• 寡妇臭名昭著蜘蛛,可以通过它们腹部彩色沙漏形斑点来识别

    Black widows are notorious spiders identified by the colored, hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomens.


  • 印度警方彩色喷洒不羁人群被染色淋湿煽动者容易识别

    Police in India spray unruly crowds with coloured water: stained and sodden agitators are easier to identify.


  • 这种ATM使用指纹生物识别感应器为提现预设彩色标志按钮

    This ATM uses a fingerprint biometric sensor for security and offers color-coded buttons for preset cash withdrawals.


  • 该方法将图像投影SVDQ各个正交基上,得到投影系数向量。将此向量作为图像的代数特征用于彩色图像识别中。

    Firstly, the image is projected on to the orthogonal basis of SVDQ, then the projection coefficient vector is used as algebraic feature of image and applied to recognition.


  • 点OK后,天文数据分类开始,过一会儿软件识别结果就会彩色的形式显示出来。

    Pressing the [OK] button will start the astrometric data reduction process. After a while, colored circles will be drawn around the objects detected by the software.


  • 实验结果表明方法具有较理想彩色目标识别精度实时性

    Experimental results show that the approach presented has ideal precision and speediness for color object recognition.


  • 针对植物病害彩色纹理图像特点提出支持向量色度矩分析方法相结合应用于植物病害识别

    According to the features of color texture image of plant disease, recognition of plant disease using support vector machine (SVM) and chromaticity moments was introduced.


  • 应当看起来美观具有吸引力公司张贴醒目标识特价活动一个主导区域,用容易识别彩色标记

    It should look nice and attractive, with eye-catching logo of the company posted on it and special offers in a dominant area which is colour-coded for easy recognition.


  • 根据日光温室黄瓜病害彩色纹理图像特点,将支持向量色度矩方法用于识别黄瓜病害。

    According to the features of color texture image of cucumber disease in sunlight greenhouse, recognition of cucumber disease using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and chromaticity moments is introduced.


  • 特征肤色的方法针对彩色图像的人脸检测方法,针对灰度图像本文采用基于马尔可夫模型人脸识别方法检测人脸

    The eigen skin-color method is for the color images. For gray images, this paper USES face recognition method based on hidden Markov models to detect human faces.


  • 本文主要研究了复杂背景下彩色人脸检测灰度图的人脸识别

    Face detection of color images with complex background and face recognition of gray images were studied in this paper.


  • 目的评估彩色室壁动力分析技术(CK剂量多巴酚丁胺负荷超声(LDDSE识别存活心肌价值

    Objective To assess the value of color kinesis low dose dobutamine stress echocardiography(CK LDDSE) in identifying viable myocardium.


  • 本文讨论建立套真彩色人体寄生虫虫卵显微图像识别系统相关问题

    This paper discusses the relevant problem about how to develop a micro-image recognition system of human helminth eggs.


  • 针对玉米病害叶片彩色纹理图像特点,提出一种支持向量色度矩分析应用于玉米病害识别方法

    According to the features of color texture image of maize disease, a method of recognizing disease by using support vector machine (SVM) and chromaticity moments is introduced.


  • 我们彩色塑料粘性按钮恒温微波炉上,方便她识别正确的设置

    We used colorful plastic 15 adhesive buttons to identify the proper Settings on her 16 thermostat and microwave.


  • 针对葡萄病害彩色纹理图像特点,提出一种支持向量色度矩分析应用于葡萄病害识别方法

    According to the features of color texture image of grape disease, a method of recognizing of grape dis-ease using support vector machine (SVM) and chromaticity moments is introduced.


  • 本文介绍一种利用神经网络彩色地图进行识别,从而自动建立地图数据库的方法

    A method of recognizing the color map and building the map database by Neural Network is given.


  • 该文讨论并建立彩色白细胞显微图像微机自动识别系统

    This paper discusses to develop automatic classification system for true color Leukocyte image.


  • 提出结合图像灰度梯度信息彩色直方图信息人头识别算法

    An algorithm that integrates gray scale gradient cue and color histogram cue to detect the human head is proposed.


  • 基于彩色图像四元数模型,将彩色人脸图像视为一个模板直接处理首次奇异向量应用彩色人脸识别中。

    Based on the model of color image, color face image was recognized as a template for processing, and singular value vector was firstly applied to color face recognition.


  • 源代码可以直接编译运行识别图象要求彩色照片24位

    Source code can be directly translated operations, the identification requirements for image color photographs of 24.


  • 提出一种基于高度彩色纹理信息的目标识别方法,其目的是提取具有相对高度的地物。

    This paper proposes a method for objects extraction based on high and color texture features.


  • 彩色地图图像分色技术彩色图像处理重要内容,是地图模式识别信息提取的重要技术,研究该项技术对于实现彩色地图快速分色出版具有重要意义。

    Color separation of true color map images is always the important content of color image manipulation, and the kernel technology of the map mode recognition and information acquirement.


  • 研究人员认为,与以上检查不同彩色传感器便宜而且结果容易识别

    The researchers say in contrast, the colour sensor is cheap and easy to read as the spots on the sensor change colour according to the chemicals with which they come into contact.


  • 扩展图片说明文字后面伴随彩色缩略图,以便快速识别

    The extended picture captions are at the back of the book, accompanied by colour thumbnail images for quick identification.


  • 彩色IC缺陷图像检测识别系统中,通常采用分色技术降低图像识别难度

    In the detection a nd recognition system for the color IC real defect image, color segmentation may be used usually to reduce the difficulties for IC defect image recognition.


  • 人脸检测识别受不同环境照明影响很大,彩色图像人脸高光区域自动检测辐射校正有助于对人脸的正确分析识别

    The automatic detection and radiation correction of a highlighted face area is helpful to analyze and identify human faces correctly in a color image.


  • 通过比较研究多个彩色空间模型及其对应色差公式用于颜色识别识别效果,作者找出其中利于颜色识别彩色空间模型对应色差公式。

    Based on the comparative research on different color space models and the color-difference formulas of different color Spaces, we find out some practical color space and its color difference formulas.


  • 通过多个彩色空间色差公式用于色彩识别比较研究找出其中利于色彩识别彩色空间模型对应色差公式。

    Based on the comparative research on the color difference of different color Spaces, we found out some practical color space and color difference formulas.


  • 实验结果表明方法具有较理想彩色识别效果

    Experimental results show that the approach presented has ideal precision for color mark recognition.


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