• 认为德国走背运我们糟糕起步付出了代价。

    I would not call what has happened in Germany unlucky, but we paid the price for having a bad start.


  • 尽管FIA已经决定上诉,但德国组织方认为部件存在问题

    However, the German stewards found no problem with it - a decision the FIA has appealed against.


  • 除了芬兰德国迷你还将参加法国西班牙以及英国比赛

    In addition to Finland and Germany, the factory team's roster of events will take it France, Spain and Great Britain before the end of the season when things get serious.


  • 上一次勒布没有能够赢得德国冠军情况要追溯到2001年了,因为当时没有比赛。

    The last time Loeb didn't win Germany's round of the World Rally Championship was 2001 - because there wasn't one.


  • 德国比赛项比较令人感兴趣的变化——赛车两侧翘后抛板翼下方加装的垂直分流板。

    An interesting development in Germany is this vertical splitter just below the upwardly-curved flip-ups on the side of the car.


  • 虽然算是新闻,德国比赛引起较多争议是减震器使用,结构是在垂直弹簧中间加入减震

    Not new, but the subject of much controversy in Germany, the damper takes the form of a free-moving mass inside a vertical spring.


  • 同科托玛一样,森德尔必须拿下法国冠军才能保留的总冠军希望,他相信先前德国比赛胜利带来优势

    Like Ketomaa, Sandell must win in France to keep his title dreams alive and believes his victory on the previous asphalt round in Germany last month will give him the edge.


  • 德国比赛引入了小巧很有效空气动力部件——一种新的后部流板,原本预期会匈牙利比赛中出现的附加两片后抛翼板在后翼的下方和后轮前方

    A small but effective aero change introduced in Germany - ahead of a new rear diffuser expected at the next round in Hungary - is this extra flip-up under the main one in front of the rear wheel.


  • 德国此次欧洲之行的最后

    Germany is the last stop of my trip to Europe.


  • 德国人喜欢随上随下高速列车其中第一个原因的距离要法国,法国人口分散大城市

    One of the reasons for the German preference for hop-on, hop-off high-speed trains is that stage lengths are shorter than in France, where the population is more spread out, with fewer big towns.


  • 德国美国的一些指定加油顾客可以他们汽车两个燃料槽中的一个加满液体

    At selected petrol stations in Germany and America, customers will be able to refill one of their two tanks with liquid hydrogen.


  • 简易机场另一边,仍此地与其它地方的联系存在:一座地面接收正接收着来自于数颗德国地球观测卫星数据

    Over by the airstrip, there’s further evidence of global reach: a ground station to which various German Earth-observing satellites send down their data.


  • 里德行程下一德国正是德国创造了全民医疗制度概念

    Reid's journey then takes him to Germany, the country that invented the concept of a national health care system.


  • Colony争取购买塔姆公司在利比亚境外位于德国意大利瑞士其他地方精炼厂,同时还有遍布欧洲超过3000个加油

    Colony sought to buy Tamoil's refineries outside of Libya in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and elsewhere, as well as more than 3,000 of its Tamoil filling stations across Europe.


  • 照片德国遥感卫星TerraSAR-X所,照片上显示空间还是尙未建造完成的太空

    The photo, taken by Germany?s TerraSAR-X satellite, shows the space station from above as an incomplete space outpost.


  • 德国人喜欢随上随下高速列车的其中第一个原因的距离要比法国,法国人口分散大城市更少

    One of the reasons for the German preference for hop-on hop-off high-speed trains is that stage lengths are shorter than in France where the population is more spread out with fewer big towns.


  • 加油汽油后,凯西艾凡继续荷兰开车进入德国

    After filling up with gas at the gas station, Kathy and Evan continue their drive from the Netherlands into Germany.


  • 有六个国家包括美国俄罗斯日本法国意大利德国,都已经南极地区建立了考察

    Six countries, including the United States, Russia, Japan, France, Italy and Germany, have already built inland research stations in the Antarctica.


  • 我们此行第一德国特里尔驶去

    We headed for our first stop: the modest German city of Trier.


  • 目前,GTL混合燃料德国泰国希腊加油零售

    Blends of GTL Fuel are currently on sale at retail stations in Germany, Thailand and Greece.


  • 上离我们最近的下一蒙特卡洛德国车队老板表示他们著名街道期望并不是很高。

    The F1 calendar's next stop is at Monte Carlo, but the German team principal suggested that expectations are a bit low for the famous street circuit.


  • 对于最近德国欧洲室内田径赛中均获60栏季军的成绩,刘翔满意自己表现增强信心

    After finishing 3rd in 2 recent 60m races at the European Indoor Circuit in Germany, Liu said he was satisfied with his performance, which strengthened his confidence.


  • 自家门口作战德国人海菲尔德,起步糟糕不得不维修修理

    Heidfeld, the German racing in front of his home crowd, came off worse and had to go into the pits for extensive repairs.


  • 上周三,警方德国妇女加油因为现金不够,就把同行的朋友留在加油作抵押。

    It is reported a German lady left her companion as mortage last Wednesday in the gas station due to she has not enough cash to pay for the petrolium while refueling.


  • 德国加油我们进行他们前面卡车图片要求全家人作为回报,他们给了t 72坦克弹壳

    In Germany at one fuel station we had a whole family come out asking for a picture of them in front of the truck, in return they gave me an old T72 tank shell casing.


  • 德国加油我们进行他们前面卡车图片要求全家人作为回报,他们给了t 72坦克弹壳

    In Germany at one fuel station we had a whole family come out asking for a picture of them in front of the truck, in return they gave me an old T72 tank shell casing.


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