• 这位联合国粮农组织经济学家还说所有被列入粮食危机名单国家中,百分之三十以上的人正忍饥挨饿,其中很多非洲国家。

    The FAO economist said all the countries on the threatened list had a higher than 30-percent hunger prevalence. Stamoulis said many of the endangered countries are in Africa.


  • 希望如此作为企业家很多错误持续犯错今天很多,进入普林斯顿三十年了还是如此。

    Or hope so because you're gonna make a lot of mistakes as an entrepreneur, you can continue to make mistakes, I continue to make mistakes today, thirty years after entering Princeton.


  • 但是日常水平上智利邻国关系比起三十年前三国都被军人统治的时代已经缓和了很多

    At a day-to-day level, however, relations between Chile and its neighbours are less tense than they were three decades ago when all were ruled by generals.


  • 很多银行已经开始计划更新他们核心主程序框架系统,它们可能已经使用二十到三十年。

    Many Banks have already started planning for renewal of their core mainframe systems, which may be upwards of twenty - to thirty-years-old.


  • 那时唱歌孩子三十多岁了可能他们中的很多都有小学年龄孩子。

    The children singing are now in their late thirties and perhaps most of them now have children of an age to be in primary school.


  • 我们短短的三十分钟交谈了解家乡非洲情况,我以前知道的要多很多

    We got to talking and I learned more about his country and the continent of Africa in 30 minutes than I ever knew before then.


  • 知道"一三五七八十三十准不差,其余月份三十,只有二月二十八"首顺口溜帮助很多记住了哪些月份三十天。

    Do you know the rhyme "Thirty days has September, April, June, and November… "? It helps many people remember which months of the year have 30 days.


  • 生育一个大问题因为很多女性直到三十多岁才怀孕现在第一次生育母亲平均年龄三十岁。

    Fertility is an issue because women are delaying getting pregnant until their 30s — the average age now for a first-time mother is 30.


  • 萧条发生时,很多外国工人再次移民三十年代五十万人离开很多南欧人一去不复返。

    As the Depression took hold, many foreign workers re-emigrated: some 500,000 left in the 1930s, with many southern Europeans moving back permanently to the old continent.


  • 萧条发生时,很多外国工人再次移民三十年代五十万人离开很多南欧人一去不复返。

    As the Depression took hold, many foreign workers re-emigrated: some 500, 000 left in the 1930s, with many southern Europeans moving back permanently to the old continent.


  • 穆尼算得上是上世纪三十年代华纳兄弟公司炙手可热的男演员之一。电影《疤面大盗》中他饰演很多令人震撼人物角色

    Muni was perhaps the top actor at Warner Brothers in the 1930s, starring as powerful characters in films like "Scarface."


  • 三十年代很多疯病

    There were many people with leprosy around the age of thirty.


  • 这套诗歌三十年来心血结晶,是神明个体生命过程里支付很多代价仁慈补偿

    This set of poetry collection is the crystal of my painstaking effort in thirty years, and also the merciful compensation from divinity for the numerous costs that I had paid in my individual life.


  • 世界科学家成名很多三十左右

    Many scientists in the world have come into prominence around the age of thirty.


  • 后来,橱窗展示的一件东西改变了他以及很多人在三十生活轨迹。

    Then came the display which would change his and many other lives 30 years later.


  • 卡罗可以理解但是过去三十真的很多

    Carol: Understandable, but you've really learned a lot in the last thirty days.


  • 三十岁的二十岁的你深刻地理解很多事物忍受它们

    You understand many things better at thirty than at twenty and you can also bear them better.


  • 过去三十年中,社会困境引起很多来自社会学心理学经济学等领域的关注

    In the past three decades, researchers from sociology, psychology and economics have paid much attention to social dilemma.


  • 二十世纪三十年代写了很多乐曲包括新中国成立国歌《义勇军进行曲》。

    He wrote many musical scores in the 1930s, including the March of the Volunteers, which was selected as the national anthem after New China was founded.


  • 根据项调查显示女性平均三十分钟照一次镜子男性照镜子的次数也差很多

    Women look at themselves in the mirror every 30 minutes on average, with men not far behind, according to a survey.


  • 很多人在不得不面临他们三十, 会巨大压力,从而迅速开始事业一个城市结婚,然后一段室内两个三个孩子

    When a lot has been pushed to your 30s, there is enormousthirtysomething pressure, to jump-start a career, picka city, partnerup, and have two or three kids in a much shorter period of time.


  • 很多三十晚上放鞭炮到处充满喜悦的气氛。如果中国,你一定会喜欢。

    Many people shoot off firecrackers on New Year's eve and everywhere is full of happy atmosphere. if you come to China, you will enjoy it.


  • 然而三十年间日本彻底扭转了这种状况。现在我们很多日本制造优质产品

    But within 30 years, Japan had turned that completely around and now we experience the best products made out of Japan.


  • 很多员工三十就开始计划退休后的生活。

    Many employees start planning for their retirement by the time they are 30.


  • 这些很多互不相容的,并且研究开始表明三十岁的时候一下子完成这些是很困难压力很大的。

    Many of these things are incompatible, and as research isjust starting to show, simply harder and more stressful to do all at once inour 30s.


  • 过去三十年间,关于第二语言阅读本质和阅读方法研究很多这些研究对第二语言很大影响

    During the past three decades, considerable research has been undertaken to the nature of L2 reading, which has influenced the method of teaching and learning in L2 reading.


  • 过去三十年间,关于第二语言阅读本质和阅读方法研究很多这些研究对第二语言很大影响

    During the past three decades, considerable research has been undertaken to the nature of L2 reading, which has influenced the method of teaching and learning in L2 reading.


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