• 如果再次查看程序代码可以看到在“第1阶段第2阶段”之间一个很小时间间隔

    If you look at the program code again, you can see that between "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" there is a small time frame.


  • 敏捷团队行动非常迅速,他们创建很小代码工作周期有时甚至只有一周时间。

    Agile teams work very quicklysometimes in as little as a week — to create small chunks of code.


  • 由于大多数磁盘设备扇区大小512字节,因此一步引导加载程序代码很小

    Because most disk devices use a sector size of 512 bytes, the first-stage boot loader code must be very small.


  • 过去10制造配有任何处理器RAM数量很小几乎所有计算机应当可以提供足够能力构建使用本文描述代码

    Almost any computer manufactured in the past 10 years with any old processor and puny amount of RAM should provide plenty of power for building and using the code described here.


  • 迁移简单,通常就像一个简单托管练习,对应用系统的代码影响很小没有影响。

    The migration will be straightforward, usually a simple re-hosting exercise, with minimal or no impact on application code.


  • 代表着一种代码味道因为应用程序中前后出现实际上可以复制-粘贴的代码,这些代码差别很小

    This represents a code smell because you have essentially copied-and-pasted code throughout your application with minor variations.


  • 因此现在需要添加很小代码创建显示一个新的TreeViewer(请看10)。

    Therefore, now you need to add a little code to create and display a new Tree Viewer (see Figure 10).


  • 例如用户经常使用find大范围内寻找很小东西比如大量应用程序代码寻找使用某个系统调用所有地方。

    Here's an example. Oftentimes, find is helpful for locating a needle in a haystack, such as locating all the USES of a particular system call in a large body of application code.


  • 根据编译时间编译代码解释代码程度,即使迭代数量只做很小变化也可能造成测量的“性能有极大差异

    Depending on the compilation time and how much faster the compiled code is than the interpreted code, small changes in the number of iterations can result in big differences in measured "performance."


  • 不过请注意,出现这种问题可能性很小因为Cloudscape生成代码非常接近DB2生成代码

    Note, however, that the possibility of such a problem is small, since Cloudscape generated code is very close to DB2's generated code.


  • 由于出现上述内容的可能性很小代码保持得尽量简单如果编程实现一个真正通用Atom阅读器,请务必小心

    Because this isn't likely, I opted to keep the code simple, but be warned if you want to program a truly general Atom reader!


  • 一些简单程序可以依赖任何另外的代码;在一些大更复杂程序中,解析器只是很小一部分

    Some simple programs can get by on almost no additional code; others use a parser as a tiny portion of a much larger and more complicated program.


  • 读写方法确实会代码增加一些开销这些开销很小——特别是有问题数据库设计这样其它因素相比

    Accessors do add some overhead to your code, but it is trivialespecially when compared to other factors, such as questionable database designs.


  • 单元测试对于开发人员来说仅仅编写代码问题,只发挥了测试代码中一个很小且很特殊部分的功能。

    Unit testing is a piece of code written by a developer that exercises a very small, specific area of functionality of the code being tested.


  • 存储媒介改为另一种存储媒介应该很简单,代码影响很小

    Consider that changing from one data storage medium to another should be a piece of cake, and have minimal effect on your code.


  • 虽然小分队团队成员可能会理解所有他们创建代码他们非常理解其他团队成员工作几率很小

    While members of a sub-team might understand all of the code that their sub-team creates, the chances that they understand the details of other teams' work well enough to make changes is slim.


  • Squirrel引擎很小,不超过6000代码

    The Squirrel engine is also tiny, at less than 6000 lines of code.


  • 测试程序实际上也是很小它们包括很少代码牵涉示例驱动阐述要点

    These test programs are truly tiny: they contain just a few lines of code and are concerned with only whatever point the driver sample attempts to illustrate.


  • 通过时间设计我们不仅使API很小而且由于更小代码工作获得性能提升。

    By spending a lot of time on the design, we not only kept the APIs small, but also reaped performance gains as a result of smaller code and working set sizes.


  • 代码拼接很小影响但是大多数情况下注意不到。

    Strategic Code Splicing might have a minimal effect, but it's unnoticeable in almost all cases.


  • 说明:很小关机定时小工具,代码简单。360可能

    The small gadget shutdown timing, the code is very simple. 360 may be reported to the poison.


  • WTL专注于用面向对象方法编写Windows用户界面程序同时保持代码尺寸很小

    WTL delivers the object oriented way to program for the Windows user interface, while keeping the code size small.


  • WTL专注于用面向对象方法编写Windows用户界面程序同时保持代码尺寸很小

    WTL delivers the object oriented way to program for the Windows user interface, while keeping the code size small.


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