• 我们很大程度本土文化产物

    We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.


  • 这家收容所在很大程度上依赖赞助

    The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.


  • 装订很大程度上属于家庭手工业

    Bookbinding is largely a cottage industry.


  • 很大程度上依赖家庭

    He leans heavily on his family.


  • 物理学很大程度上男人领域

    Physics used to be very much a male domain.


  • 而且很大程度上一个节目

    It was and, to a large extent, still is a good show.


  • 气候变化很大程度上一个争论话题

    Climate change is still very much a subject for debate.


  • 这个成功很大程度上努力的结果

    The team's success was largely due to her efforts.


  • 该国经济问题很大程度上复苏乏力结果。

    The country's economic problems are largely due to the weakness of the recovery.


  • 他们成功很大程度上应归功于他们的决心

    Their success is due in large part to their determination.


  • 这个决定意味着很大程度脱离了原先的政策

    This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy.


  • 中情局官员们很大程度电子邮件相互交流

    Officials of the CIA depend heavily on e-mail to communicate with each other.


  • 目前为止总统职位很大程度上礼仪性的。

    Up to now the post of president has been largely ceremonial.


  • 当前关于赔偿法律很大程度上一个灰色区域

    At the moment, the law on compensation is very much a grey area.


  • 残酷现实运气很大程度决定着

    The harsh truth is that luck plays a big part in who will live or die.


  • 这位小说家很大程度是以亲身经历为素材。

    The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.


  • 外交政策制定实施很大程度上总统独揽之事。

    The making and conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.


  • 现在我们很大程度依赖电脑安排我们工作

    These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.


  • 这次节日庆祝活动成功与否,在很大程度看赞助

    The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success.


  • 卫理公会派教堂很大程度认为美国立场风向标

    The Methodist church is viewed as a bellwether of U.S. attitudes in large part.


  • 我们什么时候休假很大程度上取决于格雷格工作计划

    When we take our vacations is very much dictated by Greg's work schedule.


  • 老年生活的幸福很大程度上取决于种族性别婚姻状况

    How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.


  • 西奥多•罗斯福很大程度上是一外交关系现实主义者

    Theodore Roosevelt was preeminently a realist in foreign relations.


  • 巴西加勒比海地区奴隶制废除很大程度遵循美国模式

    The abolition of slavery in Brazil and the Caribbean closely followed the pattern of the United States.


  • 以后,委拉斯开兹作品很大程度上仅限于王室肖像画了。

    Velzquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family.


  • 法律界很大程度上仍然男人世界,这一点从法官人数屈指可数即可得到证实。

    The legal profession is still a largely male world, as evidenced by the small number of women judges.


  • 1987到1990年期间,施特菲•格拉芙很大程度上抵挡住了纳芙拉蒂洛夺冠挑战

    Between 1987 and 1990, Steffi Graf largely held off Navratilova's challenge for the crown.


  • 很大程度上他们一样的。

    In a large degree, they're the same.


  • 很大程度美貌一种福气

    For the most part good looks is a blessing


  • 很大程度上不过是件麻烦事。

    That is largely a matter of mere nuisance.


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