• 所以是个简单循环气体就从这儿来氦气现在正在流通,通过反应堆进入气体涡轮里,这是个气体涡轮,不是蒸汽涡轮。

    So it's a simple cycle where the gas from, and this is helium gas now, is circulated through the reactor and goes right to the gas turbines, and it's a gas turbine not a steam turbine.


  • 自然循环中,二氧化碳陆地海洋大气中流通海洋其中一个关键环节

    The oceans are a key part of the natural carbon cycle, in which carbon dioxide is circulated between the land, seas and atmosphere.


  • 他们过去10年间通过循环流通旅行日志保持紧密联系

    They have stayed close for the past 10 years by circulating a book called a traveling journal.


  • 经济已经陷入致命循环需要一次强烈震荡缓解信贷流通缓冲已经下跌的个人需求

    The economy was "trapped in a vicious cycle" and needed a big "jolt" to ease the flow of credit and to cushion the drop in private demand.


  • 法国研究小组发现同一样多酚化合物相对较剂量时心脏病心血管循环系统流通显著的作用

    At relatively low doses, the French researchers found that the same polyphenols play a beneficial role for those with diseased hearts and circulatory systems by facilitating blood vessel growth.


  • 俱乐部功能性组织线性停车场服务区域人行道一端车辆出入口,通过循环流通与俱乐部其他区域连接一起。

    The functional organization of the pavilion is made linearly, with parking, service areas, pedestrian and vehicle access at one end which are connected with the rest of the club through circulations.


  • ()后院之间码头实现循环流通风(室外庇护所)的保护,并配有一个室外火灾

    The dock like circulation achieves the travel between the sea (wind) and the backyard, which is protected from the wind (outdoor shelter), allowing to have a fire pit area outside.


  • 接着,冷却后的循环流通反应堆那么整个循环又重新开始了。

    The cooled lithium then circulates back to the reactor where the whole cycle starts over.


  • 楼层流通循环关键

    Circulation of the floor plate is key.


  • 有助于处理头皮头发的问题艾滋病局部血液淋巴循环减轻眼睛压力增强免疫系统提高了流通

    It helps deal with scalp and hair problems, AIDS localised blood and lymphatic circulation, relieves eye strain, boosts the immune system and improves circulation.


  • 它们通过增加皮肤血液流通循环因而增加营养而起作用。

    They act by increasing the circulation of the blood to the skin and thus its nutrition.


  • 针对流化床中气布风板压力损失过大本文循环流化床冷模布风板的开直径布孔形式做了数值模拟研究

    Because pressure loss oversized when gas went through distributor in FB, this article studied hole diameter and hole arrangement form in the circulating fluidized bed (CFB) by Fluent software.


  • 据说面部毛细血管增加流通循环一种清新和更年轻面貌

    It supposedly increases the circulation in the facial capillaries, giving the appearance of a younger and fresher face.


  • 迷迭香油用于精神疲劳流通问题有效处理作为肌肉系统止痛药作为循环系统支持。

    Rosemary oil can be an effective treatment for mental fatigue, circulation problems, as a pain reliever for the muscular system, and as support for the circulatory system.


  • 巴菲特或许并不了解最新消费电子产品相信循环不断收入流通能够带来优异的回报

    Buffett may not "get" the latest new gadgets. But he does "get" the notion that recurring revenue streams usually translate to healthy returns.


  • 艺术创造、艺术产品生产艺术产品市场、艺术产品流通、艺术消费一系列环节两两间有效互动上升循环运作;

    Firstly, allowing links like artistic creation, artistic production, art market, art products distribution and consumption interact with each other effectively to achieve increasing circular results.


  • 结论通过加行空肠造瘘及建立体外胆汁流通路,能够在显著加重胆管损伤情况下有效维持肠肝循环

    ConclusionsThe modified technique of rebuiding in vitro bile flow bypass can maintain the enterohepatic circulation effectively without the aggravation of bile duct injury.


  • 不管是否讨论股票市场流通市场日用品市场以及当地水果蔬菜市场,所有市场经历过时期时期的周期循环

    All markets experience cycles of good times and bad times, whether you are talking about the stockmarket, currency market, commodity market or the local fruit and vegetable market.


  • 善始善终促进我们循环系统

    Do a thing through from beginning to end can promote we the tiny circulatory system blood is lucid.


  • 分别“漂模型能量耗散模型”描述率和循环的变化情况。

    A drift flux model and an energy dissipation model were set up and were used to describe the gas holdup in the riser and the circulating liquid velocity, respectively.


  • 分别“漂模型能量耗散模型”描述率和循环的变化情况。

    A drift flux model and an energy dissipation model were set up and were used to describe the gas holdup in the riser and the circulating liquid velocity, respectively.


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