• 倒着干活往下房子

    He works backward, building a house from the top downward.


  • 他们一起沿楼梯通道往下

    They walked down the staircase together.


  • 帽子往下了拉遮住脸。

    He tugged the hat down over his head.


  • 备好他们驶向了卡罗福泰。

    After prepping the boat, they sailed it down to Carloforte.


  • 飕飕地顺着烟囱往下刮。

    The wind whistled down the chimney.


  • 高高的窗户看。

    I looked down from the high window.


  • 他们往下到了岸边

    They walked down to the shore.


  • 他们沿河旅行

    They took a trip down the river.


  • 盯着自己旋转着手指戒指

    She was staring down at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger.


  • 往下了瞅。

    I cast my eyes down briefly.


  • 欣赏黄山美景往下

    But to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mount Huang, you need to look downwards.


  • 欣赏黄山美景看。

    To enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mount Huang, you need to look downwards.


  • 他们手牵手走,直到医生

    Hand in hand, they wandered down, till the doctor stood still.


  • 唐人街大约要往下

    Chinatown is about ten stops down.


  • 他们现在拿呢,先生

    They are bringing it down, sir.


  • 希望我一起我

    I wish you were down here with me!


  • 到达山顶后,他们穿上滑雪板往下

    When they get to the top, they put on their skis and ski down.


  • 凝视着这个城市夜晚壮美

    She gazed down upon the nighttime splendour of the city.


  • 疲倦了眼睑开始垂。

    She was so tired, her eyelids were beginning to droop.


  • 告诉的连裤袜往下滑。

    She told him her tights were slipping.


  • 犹豫了一会儿然后继续往下

    She hesitated for a moment and then went on.


  • 高处往下车辆显得很小

    Seen from above the cars looked tiny.


  • 知故事的趣味所在,请往下

    If you like a good story, read on.


  • 一滴滴口水顺着往下流。

    Gobs of spittle ran down his chin.


  • 继续往下并非有意打断你的话。

    Please continueI didn't mean to interrupt.


  • 顺着哈特往下淌。

    Sweat dribbled down Hart's face.


  • 想到要见到心情便直往下

    Her spirits plummeted at the thought of meeting him again.


  • 泪水顺着往下流。

    Tears streamed down his face.


  • 走,最终会突然发现那个隐秘瀑布

    As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall.


  • 直到感觉双脚稳稳地踩住了岩石。

    He lowered his legs until he felt he had a solid foothold on the rockface beneath him.


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