• 事实上雕塑概念形式层次的边界也得到了突破很多被称为“雕塑”的雕塑已经接近装置

    In fact, sculpture concepts made breakthroughs in form and arrangement, and many called sculptures were close to installations.


  • 硬件工程师从抽象更高层次开始工作使用模拟器其他自动化形式电路测试板进行原料填充

    Hardware engineers started working at higher levels of abstraction and using simulators and other forms of automation to do all the stuff they used to do on breadboards.


  • 对于每一形式需要业务处理层次为其建模

    Each of these would need to be modeled at the business process level.


  • 欧元区维持现状,继续目前形式存在下去。我认为欧洲进入深度衰退而不是短时的、层次衰退。

    I don't believe the euro zone can survive in its current form, and I think Europe is in for a deep recession, not a short shallow one.


  • 角度来看,不同层次上的抽象显得有些过于的形式主义,因为很典型模拟了不同层次的之间存在的现象

    From your point of view these are formalisms that occur at different levels of abstraction, since they typically model phenomena at different levels of granularity.


  • 我们希望那些幸存下来的,繁荣兴盛的形式能把人类文明带上一个更高层次

    Those that survive and flourish should, we hope, raise civilization to a higher level.


  • 信息ReferenceEbdevServlet提供信息同一层次的,但是并不是以表格形式

    This information is the same level of information that is provided in the Reference graph for EbdevServlet, but is in tabular form.


  • 分享 ——绝大多数认为这个形式正是社会想法最高层次,“其实我们正在开始这个过程。”Kelly说。

    SharingWhile most people think of this right now as the top level social ideas, “we’ve just begun this process,” Kelly notes.


  • 另外SchemaServer描述结构性模型用来信息层次结构形式存储交换信息。

    Additionally, SchemaServer describes the structural models used to store and exchange information as a hierarchy of information classes.


  • AtomSyndicationFormat规范term可以采用何种形式并无要求,因此完全可以自由地创建类别层次结构

    The Atom Syndication Format specification is silent on the matter of what the form that a term can take, so nothing stops you from creating a hierarchical structure of categories.


  • 应该这种情况看做工件层次继承性一种形式

    This should be viewed as a form of inheritance at the artifact level.


  • 简单形式中,一步在XML层次向下导航发现一步返回的元素孩子

    In its simplest form, each step navigates downward in an XML hierarchy to find the children of the elements returned by the previous step.


  • 用于完成购买通讯形式包括这个层次但是业务处理层次引入

    The communication mediums used to complete the purchase are not included at this level but are introduced at the business process level.


  • 我们注意大多数层次架构都是团队项目所用层次图表主要形式通常容易众多的代码找出层次架构图的踪迹。

    We noticed that most Layered Architectural diagrams are the main form of high-level diagrams used by teams on a project - and that they are often not easy to find on many codebases.


  • 此外,即使最好情况下,使用图像图标信息表示形式很难植入层次结构思想

    Moreover, it's difficult at best to embed the idea of a hierarchy using images or iconic representations for information.


  • 这种形式问题通常更深层次问题症候

    This kind of issue is usually a symptom of a deeper problem.


  • 对于要层次体系具有不同权限级别用户访问编辑数据某种形式数据库惟一选择

    For data that is accessed and edited by many different users with varying levels of privilege across heterogeneous systems, a database of some kind is the only option.


  • 但是不仅仅自发性没有必要利用形成感受层次个人表达毫无必要的阻碍而且甚至更多的是,形式感情通常打动人。

    But not only is spontaneity no necessary advantage and form no necessary hindrance to deep, personal expression of feeling, but even more, formed affection often strikes deeper.


  • 最后第三层次显现是,不同生产形式之间冲突不同的生产方式在历史上不断地发生冲突。

    Finally, at the third level what comes out, what is made manifest is the tension or clash among modes of production as they jostle each other historically.


  • 为此通常使用业务处理层次上的若干不同形式实现单个层次交易

    In doing so, it is common to realize a single domain level transaction using several different mediums at the business process level.


  • 这种扩展主要原因大型分布式应用程序跟踪时需要提供层次数据表示形式

    This extended use of the execution flow notation is motivated by the need to provide a hierarchy of data representation, which is necessary for large-scale, distributed traces.


  • 第三注释可以任何逻辑形式表示显示转换后结构中的最终层次结构(祖先)。

    In the third column are notes, which you can express in any way logical to you and which show what the hierarchy (ancestry) should end up being in the converted structure.


  • 会将普通的基于字符状态表示形式url转换层次结构对象表示形式(上面介绍文档模型)。

    It transforms the flat, character-based state representation from the URL into a hierarchical object representation (the document model introduced above).


  • 扁平层次结构(Flattened hierarchy):关系数据库形式表示数据

    Flattened hierarchy: Relational databases represent data in the form of tables.


  • 主题字符字符串层次结构某种形式分界通常使用正斜杠),例如stocks/IBM

    A topic is a character string with each level in the hierarchy delimited in some fashion (often by a slash), for example, stocks/IBM.


  • 主体导航页面URL层次结构以下拉列表形式提供的,Portlet显示图标导航

    A tree hierarchy to navigate the child pages and URLs is provided in a dropdown list while portlets are shown as icon navigation in the body.


  • 它们能量形式决定一个能量层次原型,并决定它们与神经-肌肉系统轮,7种光能的关联,进而人类进化的关联。

    Their energy forms define what the archetypes are on an energetic level and their links to the neuromuscular system, the chakras, the 7 Ray types of energy and hence human evolution.


  • 太极拳运动形式变革使运动方式“粗俗”走向“儒雅”,扩大太极拳的传播文化层次习练人群

    The changing form of Taiji made its movement from 'vulgar' to 'scholarly and refined', expanding the cultural level and practicing crowds.


  • 这是一种组织形式,其特征依据劳动分工原则,具有清楚定义层次详细规则规章制度以及非个人关系

    A form of organization characterized by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships.


  • 做为概念之间的联系方式,层次亦被理解为形式范畴

    As a affiliation in concept, hierarchy comprehended form category.


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