报消息,德拉姆兰堡收藏有达芬奇勃朗特汉斯·荷尔拜因等人价值6亿5百万作品

    The castle is home to an estimated $650 million worth of works by da Vinci, Rembrandt and Hans Holbein, according to the Daily Mail.


  • 位于哥伦比亚德拉蒙德pribbenow的煤矿工人上个星期一同行工人达·贝托·克拉维霍-巴兰科因工殉职后,就工作安全条件的问题而愤然离职。

    Miners at the Pribbenow DE Drummond coal mine in Colombia walked off their jobs last Monday over safety conditions following the death of a fellow miner, Dagoberto Clavijo Barranco.


  • 获得欧盟资助意大利地震学家达利奥·特德斯库过去15年中一直对于尼拉贡火山进行研究。

    Italian seismologist Dario Tedesco has spent the last 15 years studying Nyiragongo, with funding from the European Union.


  • 1860年,印度测量部门亨利·哈佛沙姆·德温-奥斯仃队长巴拉·提斯坦地区著名的施迦萨尔托洛山谷进行勘察

    In 1860, Captain Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen, of the survey of India, went to the Baltistan area and surveyed the famous Shigar and Saltoro valleys.


  • 卡佩罗泽比纳尤文和罗马时的教练,希望泽比纳带到西班牙,同时想卖掉伍德盖特埃尔·拉。

    Capello, who worked with Zebina at both Juve and Roma, wants to bring Zebina to Spain as he tries to offload Jonathan Woodgate and Ivan Helguera this week.


  • 参议院副议长阿巴德尼·德拉米尼记者说:“参议院机场危险状态安全设施的缺乏表示惊讶

    The Senate expressed surprise at the unsafe state of the airport, and at a lack of security.


  • ·德拉瓦莱谈过,佛罗伦萨我们关系很好,米兰争论请让我们谈论过去的事情了。

    I spoke to Diego Della Valle, Fiorentina were impeccable with us, no one made polemics against Milan, but let's not talk about the past.


  • 亚利桑那沙漠玻拉•尔顿对红色收获(Pogonomyrmexbarbatus)进行了研究,他每个早上都会计算这个蚁会安排多少蚂蚁出外寻觅食物

    In the Arizona desert where Deborah Gordon studies red harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex barbatus), a colony calculates each morning how many workers to send out foraging for food.


  • 之前珍妮瓦拉Hours》这本书属于14世纪法国王后的,后来归属于爱德蒙·罗斯柴尔德男爵

    Jeanne DE Navarre's "Hours", before Goering got it, was made for the 14th-century French queen and later owned by Baron Edmond DE Rothschild.


  • 之前珍妮瓦拉Hours》这本书属于14世纪法国王后的,后来归属于爱德蒙·罗斯柴尔德男爵

    Jeanne DE Navarre's "Hours", before Goering got it, was made for the 14th-century French queen and later owned by Baron Edmond DE Rothschild.


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