• 我们这些事情是因为我们知道它们帮助人们远离救济而且帮助那些得到救济金的人更快找到工作

    We're doing these things because we know they help people stay off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster.


  • 因此得到救济压力焦虑债务

    So, get relief from the stress and anxiety of mounting debt.


  • 如果过了法定诉讼时效,原告无法得到救济

    If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress.


  • 这些很难找到工作,却容易得到救济前方百计的生育后代

    They find it too hard to get work, too easy to get welfare and too tempting to breed.


  • 为了优先得到救济粮,大多数日子难民茅草屋空空如也

    On most days, refugee huts are vacant as the hunt begins for food aid.


  • 前所未有苦难降临,”人们伟大的上帝哭诉期望得到救济”。

    "Scourges the like of which was never seen," people "crying to the great immortal God."


  • 关系公民法人或者其他组织合法权益能否通过诉讼途径得到救济

    Its relationship to the citizens of legal persons or other legitimate rights and interests of the Organization of the way through litigation can get relief.


  • 所以赋予每个主要人权受到侵犯个体可以国际人权法庭得到救济权利

    Soif , to give every individual victim of major human rights violation still remittee violations, the right to a remedy before an International Human Rights Courtinternational human rights court.


  • 遭遇爆炸受难者辐射中毒者急速逃离现场(伟大的上帝哭诉期望得到救济)。

    The suffering endured by those in the blast and the radiation poisoning suffered by those who escaped the immediate detonation (Crying to the great immortal God for relief).


  • 个例子个人不会去积极寻找工作或者自愿接受提供的有效工作他们失业为了得到救济

    For one, individuals not actively searching for work or willing to take available jobs may claim they are unemployed in order to receive benefits.


  • 德国和国际货币基金组织指示下,作为得到救济代价,欧元区各国要求希腊必须急剧缩减其开支。

    Eurozone states, at the behest of Germany and the IMF, demanded steep spending cuts from Greece as the price of its bailout.


  • 环境诉讼具有以下特征1、环境诉讼目的为了使因环境问题遭受侵害权利得到救济

    The features of environmental lawsuit are: 1, the aim is to get relief for the infringed rights caused by environmental problems;


  • 一理论中,错误区分为双方性错误单方性错误,其中单方性错误原则上不能得到救济

    Mistake is divided into unilateral mistake and mutual mistake. The man who makes unilateral mistake should not be succored by courts.


  • 违约行为确实导致合同相对方的非财产性损害时,可以依据责任竞合理论通过侵权之诉得到救济

    Breach of contract when the relative side did lead to non-pecuniary damages, the liability can be based on competing theories get relief through the infringement complaint.


  • 民事责任制度实施可以使损害投资者得到救济行政责任刑事责任制度不具有机能。

    Operation of the civil liability ascertainment will help in compensating the aggrieved investors, which is impossible by operation of the practice of administrative punishment or criminal penalties.


  • 按照国际标准,那些独居没有资格得到救济金的,只有那些拥有小孩家庭才有享受救济的权利。

    By international standards, benefits are not lavish for people living alone. But they are for families with children.


  • 只有得到救济人身损害才能让可能加害建筑物使用人予以补偿,从而分担受害人损失实现分配正义

    Only when personal injury doesn't acquire remedy, should the building dwellers who are possibly injure pay, in order to share the damage of the sufferer and fulfill allocation justice.


  • 赤贫者教区不管的话,只能临时收容所那里得到救济因为每间收容所都允许自然而然不得不一直换地方

    A destitute man, if he is not supported by the parish, can only get relief at the casual wards, and as each casual ward will only admit him for one night, he is automatically kept moving.


  • 虚假广告侵权使得受害人损害真实存在,而法律给予的救济却并不完善,其结果就是受害人在理论上可以得到救济,在实践上经常无法享有救济

    Owing to present imperfect legal relief system, real damages to the victim by infringement of false advertisement are often not redressed, although theoretically relief is accessible to the victim.


  • 大部分时间都在工作现在得到失业救济

    He worked most of the year. Now he's getting unemployment.


  • 相取而代之的是,申请人积极寻找工作前提下才会得到一份时限的“津贴”;他们一周也得不到71英镑救济保险

    Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited "allowance", conditional on actively seeking a job; no entitlement and no insurance, at 71 pounds a week.


  • 一个科德利埃俱乐部成员因为了实话,得到双倍救济

    A Cordelier received a double alms for telling the plain truth.


  • 尽管美国提供救济金严重下降德国罗马尼亚得到好的赠款贷款用来研发高效率发动机

    Although it pointedly declined a bail-out in America, it has been happy to take grants and soft loans in Germany and Romania to develop an efficient engine.


  • 更倾向于有针对性贷款救济:截止7月1号那些低收入工作毕业生可以得到他们联邦贷款补偿,并按他们收入确定补贴上限

    She prefers targeted loan relief: as of July 1st graduates who work in low-paying jobs can have their federal loan payments capped at a certain portion of their income.


  • 没有吓倒,时刻保持冷静头脑确保援助公平分配,同时也确保人们不仅仅为了得到某些东西而随便捡拾救济品。

    But he was not deterred. He kept a level head and ensured distribution of aid was fair and that people did not collect handouts just for the sake of getting something.


  • 其次过去一年中大西洋两岸飞机制造商得到补助金其他救济相比一样少的可怜。

    Second, the aircraft-makers’ subsidies pale by comparison with those doled out by governments on both sides of the Atlantic in the past year.


  • 斯诺克明星丁俊晖赢得英国馅饼锦标赛冠军得到276个甜点心,战利品捐赠给所在城市斯菲尔德的慈善机构救济那些无家可归的人。

    Meanwhile, snooker star Ding Junhui, winner of the Pukka Pies UK Championship, was rewarded with 276 pastry treats. He is donating his prize to a homeless charity in Sheffield, where he lives.


  • 救济申请更加困难,所以得到这项帮助的人数增加慢得

    Welfare is harder to claim, so the numbers getting it have risen more slowly.


  • 救济申请更加困难,所以得到这项帮助的人数增加慢得

    Welfare is harder to claim, so the numbers getting it have risen more slowly.


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