• 很多晚上熬夜,使得他们工作时间感到疲劳

    Many people stay up late at night, which makes them feel tired during working hours.


  • 希拉里之所以这么是听信很多朋友说法。他们尽管民意调查中,这个问题似乎并没有带来负面影响,但还是很多对此感到介怀

    Hillary had been convinced to do it by the large number of our friends who said that, though the issue never showed up as a negative in our polls, it bothered a lot of people.


  • 伦敦金融区大街上,很多人他们对这场金融危机感到吃惊不小,然而他们只能耐心等待,看看接下来发生什么

    On the streets of London's financial sector, many say they have been left in shock and are simply waiting to see what will happen next.


  • 但是很多人采访极力强调选举重要性说服大家感到失望

    However, I suspect many will be disappointed at quite how keenly he talked down the importance of electoral reform in some parts of the interview.


  • 拥抱食物很多感到快乐尤其是英国俄罗斯,这两个国家三分之一受访者他们拥抱食物得到安慰

    Hugs and food also made a lot of people happy, especially in Britain and Russia, where almost a third of people said they are likely to find comfort in a hug or seek it in food.


  • 所以毕业首席技术执行官阿龙.施瓦茨建立一家提供这类服务网站.而我们的演示很多感到很兴奋.

    So I built the first version of the Web site. Alon Schwartz, now our chief technology officer, worked with me when I finished law school and the first demonstration model got a lot of people excited.


  • 当然也增加了SOAP复杂性理解WSDL很多感到害怕。

    Of course, this adds to the complexity of SOAP, and lots of people are horrified when they have to try and understand a WSDL.


  • 《孤独星球指南》如果英国一些功夫,还是可以找到一些超值的旅游消费地,但是很多人最后可能会自己选择国内度假而感到懊悔

    The guide says some good value deals can be found if families do their homework, but many may, in the end, regret opting for a " staycation ."


  • “当看到他们第一如何察觉到盖是个内幕交易者时,奥利弗感到震惊,”莎伦-克斯曼记录下影片杀青这位明星所说的话,“他搞垮很多公司,毁了很多人,写得一手好字。

    "Oliver and I were both pretty stunned after the first one, how they perceived Gekko, " the star said in comments recorded by Sharon Waxman for the Wrap.


  • 很多得六位数收入离开感到惊讶。而且他们为什么要一个梦想而拿一切来冒险

    Many people were astounded that I would leave after earning a six-figure income. And they asked why I would risk everything for a dream.


  • 去年三月写到很多指望贷款机构出于自身利益考虑保护好股东资本,但现实让这些尤其是感到震惊而且难以置信

    As I wrote last March, those of us who have looked to the self interest of lending institutions to protect shareholder 'equity, myself especially, are in a state of shocked disbelief.


  • 此外我们很多无法飞行放松常常我们下飞机后发生感到压力兴奋

    In addition, many of us are not relaxed when we fly. Too often, we'll be stressed or excited about what will happen when we get off the plane.


  • 事实上很多人即使身处当中,甚至谈话过程感到孤独寂寞因为自己已经深深陷入自己世界当中,或者因为他周围的陷入了他们自己的世界当中。

    Indeed, many feel isolated and lonely in the midst of crowds or even while talking to others because they are trapped in their own world or because others are in theirs.


  • 建立典型应用基础上很多人它有能力满足未来十年汽车需求感到惊讶。”

    "It is setting the benchmark for this type of application, and many will be surprised at the range of vehicles it will power over the next decade," he says.


  • 很多感到自己每个他们做生意谨慎的警觉性困难时期

    During difficult times many people have their guard up feeling a bit cautious with each person they do business with.


  • 海岸警卫队负责表示黎明来临艘名为“超级客轮9”号的客轮三宝颜省附近海域开始侧倾,乘客纷纷睡梦中惊醒感到恐慌很多人海。

    The Superferry 9 began to list before dawn off Zamboanga del Norte province, rousing terrified passengers from their sleep and prompting many to jump overboard, a coast guard chief said.


  • 社交媒体发达、追求新鲜内容当今世界很多阅读艺术的日渐式微感到惋惜,很少真正尝试为此做出什么

    Many have lamented the lost art of reading in our social-media-driven, content-hungry world, but few have actually tried to do anything about it.


  • 很多放弃这样收入6位数以上的工作感到十分惊讶。

    Many people were surprised that I would leave after earning a six-figure income.


  • 很多人看来,工作中令他们厌恶的部分超过了让他们感到享受欣赏的部分。

    In many instances, what they disliked about their jobs outweighed what they enjoyed or appreciated.


  • 经历了春节假期美好时光之后,很多感到忧虑并且感觉恢复日常生活节奏困难。

    After spending a wonderful holiday over the New Year period, some people feel blue and find that it's difficult to function normally in their daily rhythm.


  • 华天记者会上表示对于自己比赛中意外落马,一度感到愤怒心情低落,当知道现场很多支持后,他感到特别欣慰目前心情也恢复过来。

    "I'm feeling much better now, " said Hua at a press conference Wednesday afternoon, adding that he was angry about himself to have made the mistake, but felt happy to have support from the spectators.


  • 华天记者会上表示对于自己比赛中意外落马,一度感到愤怒心情低落,当知道现场很多支持后,他感到特别欣慰目前心情也恢复过来。

    "I'm feeling much better now, " said Hua at a press conference Wednesday afternoon, adding that he was angry about himself to have made the mistake, but felt happy to have support from the spectators.


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