• 结果表明粘滑距离与表面微观形貌参数相关。

    The results show that the slip distance is affected by topography parameters.


  • 文中列举了实测结果将轮廓参数三维形貌参数进行了比较。

    Two-dimensional profileparameters of surface roughness are compared with three-dimensional parameters


  • 对脉冲激光参数轧辊主要形貌参数影响规律了进一步的研究

    Furthermore, the influence rules between pulsed laser parameters and main profile parameters of roll have been analyzed and investigated.


  • 此外对脉冲激光参数轧辊主要形貌参数影响规律作了进一步的分析研究

    In addition, the influence rules between pulsed laser parameters and main profile parameters of roll have been analyzed and investigated.


  • 本文通过仿真切割方法建立晶粒三维空间形貌特征与其随机截面形貌参数之间关系。

    The relationship between three-dimensional grain morphology characteristics and random cross-sectional parameters has been established based on the method of simulation slicing.


  • 该仪器属于接触式,使用聚焦激光光束表面相互作用所反馈的信息来进行表面形貌参数测量

    As an un-contacting system, it uses the feedback-information of the reaction of the focused laser beam and measured surface to measure the surface appearance parameters.


  • 通过表面轮廓测量加工试件表面形貌,采用自行研制表面形貌参数表征系统进行表面形貌统计参数计算

    By the means of surface profile equipment, the machined surface was measured and the statistical parameter of surface topography was calculated.


  • 研究形貌尺寸大小衬底两个参数发射影响

    The effect of two parameters of size of ZnO nanostructures and substrate on field emission is studied.


  • 分析计算形貌,纹理颜色几类特征参数,形成较为完备的磨特征描述体系。

    By analyzing and calculating the shape, color and texture characteristic parameters of wear particles, a complete set of wear particle quantification characterization comes into being.


  • 合理选择以上关键参数基础上,成功模拟了耦合噪声时枝晶形貌

    On base of the essential parameter chosen reasonably, the dendritic morphology of incorporated noise model is simulated successfully.


  • 分析了主要工艺参数激光功率扫描速度、送以及Z增量成型质量形貌的影响。

    The technics parameters, such as the laser power, scan velocity, powder feed rate and the Z axis increment, which influence quality and shape were analyzed in this article.


  • 本文引入理论分形参数表征磨合表面形貌变化

    The fractal theory is introduced and variations of running-in surface topography are characterized by fractal parameters in this paper.


  • 基础上,本文主要分析工艺参数稀土转化厚度表面形貌蚀性的影响

    Based on this, the technological parameter to become film thickness, the superficial appearance to the rare earth transformation membrane, the corrosion resistance influence has been analyzed.


  • 研究非稳态条件下搅拌铸造工艺参数ZA27合金凝固过程初生组织形貌转变的影响

    The effects of casting process parameters on transformational behavior of primary nondendrite phase and solidification process of ZA27 alloy in stirring are investigated under transient condition.


  • 通过AFM研究试验参数薄膜表面微观形貌影响,并对其浸润性能以及摩擦学性能进行了研究。

    The influence of experimental parameters upon the morphology of the target films has been studied by using AFM.


  • 通过阳极氧化SEM微观形貌其他电化学参数分析,推断氧化膜分层结构

    With the analysis of SEM micrograph of the oxide film and other electrochemical parameters, the construction of the oxide film by layers was presented.


  • 超声波应用阳极氧化处理,研究了超声波对阳极氧化特性曲线、电解工艺参数形貌影响

    The ultrasonic technics was applied to anode oxidation of aluminum. The influences of ultrasonic on anode oxidation curves, electrolytic process parameters and oxide film's morphology were studied.


  • 仪器不仅可进行轮廓测量可进行形貌测量,具有量程高精度测量更多测量参数等特点。

    The instrument can measure not only 2d profile but also 3d topography, and it has large measuring range, high precision, small measuring touch force and more parameters.


  • 考察工艺参数薄膜质量影响,对薄膜的表面形貌,薄膜生长速率以及热处理薄膜的成相及其电阻率的关系进行了观察和分析。

    The effects of the technological parameters on the quality of the films were studied. The growth rate and surface morphology of the films with cycle times were characterized.


  • 研究试验参数涂层界面结合强度影响以及阳极氧化状态参数对钛基体表面形貌影响;

    The effect of the experimental parameters on the interfacial bonding strength was investigated, as well as the influences of the anodic oxidation state on the titanium substrate surface appearance.


  • 研究结果表明PAN基炭纤维氧化特性与其石墨参数表面形貌密切相关

    The results of the research works show that oxidation behavior of PAN-based CF is related with its morphology and graphite crystallite parameter.


  • 依据几何理论结合不可压缩粘性流体层流流动理论,建立基于分形参数金属垫片泄漏模型,该模型揭示了泄漏率与密封表面形貌之间的关系。

    According to the fractal geometry theory and the non-compressed viscous fluid laminar flow theory, the leakage model of metallic gasket based on fractal parameter was established.


  • 实验结果表明激光功率密度反应压力、载种类流量反应参数粒子粒径、形貌收率等性能均有一定影响

    The experimental results showed that the process parameters such as laser power density, reaction pressure, the sorts and rate of airflow affected particles' shape, size and yield.


  • 本文分析了工艺参数微蚀速率表面形貌 、表面微观粗糙度结合力影响

    In the paper, effects of brown oxide process parameters on micro-etch rate, surface topography, surface roughness, binding strength were analyzed through the experiment.


  • 表面粗糙度机械加工描述表面微观形貌非常重要参数,表面粗糙度测量技术现代精密测试计量技术的一个重要组成部分。

    Surface roughness is an important parameter to reflect the micro-geometry in machine process, and also an important part of modern precise measurement technique.


  • 镀层表面形貌显微硬度为考核指标,采用正交试验法优选了脉冲参数,采用优选脉冲参数电镀直流电镀的银镀层作了比较

    Acoording to the surface appearance and the microhardness of coating, the parameters of silver plating with pulse current are optimized by the orthorhombic experiment.


  • 通过给定磨损参数结合经验数据,给出可能产生的磨损表面形貌图谱,后面的故障诊断和磨粒分析奠定了基础。

    Based on wear parameter and experience data, the imitated wear particle and surface images of components were given. These are very useful for the fault diagnosis and wear particle analysis.


  • 电解液浓度氧化电压氧化时间参数形貌都有不同程度的影响

    The parameters such as the electrolyte concentration, oxidation voltage and oxidation time reveal different impacts on the morphology of the coatings.


  • 电解液浓度氧化电压氧化时间参数形貌都有不同程度的影响

    The parameters such as the electrolyte concentration, oxidation voltage and oxidation time reveal different impacts on the morphology of the coatings.


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