• 迄今为止,已知只有家禽病毒动物传给人类传播循环发挥作用

    To date, only domestic poultry are known to have played a role in the transmission cycle of the virus from animals to humans.


  • 尽管2000年之后主导血清DENV - 3DENV - 2之间交替,但是全部四种登革热病毒血清型一直在循环着。

    All four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes were permanently in circulation, though the predominant serotype has alternated between DENV-3 and DENV-2 since 2000.


  • 初步研究证明prostratin可能防止血液循环净化病毒结合成一个整体重新融入健康免疫细胞

    Preliminary research suggests that prostratin may also prevent copies of the purged virus which are circulating in the bloodstream from integrating themselves back into healthy immune cells.


  • 这种细胞它们的工作状态下循环的次数越多,越能够病毒建立起感染群之前消灭感冒前兆流感的感染源。

    The more these cells are circulating and on duty, the more likely they will be able to dispatch the first cold or flu agents before they can establish an infection.


  • 根据最近动物研究我们相信这些疫苗改善患者正在衰竭免疫系统减少血液循环病毒数量

    In the light of recent animal research, we have become convinced that the vaccine can boost patients' weakening immune system and decrease the amount of virus circulating in the blood.


  • 循环冗余校验侦测档案舞弊可能感染病毒

    Cyclic Redundancy Check, detects files that are corrupt or possibly infected by a virus.


  • 我们发现细菌病毒进攻策略产生适应机制保护自己而这又触发了病毒下一次的进化,形成无止境的循环

    We found that for every viral strategy of attack, the bacteria would adapt to defend itself, which triggered an endless cycle of co-evolutionary change.


  • 结果提示:(1病毒感染血管收缩反应性上升血小板粘附功能增强循环障碍发生基础

    The results show; (1) The increased hepatic vasoconstrictor reactivity and the adhesive function of platelets in viral infection are the basic mechanism of the hepatic microcirculatory disturbance.


  • 美国旱涝周期循环,使一老鼠传播的滩川病毒西南部猖獗起来

    In the United States, cycles of rain and drought seven years ago permitted a deadly form of pulmonary hantavirus, carried by mice, to flourish in the Southwest.


  • 意味着HIV病毒疫苗版本只能进行一次蛋白生产循环从而使疫苗能够进入少数细胞无法进一步传播

    This means the vaccine's version of the virus only undergoes one cycle of protein production, which enables it to get inside a few cells, but then can't spread further.


  • HIV一种寄生病毒没有足够蛋白完成自己生命循环

    HIV is a parasite that does not have enough proteins of its own to complete its life cycle.


  • 结论病毒当地造成循环

    Conclusion The VDPVs did not cause circulation in local area.


  • 上皮细胞使其变大疱疹病毒这样病毒会引起一种儿科病特征是循环机能不良畸形小头

    Any of a group of herpes viruses that attack and enlarge epithelial cells. Such viruses also cause a disease of infants characterized by circulatory dysfunction and microcephaly.


  • 能帮助身体抵抗有害细菌病毒改善心动脉血液循环减少中风危险改善消化系统功能

    Tea helps your body fight against harmful bacteria and viruses, improves blood flow in your heart's arteries, reduces the risk of stoke, and improves the digestive system's functions.


  • 此外一联合治疗还可降低这些患者KSHV病毒载量病毒IL - 6循环水平

    Additionally, this combination treatment reduced KSHV viral loads and circulating levels of human and viral IL-6 in these patients.


  • 能帮助身体抵抗有害细菌病毒改善心动脉的血液循环减少中风危险改善消化系统功能

    Tea helps your body fight against harmful bacteria and viruses, improves blood flow in your heart's arteries, reduces the risk of stroke, and improves the digestive system's functions.


  • 将产生杀死病毒增强血液循环

    This produces oxygenation, kills viruses, and enhances circulation.


  • 例如为了避免进入无限循环从而挂起系统,一个使用模拟器(沙箱)的病毒系统必须决定何时结束分析

    For example, to avoid getting into an infinite loop, and thereby hanging a system, an anti-virus system that USES an emulator (or a sand box) would have to determine when to terminate the analysis.


  • 例如为了避免进入无限循环从而挂起系统,一个使用模拟器(沙箱)的病毒系统必须决定何时结束分析

    For example, to avoid getting into an infinite loop, and thereby hanging a system, an anti-virus system that USES an emulator (or a sand box) would have to determine when to terminate the analysis.


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