• 所以自然统一性原则每个归纳论点背后,都不能证明自己因为循环证明

    So the principle of the uniformity of nature which underlies every inductive argument, which can't itself be argued for because arguing for it takes us in a circle.


  • 学生:,教授是的每次尝试证实信仰,将来过去一样,你发现自己循环证明

    Student: Inaudible Prof: yes, exactly, every time you try and justify the belief that the future will be just like the past you will find yourself arguing in a circle.


  • 接下来诉之上帝完美存在存在欺骗,以此来证明精神感官依赖看起来像是邪恶循环论证。

    He then appeals to the existence of a perfect God and a non deceiving God to justify reliance on his mental faculties and that just looks viciously circular.


  • 某种程度上气候改变这种循环模式没有强有力的证据证明致使他们抓住更大的利润。

    Climate change will shift the patterns of circulation in some ways, but there is no strong reason to believe that it will lead them to seize up more often.


  • 初步研究证明prostratin可能防止血液循环净化病毒结合成一个整体重新融入健康免疫细胞

    Preliminary research suggests that prostratin may also prevent copies of the purged virus which are circulating in the bloodstream from integrating themselves back into healthy immune cells.


  • 早已忘记,如果停止证明最早往复循环思想情感实际上能生长得更加复杂

    I had forgotten that thoughts and feelings actually grow more complex if you just stop documenting their earliest iterations.


  • 如何寻找循环不变式证明正确性

    How to find the loop invariant and prove correctness?


  • 证明每个人都一个能量循环

    He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.


  • 发言人图标形状旁边创造出一个新月形状两个重叠循环证明风格类似以前的按钮

    Draw a small speaker icon shape. Next to it, create a crescent shape made of two overlapping circle. Add following layer styles, similar to previous buttons.


  • 也是许多信用卡他们拥有循环信用帐户证明上涨帐户余额接近规定上限。

    It is also the many credit CARDS they possess and revolving credit accounts with proof of rising account balances that come close to the limit prescribed.


  • 实践证明,酒糟废液闭路循环回用可行的。

    Practices proof, vinasse and distillery slops close recycling all reuse is practicable.


  • 通过某橡胶厂密闭式循环冷却水系统设计运转证明所采取技术措施可行的,具有一定优越性

    The design and operation conditions of enclosed type circulating cooling water system of rubber plant show that the technical measures taken are feasible and with certain advantages.


  • 分析了蒸发器强制循环存在问题提出具体改进措施实践证明这些改进措施合理的。

    The problems existed in circulation pump for evaporator are analyzed, and specific improvement measures which are proved to be reasonable by practice are then put forward.


  • 循环流化床数值模拟检验证明,新模型计算结果实验数据吻合从而稠密气固两相流动的数值模拟中具有相当的优越性

    In the numerical simulation of a CFB apparatus, the result of the new model agrees with the experiment data well, so it shows the remarkable advantage or simulation of dense gas-solid two-phase flow.


  • 可以有机物质氮素循环土壤肥力因素改善得到证明

    This could be confirmed by the organic matter and nitrogen circulation and the improvement of soil fertility.


  • 实践证明锅炉结构合理自然循环可靠浓度,且具节能效果。

    Practical application of this boiler shows that it possess of rational construction. reliable natural circulation, low concentration of exhaust-gas and saving energy.


  • 实践证明:“株系循环具有优点构成农作物良种繁育新的技术体系

    The practice has proved that 'plant-line cycle method' has the advantage of greater, faster, better and more economical results, and constitutes the new technical system of crops seeds production.


  • 循环不变式体现了循环程序本质特征算法程序的开发证明推导具有十分重要的作用

    The loop invariant embodies essential characteristics of loop program and has an important role to play in design, proof and derivation of algorithmic program.


  • 通过合成氨变换工段循环热水系统饱和塔出口半水煤气温度大为目标函数进行优化计算,证明本文方法成功

    The new method has been successfully applied to the optimization of the flowrate of circulating water for the CO shift section in ammonia synthesis.


  • 最后将该方法计算结果相关循环荷载试验结果进行对比,结果证明模型的有效性。

    The calculation results were compared with those obtained by relevant cyclic loading test results, and the validity of this proposed model was verified.


  • 证明酒糟、液和滤渣固形物含量在全回流无限循环存在极限

    Results show. that the limit of solid content of distillage, distillage filtrate and filtration residue exists when distillage filtrate is recycled infinitely.


  • 通过比较证明经化学处理循环节约水源电力降低成本方面的作用。

    Through comparison, chemically treated recycling water has shown benefits in saving of water and electricity, thus reducing production costs.


  • 同时也证明粉末微电极循环伏安法用于估测LIB负极材料循环性能的可行性。

    The powder microelectrode cyclic voltammetric method was proved to be able to estimate the cyclic performance of carbon negative electrode materials in LIB.


  • 本文证明循环矩阵等价周期矩阵,本原矩阵等价于非周期矩阵。

    This paper prove which, that cyclic matrix equivalent to periodic matrix and primitive matrix equivalent to aperiodic matrix.


  • 本文证明任意有限半群循环子群利用结果,就能容易地导出中的一些定理

    In this paper, it is proved that any finite semigroup can contain cycle subgroup, Witn this result, some theorems in ring theory are induced easily.


  • 本文提出了利用循环转换关系式程序证明方法

    In this paper a method of proving the correctness of a computer program based on a transformation relation of the loop body is presented.


  • 证明定理时不可逆热机只能正向循环不能作逆向循环

    While proving Carnot theorem, the irreversible heat engine can only run on forward circulation, but not on the opposite.


  • 实践证明循环流化床锅炉燃烧煤泥是合理可行的。

    Facts have proved circulating fluidized bed boiler can burn mud coal well.


  • 实践证明循环流化床锅炉燃烧煤泥是合理可行的。

    Facts have proved circulating fluidized bed boiler can burn mud coal well.


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