• 周二一场8强首回合比赛,穆里尼奥之前的俱乐部国际米兰将会继续他们的卫冕之路,对战德国俱乐部沙尔克

    In Tuesday's other quarterfinal first-leg tie, Mourinho's former club Inter Milan will continue their title defense against German club Schalke.


  • 尼克先生说:“其他大多数德国俱乐部仅仅是负责训练,且不会很长时间

    I’m not just someone who runs the training sessions and doesn’t stay long, like at most other German clubs,” says Mr Rangnick.


  • 尼克先生说:“其他大多数德国俱乐部仅仅是负责训练,且不会很长时间。”

    "I'm not just someone who runs the training sessions and doesn't stay long, like at most other German clubs," says Mr Rangnick.


  • 瓜迪奥拉同意这家德国俱乐部签署3年合约海因克斯手中接过本赛季最后一场。

    Guardiola has agreed to 3-year contract with the German club and he'll take over the end of the current season from Jupp Heynckes.


  • 你们英格兰人可以通过执行新规则来赶走外国老板例如德国俱乐部外国投资人所股份不能超过50%。

    You English can put in rules so you have no more foreign owners, like in Germany where no foreign owner can have more than 50 per cent of shares in a club.


  • 根据现有规定,“外来投资者只能拥有德国俱乐部49%以下股权51%,亦即具有控制性的投票权必须掌握俱乐部成员手中。

    Under existing rules, no "outside" investor can own more than 49% of a German club's shares and at least 51%, ie a controlling vote, must remain with club members.


  • 无法批准一个已经法国德国这样大国同意条约英国容易被挤出这个俱乐部

    Unable to ratify a treaty already agreed by big beasts such as France and Germany, Britain could easily have crashed out of the club.


  • 1960年,应约翰列侬保罗·卡特尼乔治·哈里森邀请,贝斯特加盟甲壳虫乐队,当时他们准备前往德国北部汉堡市,当地俱乐部进行一系列演出。

    Best was invited by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrisonthe original Beatlesto join them in 1960 just as they went to Hamburg in northern Germany to play a series of club dates.


  • 热带音乐席卷欧洲亚洲,同时各地正大量需求萨尔俱乐部工作室尤其英国德国日本

    The tropical music has taken Europe and Asia by storm, with salsa clubs and dance studios in high demand, especially in the UK, Germany and Japan.


  • 德国近期历史已经表明一个因为成本问题泥足深陷欧元俱乐部成员拉出来多么困难

    Germany's recent history shows how hard it is for a member of the euro club to recover from a cost-induced slump.


  • 德国其他俱乐部区分开,他们各个方面仍使用老套的方法

    All these set it apart from other German clubs, which in many respects are set in old-fashioned ways.


  • 德国成为了继曾在皇马效力麦克马纳曼后,第二国外俱乐部中拿到冠军杯冠军英国球员

    There he became just the second English player to win a Champions League medal with a foreign clubthe first being former Blue Steve McManaman at Real Madrid.


  • 一些北极地区没有领土的国家(包括中国日本韩国德国)也想加入这个俱乐部

    Some countries with no Arctic real estate, including China, Japan, South Korea and Germany, want a more inclusive regime for the far north.


  • 罗伯特科效力于德国汉诺威俱乐部

    Robert Enke played for the German club Hannover.


  • 德国,不允许债务英格兰不少俱乐部都有负债。

    In Germany, debts are not accepted. In England they are.


  • 这种观点毋庸置疑,但是随着这个俱乐部”“会员”增多德国也逐渐上位,成为这些逐渐增多(但国力不济) “小弟们“大哥”。

    That is true, but the growth of the club still leaves Germany first among an increased number of equals.


  • 类似霍芬海俱乐部球员大多都持有德国护照

    Similarly, most of Hoffenheim’s players do not hold a German passport.


  • 德国征战23意大利队员中,有13名队员所属俱乐部由于陷入操纵比赛的丑闻而面临着降级威胁

    Thirteen of the 23 members of the Italian squad in Germany play for clubs that are threatened with relegation over a match-fixing scandal.


  • 2010年12月25日德国柏林柏林海豹游泳俱乐部成员冰冻Orankesee内,这是他们的圣诞传统活动。

    Members of the Berlin Seals (Berliner Seehunde) swimming club take a dip in icy Orankesee lake during their traditional Christmas Day ice swim on December 25, 2010 in Berlin, Germany.


  • 这样每年德国医院体育俱乐部幼儿园就有了约9万人手(少数幸运儿去森林看护)。

    Some 90, 000 a year man hospitals, sports clubs and kindergartens across Germany (a lucky few monitor eagles in the forest).


  • 这样每年德国医院体育俱乐部幼儿园就有了9万人手(少数幸运儿去森林看护)。

    Some 90,000 a year man hospitals, sports clubs and kindergartens across Germany (a lucky few monitor eagles in the forest).


  • 德国将在小组赛第二场面对来自巴尔干半岛的挑战,势必成为一次引人注目的碰撞,不光因为弗烈俱乐部队友GojkoKacar可能会挑起塞尔维亚进攻重任。

    The Germanssecond group game against the Balkan nation promises to be a fascinating encounter, not least because Friedrich’s club-mate Gojko Kacar is likely to start in attack for the Serbians.


  • 三十二只有 6只没有选入英超球员(其实应该5个,除去迈克尔巴拉克德国的的话)。 毫无悬念的,英超也是入选球员人数俱乐部最多

    Just six of the 32 squads selected for South Africa do not contain a representative of the Premier League (and the number would have been five but for Michael Ballack's withdrawal).


  • 创立了一家德国黑客俱乐部——混沌计算机俱乐部1981年成立以来黑客社区也是数一数二

    He founded the Chaos Computer Club, a hacker club in Germany that has been at the forefront of the hacking community since its establishment in 1981.


  • 德国食物不受待见只有柏林一些活力地下俱乐部年轻的欧洲人有一点吸引力。

    The food is considered uninspired, too, and only Berlin has some cachet among younger Europeans for its vibrant underground club scene.


  • 元旦这天,由纽约市民同康尼极地俱乐部的冬泳爱好者共同一展身手;德国柏林海豹俱乐部”的冬泳爱好者在结冰湖水中畅游一番。

    On New Year's day, New Yorker's join the Coney Island polar plunge and, in Germany, the Berlin "seals" brave their own icy pool.


  • 荷兰冠军温特提振达到德国不来梅俱乐部2-0赢得第二希望五点移动

    Dutch champions Twente boosted their hopes of reaching the second round with a 2-0 win at German club Werder Bremen, moving onto five points.


  • 荷兰冠军温特提振达到德国不来梅俱乐部2-0赢得第二希望五点移动

    Dutch champions Twente boosted their hopes of reaching the second round with a 2-0 win at German club Werder Bremen, moving onto five points.


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