• 提议同样成功者”的标准提供了很少细节

    Their proposal also provides scant detail on how the “winner” is to be picked.


  • 此书包含生平细节很少

    The book contains few biographical details.


  • 关于提供资金或者重要的负责提供资金的细节很少

    There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or, importantly, who is responsible for their provision.


  • 虽然很少戏剧莎士比亚38部戏剧那样被人们广泛地演绎分析,但关于生活几乎没有留存细节

    Although few plays have been performed or analyzed as extensively as the 38 plays Shakespeare wrote, there are few surviving details about his life.


  • 由于词源学没有博物馆甚至也没有什么研究中心词典很少这等细节纠缠在这里说明情况必要的。

    Since there is no museum of etymology or even a center for it and since dictionaries rarely dwell on such details, a post to explain the situation is needed.


  • 外人很少耐心挖掘印度企业生活细节,但是麦克唐纳先生是个例外

    Outsiders rarely have the patience to dig through the details of India's corporate life. Mr McDonald is an exception.


  • 很少知道百度手机操作系统计划细节但是报道这家公司正在致力于发布一个开源的系统。

    Few people know details of Baidu's plans in the mobile operating system department, but reports said the company is working toward releasing an open source system.


  • 事实上甚至RUP很少提供关于实现细节

    In fact, even RUP provides few low-level details about implementation.


  • 很少合同公之于众因此其中的细节不为人知。

    Few contracts have been made public, so details are sketchy.


  • 虽然设备成功细节很少,但其他北约国家正在研究系统

    While the details of device's success are scant, other NATO countries are examining the system.


  • NotionInk网站给出的细节很少目前整个计划给人的感觉有些云里雾里。

    But the Notion Ink site has few details and the whole project has a slightly vaporous feel at the moment.


  • 在这里我们要着重指出一个细节外公关怀爱护一点没有赢得欢心,也很少使他感动。

    Let us here emphasize one detail, he was not won over and was but little softened by all the solicitude and tenderness of his grandfather.


  • 但是大会很少关于刺激经济举措细节透露出来

    But few new details of the stimulus measures were revealed at the congress.


  • 一个非常安静犯人很少回答问题很少透露什么细节

    He was a quiet prisoner, who answered a few questions but didn't go into details.


  • 他们将给出关于特定项目区域细节看法讨论在进行很少会面的开源项目时所面临挑战。

    They also gave insights into the details of their specific project areas and discussed the challenges of working on an open source project where face-to-face meetings are rare.


  • 委员会倾向于在标准中规定太多细节,考虑了太多很少遇到的情况,加入了太多中间层。

    Committees have a tendency to produce standards with too many details, handling too many corner cases centrally, and with too many levels of indirection.


  • 相对开心时候,发脾气时人们会更关注细节,不容易受骗很少错误判断,能提出更高质量说服力的建议。

    Grumpy people paid closer attention to details, showed less gullibility, were less prone to errors of judgment and formed higher-quality, persuasive arguments than their happy counterparts.


  • 竞争数据库供应商考试相比IBMDB2考试似乎很少过于具体的 “追求细节” 类型的问题更多的问题都需要 “深入思考”。

    Compared to competing database vendors' exams, the IBM DB2 tests seem to have fewer overly specific trivial pursuit questions and more questions requiring deep thought.


  • 奥维尔很少描写当天的细节相反他用文字作为跳板进入广阔宇宙范围

    Orwell rarely spent his words on the details of the day - instead, he used them as springboards to boost him into the territory of the universal.


  • 初次客户或者雇主见面很少很默契的,因为双方可能网站如何设计的每一个细节一致。

    Having an initial meeting with a client or employer will rarely result in a perfect conversation where both parties are in total agreement on every point of how a new web design should be carried out.


  • 还有苹果Mac应用程序商店就要上线,虽然具体细节情况了解的很少我们充满了期待

    With just two days until Apple is set to unveil the Mac App Store, details are still thin on the ground as to what we can actually expect from it.


  • 生活细节上,月瓶可能靠不住不过他们很少被认为怪异

    Aquarius Moon can be unreliable about the little details in life, but they are seldom flaky.


  • HIT3顶部带有曲面露台布宜诺斯艾利斯很少建筑这样注意顶部细节设计

    There are few buildings in Buenos Aires which take care of the top of the building's design details as HIT3, with its curves and terraces.


  • 乔布斯健康状况细节很少向外界透露。但是专家推测病症可能是在晚期确诊的。

    Few details of Steve Jobs' health have ever been made public but experts speculate that his cancer may have been a case of late diagnosis.


  • 研究细节这个夏季正式公布现在很少但是背后逻辑不难看出

    Details on the research, which will be formally unveiled this summer, are scarce, but the logic of both groups isn't hard to see.


  • 耳机快速动感挖掘丰富声音细节不管肖斯塔科维奇还是保罗·西蒙很少其他耳机能象这样完好地表现出音乐信息

    These headphones are fast, dynamic and dig up plenty of detail. Whether you listen to Shostakovich or Paul Simon, there's little else that communicates the music's message so well.


  • 很少有人到达美国时,就把一切细节安排妥帖了的。

    Very few arrive in the U. S. A. with all the detail worked out.


  • 一些超音速转捩实验中,到了亚谐波,实验数据很少而且缺乏细节

    Sub-harmonic waves have been detected in certain transition experiments for supersonic flow. However, data are not plenty and lake of details.


  • 一些超音速转捩实验中,到了亚谐波,实验数据很少而且缺乏细节

    Sub-harmonic waves have been detected in certain transition experiments for supersonic flow. However, data are not plenty and lake of details.


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