• 径向对称使用径向对称的节省时间技术

    Radial symmetry: Time saving techniques using radial symmetry.


  • 本文主要是研究径向对称相干列阵光束传输性质

    In this paper, we mainly study the propagating properties of the radial beam array.


  • 这种呈放射性径向对称形状有助于博物馆其他设施之间沟通协调

    The radial symmetry of this shape helps to coordinate the communication and circulation between different sections of the museum and its other facilities.


  • 右图中的球是围绕碳原子电子云的图像。 它们分别径向对称中间节点的双扁球形状,sp原子轨道给出电子密度图。

    There’s a radially symmetric blob, and a double-lobed blob with a node in the middlejust like the patterns of electron density that the s and p atomic orbitals give rise to.


  • 这个s轨道径向概率分布公式对于对称情形成立。

    This is the radial probability distribution formula for an s orbital, which is, of course, dealing with something that's spherically symmetrical.


  • 单极本征函数不同动力学0(2,1)基底中的代数规律性表明径向空间对称

    The algebraic regularity of monopole eigenfunctions in various dynamical0 (2, 1) basis shows the symmetry in radial phase space.


  • 方法利用光轴对称径向畸变数学模型求出光学镜头校正系数,对畸变图像进行校正

    The method USES the model of radial nonlinear distortion with the symmetry of optical axis to obtain correction coefficients of the optical lens, and then corrects the distortion image.


  • 证明一类非线性椭圆型方程径向对称唯一性

    Uniqueness of radially symmetric solutions for a class of nonlinear elliptic equations is proved.


  • 荷载对称分布荷载、均布边缘力矩径向它们联合作用

    Loads are regarded as axisymmetrical distributed load, uniform moments and uniform radial forces along the edge or their combination.


  • 结果来看,不同静态球对称时空径向方程视界函数的不同不同,而角向方程具有相同的的形式

    The results show that, the radial equations in different spherical symmetric spacetime would be different for different horizon functions, while the angular equations are expressed in a same form.


  • 这些结果用来研究椭圆问题径向对称存在性

    These results can be applied to study the existence of the radial solutions for the elliptic boundary value problems.


  • 对称橡胶衬套轴向对称径向存在弹性耦合特性,对汽车操纵稳定性有一定影响

    The elastic coupling characteristics of the unsymmetrical rubber bushing in the axial and symmetrical radial directions, affect the handling stability of the vehicle.


  • 工作时由于从动主动螺杆左右对称啮合作用主动螺杆径向完全平衡,主动螺杆承受弯曲负荷

    Pumps work, as the two screws driven screw symmetrical and active engagement, so the role of the active radial force on the screw entirely balanced, active screw does not bear bending loads.


  • 在无径向柔性机构的情况下,防自转机构涡旋盘产生自转,可导致压缩压力对称和产生径向泄漏

    Otherwise slight rotation would take place with that mechanism and orbiting scroll, resulting in asymmetric pressure within compression chamber pair and radial leakage.


  • 一维平衡中的圆柱对称等离子体径向尺度长度电子深度表征

    The radial scale length for cylindrically symmetric plasmas in one-dimensional equilibrium is characterized by the electron skin depth.


  • 基于经典非线性理论研究功能梯度板在均匀径向压力作用对称过屈曲问题

    Based on the classical nonlinear plate theory, axisymmetric post-buckling behavior of a functionally graded circular plate under radial compression was investigated.


  • 不稳定流动状态下,气体径向浓度分布曲线两边出现对称

    In the unstable flow the radial distribution of tracer gas concentration is asymmetry.


  • 理论上研究了形聚能器的对称径向振动纯扭转振动。所用盘形聚能器的厚度,沿半径阶梯形,锥形指数变化

    Axis symmetrical pure radial and pure shear vibrations were investigated theoretically for disk concentrators, whose thickness varying step-wise, linearly or exponentially with radial distance.


  • 对于对称任意径向分层的完全非均匀介质建立了求解静场问题数值格林函数理论高效计算方法

    The theory and high efficient algorithm is set up to obtain the numerical mode Greens function for static steady field problem in arbitrary cylindrical layered media.


  • 介绍了对称为中心沿径向设置制作封头压制模具的过程。

    The method of establishing radial support steel bars based on the symmetry axis of heads to manufacture the melon petal dies was presented.


  • 这些结果能用研究椭圆型方程组问题径向对称存在性

    These results can be applied to the study of the existence of the radial solutions for the elliptic boundary value systems.


  • 文中针对圆管式径向对称流向变换反应器三维模型,利用交替方向方法(adi)建立新的求解格式。

    A new computational scheme was developed to solve a three-dimensional model of a periodic flow reversal reactor by ADI alternating direction implicit method.


  • 与原来的方程相比,它增加了个非线性极强的阻尼项。我们同样定理1.2介绍过的方法证明径向对称存在性。

    We also use the method in Theorem 1.2 to prove that there exists a smooth 2-dimensional radical symmetric solution for this problem.


  • 研究径向主动电磁轴承支承对称转子系统动力行为稳定性

    Stability and coupling dynamic behaviors of a journal active electromagnetic bearing rotor system are analyzed.


  • 本文主要研究偏振径向对称分布光束列阵自由空间中的传输性质

    In this paper, we study the propagation properties of radial symmetry beam array with the polarized distribution in the free space.


  • 径向湍流强度测量结果显示,此时流动是复杂的三维结构,而非对称二维结构。

    Results of turbulence intensity across the pressure node plane also show, the regular and symmetrical flow structures in the tube have been turned to turbulence.


  • 提出一种分析对称曲率径向载荷作用非线性稳定性理论方法。

    A non-linear theory is presented for stability of an arch with central curvc of symmetrically variable curvature under uniform lateral load.


  • 对称稳态假设扩散相比径向扩散、轴向对流径向对流可忽略

    Axisymmetric steady flow, assume the axial diffusion is negligible compared with the radial diffusion, axial convection and the radial convection.


  • 结果表明,提升管内气、两相沿轴向径向切线方向流动不均匀,并非完全对称流动S型螺旋形上升流动。

    The simulation results showed that the flow of gas-solid two-phase was non-uniform in axial, radial and tangential directions, and was not symmetric flow as expected, but was up in S-type form.


  • 结果表明,提升管内气、两相沿轴向径向切线方向流动不均匀,并非完全对称流动S型螺旋形上升流动。

    The simulation results showed that the flow of gas-solid two-phase was non-uniform in axial, radial and tangential directions, and was not symmetric flow as expected, but was up in S-type form.


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