• 早就哈罗·科尔1940年710日的日记里读到过记录

    I had earlier read the entry from Harold Nicholson's diary for July 10, 1940.


  • 奥利弗·斯通制片的电影《棕榈》由达纳·吉姆·贝鲁西安吉·迪联袂主演。

    Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" costars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.


  • ·巴格一代没有问题的:他们都会拥有自己婚姻家庭。

    Among Neelchand Bhagsen's generation there was no question: They would all have their own marriages and lives.


  • 然而直布罗陀博物馆进化生物学家克里夫·芬同事们最近发现一些小特人生存到了最24 000以前

    However, evolutionary biologist Clive Finlayson at the Gibraltar Museum and his colleagues recently found that clusters of Neanderthals might have lasted until as late as 24, 000 years ago.


  • 这些文件显示的只是40 000年前特人高加索什么地方生活着,”没有参加这项研究的芬说:“等于他们那时走向灭绝了。”

    "All this paper shows is that Neanderthals lived somewhere in the Caucasus about 40,000 years ago," said Finlayson, who did not take part in this new study. "Doesn't mean they went extinct then."


  • 主要对手鲁迪·朱利安、米特·罗姆弗瑞·汤姆都把重点放在反恐的艰难上,尽量避开伊拉克战争问题

    His main rivals, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson, emphasise how tough they will be on terrorists but say as little as possible about Iraq.


  • 例如位于汽车工厂最好一个

    Nissan's car factory in Sunderland, for instance, is one of its finest anywhere.


  • 随便舒梅切尔通纳或鲁、罗布维迪奇,弗格一直更换麾下战将,不断地改造着球队目标从未游移。

    Take your pick: Peter Schmeichel or Edwin van der Sar, Eric Cantona or Wayne Rooney, Bryan Robson or Nemanja Vidic, Ferguson has constantly reinvented his side, changing the pieces but never the goal.


  • 认真听取了科尔马邦先生先生的发言

    I have also listened attentively to the statements made by Mr. DE Kermabon and Mr. Hyseni.


  • 之前采访经常出现这样停顿讲到妻子理查关于离开后家庭生活。

    There were many such pauses in the hour prior to this one, as Neeson told the story of Richardson's death, related her absence in the life of his family.


  • 几十年来,那儿常驻表演课老师一直米尔顿·凯撒勒,已经教出了数百未来包括·米歇尔·菲佛以及乔治·克鲁

    For decades, the resident acting coach there was Milton Katselas, and he taught hundreds of future stars, including Ted Danson, Michelle Pfeiffer, and George Clooney.


  • 飞艇系泊煤矿营地现在这里是一个国际研究站1926年,阿蒙第一次北极上空的飞行

    The mast it was tethered to still stands at Ny ?lesund, an old coal mining camp now an international research station, from where he made the first flight over the North Pole in 1926.


  • 对阵曼联这样球队时候,盖特对付贝尔巴托夫华多这样的前锋,表现得很出色果断。

    Against the likes of Manchester United and Arsenal, Woodgate played too deeply and was found flat footed dealing with Rooney, Berbatov and Eduardo.


  • 100克朗纸钞显示18世纪冰岛学者德尼·马格纳

    Their 100 krona note depicts 18th century Icelandic scholar Arni Magnusson.


  • ·文斯取代里奥·费迪南出现首发位置上,只是他依旧被维奇前锋史蒂夫·莫里完爆。

    Jonny Evans, starting instead of Rio Ferdinand, was bullied by the Norwich striker Steve Morison.


  • 这些文件显示只是40 000年前特人高加索什么地方生活着,”没有参加这项研究的芬说:“等于他们那时走向灭绝了。”

    "All this paper shows is that Neanderthals lived somewhere in the Caucasus about 40, 000 years ago," said Finlayson, who did not take part in this new study. "Doesn't mean they went extinct then."


  • 金融时报》的雷切尔·(Rachel Sanderson)当时指出5月地方选举贝卢斯科把它搞得关于自己公投”,结果落花流水。

    As the Financial Times' Rachel Sanderson pointed out at the time, local elections in May were presented by Berlusconi as "a referendum on himself," wherein he was pretty well trounced.


  • SalesforceNetSuite甲骨文前员工、埃里昔日手下马克·奥夫文·分别创建的。

    Both Salesforce and NetSuite are founded by Oracle alumni and former Ellison proteges, Marc Benioff and Evan Goldberg respectively.


  • 玛丽·,一名贵族,园艺师,写过大量信件,时尚女人乔治·弗里里希·【注1】,乔纳·斯威夫特【注2】和国王乔治三世朋友,220多年去世,没有子嗣

    MARY delany-aristocrat, gardener, prodigious letter-writer, woman of fashion and friend to George Frideric Handel, Jonathan Swift and King George III, died childless more than 220 years ago.


  • 此外,柯林特·伊斯特伍格温妮丝-帕特洛·阿弗莱克、瑞茜·威瑟斯彭杰克·科尔珍妮弗·洛佩兹汤姆·汉克斯等著名影星出席本届奥斯卡颁奖典礼的彩排仪式。

    Clint Eastwood, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Affleck, Reese Witherspoon, Jack Nicholson, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Hanks were also among the big names in rehearsals.


  • 航运咨询公司尔·戴维认为,大船欧洲选择四五个目的地停靠,增加港口努力赢取大船惠顾的不确定性。

    Big ships will stop at only four or five destinations in Europe, raising the stakes for ports trying to win their custom, according to Neil Davidson of Drewry Shipping Consultants.


  • 紧接着排在后面特立多巴哥理查·汤普9.89秒获得银牌美国的沃尔特·克斯以9.91秒获得第三

    Well behind, Richard Thompson of Trinidad and Tobago took the silver medal in 9.89, and Walter Dix of the United States was third in 9.91.


  • 交易首先浮出水面。克斯太阳队交易来鲨鱼尔作为响应,达拉斯小牛队也紧跟着交易来贾·

    The big ones fell first. The Phoenix Suns answered by trading for Shaquille o 'neal. The Dallas Mavericks took a deep breath and acquired Jason Kidd.


  • 今天的比赛率先进球,但蒂亚哥、科尔的进球使我们后来居上,曼联试图奋起反扑终告徒劳。

    As goals from Tiago, Gudjohnsen and Cole wiped out van Nistelrooy's early strike on this latest trip north, it emphasised that if anything, Man United have struggled more up there.


  • 但是现在全部希望寄托布雷家斯,弗拉米罗斯雷耶斯范佩西这些不满23小将身上。

    But now he is pinning all his hopes on the performances of Cesc Fabregas, Mathieu Flamini, Phillipe Senderos, jose Antonio Reyes and Robin van Persie, all of whom are below the age of 23.


  • 切尔西足球俱乐部首席执行官皮特·主教练何塞·穆里今天(周四)感谢埃杜尔·约翰年来为俱乐部做出的贡献

    Chelsea Football club chief executive Peter Kenyon and manager Jose Mourinho today (Thursday) thanked Eidur Gudjohnsen for his six year contribution to the club.


  • 几年,塔父亲迫降奥菲朗——统治沙漠星球。

    Years ago, Tanith and her father, Josen, crash-landed on Ophideraan, a desert world ruled by the Serpent Masters.


  • 几年,塔父亲迫降奥菲朗——统治沙漠星球。

    Years ago, Tanith and her father, Josen, crash-landed on Ophideraan, a desert world ruled by the Serpent Masters.


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