• 形态信号提取一个函数代表产品形态轮廓信息

    The second step is to abstract shape signal, which uses a function to express product form information.


  • 经典形态滤波器相比较新的形态学滤波器主要算子使用结构元素轮廓

    Compared with classical morphology filter, the new filter USES outline of structure element as its major operator.


  • 通过对比图像直接摄影图像更早地观察火焰产生,火焰轮廓大,能够反应火焰的变化形态

    Compared with the images taken by direct photography, the earlier generation of flame, the broader flame contour and the transformation of flame configuration could be observed from schlieren results.


  • 结果表明方法安全可行,清晰地显示位置轮廓形态密度

    Results showed that this method was capable and safe. The position, outline, configuration and density of zygomatic gland and its duct could be clearly displayed on the films.


  • 轻巧有机屋顶漂浮混凝土基座上,它那柔软形状轮廓创造了人造景观描绘了一种运动和循环的形态

    Lightweight organic roof structures float on concrete plinths, their soft shapes and contours creating an artificial landscape that describes the movement and circulation within.


  • 利用数学形态学对含有胎儿头部轮廓医学图像进行预处理,提取近似圆形的胎儿大脑轮廓骨架

    Medical Images including head outline are preprocessed by using mathematical morphology, and the skeleton of fetus' head outline with an approximate rotundity can be extracted.


  • 目的:提出一种基于检测轮廓跟踪技术的骨膜细胞电镜图像的形态分析方法

    AIM:To find an approach to modality feature of periosteum cells in electron microscope based on corner point detection and contour tracing technique.


  • SSD显示牙齿颌骨外部轮廓整体形态以及牙齿排列与颌骨之间关系。

    SSD demonstrated the external contours and entire morphologies of the teeth and the mandible with the relationship of the teeth alignment and the mandible.


  • 三维物体表面轮廓测量获取物体形态特征种重要手段

    D profile measurement is a powerful tool for obtaining the form and structure of an object.


  • 本文提出采用数学形态线形广义模糊算子相结合方法检测肿瘤边缘,再根据检测结果得到的肿瘤部位轮廓计算肿瘤大小。

    This paper presents a new method, which detects the edge of tumour by adopting mathematical morphology and linear general fuzzy operator.


  • 利用形态学的基本操作提取活体细胞的初始轮廓,运用活动轮廓模型提取准确的细胞轮廓

    The initial contour is extracted by basic morphological operation, and the exact contour is extracted through active contour model.


  • 例如均值滤波过程,数学形态运算中的开启闭合,以及图像轮廓线骨架线提取技术

    They are average value filtering, medium value filtering, math morphologic operations including unlock operation and close operation and how to extracting image's contour line, skeleton, and so on.


  • 形态滤波数字信号处理提供了一种新的非线性滤波方式,它可以有效提取出信号边缘轮廓以及信号的形状特征

    As nonlinear filtering for digital signals processing, morphology filter is able to identify the features of fringe and shape of the signal.


  • 使用PCNN值分割后图像经过标记、特征参数提取形态处理初步获得图像中多糖分子位置初始轮廓

    These images are firstly segmented by PCNN and labeled, and then morphologically processed to extract the approximate locations and contours of polysaccharides.


  • 方法重新组合了基于轮廓结构元素形态各种运算优点,实现了一种改进形态学算子;

    This method realizes a modified morphological transform through regrouping the priorities of several morphological transforms based on contour structuring elements firstly.


  • 提出迭代算法图像分割最佳阈值运用数学形态腐蚀算法实现轮廓提取结合细胞图像边缘精确检测算法,并给出仿真实例。

    A new accurate edge detection method obtaining the best threshold of image segmentation based on iterative arithmetic and abstracting edge by eroded arithmetic of mat.


  • 建筑呈现出一种现代式的几何形态东南角展现出传统屋顶曲线轮廓重要房间提供了美丽独特的室内高度

    The new building has a modern geometry: the south east corner shows the curved profiles of traditional roofing and can offer beautiful ceiling heights for the important rooms.


  • 女装服饰系列产品包括时髦轮廓外形美丽形态设计

    The women's wear range consists of exclusive funky silhouettes and exotic prints in flattering shapes.


  • 我们特殊规律出于我们观点,就旅行家看来,每当出一步,山峰轮廓就要变动一步,虽然绝对只有形态,却有着无其的侧页。

    The particular laws are as our points of view, as, to the traveller, a mountain outline varies with every step, and it has an infinite number of profiles, though absolutely but one form.


  • 结果(1)平扫肿块位于实质内突出轮廓形态边缘规则轮廓清楚16

    Results Plain: renal mass located in or highlight the outline of the kidney, form the edge of the rules, a clear outline of the 16 patients;


  • 基于灰度形态提出一种分辨率遥感图像提取道路网络方法。首先利用灰度形态特征对遥感影像进行分割,进而得到基本的道路网络轮廓

    Based on grey level mathematical morphology, this paper presents a newly developed approach to extract road network from high-resolution remotely sensed image.


  • 基于灰度形态提出一种分辨率遥感图像提取道路网络方法。首先利用灰度形态特征对遥感影像进行分割,进而得到基本的道路网络轮廓

    Based on grey level mathematical morphology, this paper presents a newly developed approach to extract road network from high-resolution remotely sensed image.


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